Greengenez's Grow

There could also have been contamination of the ChemoIranian s2 project with foreign pollen?
The seed came off my CI , so it has to be at least half.

She was outdoor with a RedCherryBerry ,i hit cherry berry with CS but thought it failed.
But the chemo Iranian indoor CS pollen seemed ok.
How does it taste like drkncherry fruity or minty cream funk?

The CI I sent you doc gruber was from docs 11 pack.
WBW here grew docs cI also.
but greengenze prolly got my S1s, hope shes good an i didn't waist your time.
I seen the bubble Grower grow. (That guy started getting on my nerves over there, a lot of people did, now I just pop in to see whos crying over there)

It is kind of a creamy funk smell. It has 2ltrs for buds (hardly any small).
I would never complain about a free gift, and am glad you let me try it out, thanks Scar.

I'll try and get a pic in here for ya guys.
Well, I let her go about 14wks, and she was still growin'.
She was taking up needed space so I had to give her the axe.

The other seed I have going in flower is at 7wks, and looks, smells, and feels similar to this one (although the budz are not as large).

I had to cut her up a little, to get her out of the rig. I had her weaved in with others good.
Here's the pics I took for you guys.
It smells great, but is very, whispy.