Greenhous Lemon Skunk or DNA Lemon Skunk???


Well-Known Member
applejack sounds good we used to get some high-grade mexican stuff that smelled of apples & i always missed it ill have to check the a/j out, ive got upgrades on the horizon [1000w. & 4x4 e&f tray] some time around x-mas


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it should be a great christmas for you, Ive only been growing indoors for about 2yrs know but I havent tried any sort of hydro quite yet, for now I love having that buffer from the soil but I'll have to bite the bullet sometime and go hydro, much more efficient. I think I might have to go with a bubbleponics set up since Im pretty familiar with an easy design that I could build myself, just basicly a bigger version of my cloner I built from the stinkbuddies design, or I may just stick with soil cause I like getting dirty. About the same time as you, after harvest sometime, Im adding on to my grow room so its more than double its size now and probably be split so I can have a seperate veg/seedling room with a bigger flowering room. I have quite a bit of extra equipment when it comes to bulbs, hoods and ballasts, some I bought new about a year ago, but cool thing is my good friend is tatoo aritst and trades work with local hydro-grow shop who hooks up all kinds of new or barely used gear, Im actually thinking about doing a hps/led combined grow if I can get the led panels in a trade, saw some great results in a buddies led room, totally changed my lack luster opinion of led's to the point I might give them a try, just not on there own. You know anything about cool plasma, or just plasma lights (bulbs), Im trying to find a plasma grow even if their just growing vegetables, supposedly can get more than 5times the amount of useable lumens, cant remember the ratio or how they explained it but check out plasma grow lights, seems like they'll be the next big thing.


Well-Known Member
If you plant outside too early plants will go into an early flower because the daylight hours are not long enough yet; sometimes they never recover, but usually they will reveg when the daylight hours become long enough and become massive, bushy yield mongers... Also, when you plant early- some phenotypes will flower and reach full maturity right in the middle of the summer.

I have been assisting some DNA Lemons & Reserva Privada R.K.S., I found healthy mother-worthies out of the 1st I popped from each strain .. the cuttings are outside; the R.K.S. is of medium height- around 6-7 ft., is weighing itself + support down with skunk-weight & is (emphasis on) freaking skunktacular-pungent. My lemon skunk must be a tall pheno, DNA lists them as "short-medium" in their description but all of the clones are 10 ft.+ & had been planted the same day as the R.K.S.'s; it doesn't have too much of a lemon scent yet but the skunk is there for sure, other than that they are very bright buds, with minimal flower2leaf and is producing even more than the R.K.S. only the Lemons have all held their weight nicely. I even shake/lightly bend the girls to further assist them in in growing strong branches that don't sag like old titties when, all of a sudden, I assist huge nugettry in forming on said branches. It's o.k. though, as mentioned earlier in this thread- Reserva Privada babies make good pipe fodder.


Well-Known Member
I growed a lemonskunk from GHS.
Its a nice bud when it not got bananas like i did. My avatar is a lemonskunk bud. Smell is awesome and taste also.


Well-Known Member
Never grew gh. But grew dna f%&kin bomb. Just order gh version waitin on mailman. Now wish i had went with dna pheno i had cloned easy. Finished fast.but wanted to try gh version...dna lemon is well worth ur time.


Well-Known Member
Lemon skunk is the only thing I'd grow from GHS. Never grew dna's, but my lemon skunk I have now is going nowhere for awhile. She smells like lemon dish soap, gets super frosty.... one of her clones is about to get hit with Chernobyl pollen. IMG2066.jpg IMG2067.jpg <<<@33 days

From days 28 IMG2051.jpg IMG2052.jpg


Well-Known Member
GHS Lemon skunk is some of the best tasting and powerfull herbs I have had in a while, definately not a monster producer but the buds put on weight quite late but are covered in crystals from about 3+ weeks of flower.

Like truepunk87 said, my ghs lemon skunk will be around for many more runs.



Well-Known Member
I thinks its gonna be a unanimous decision, probably was a stupid question in the first place but I still wanted to hear your guy's thoughts, something about the lemon skunk has had me intrigued for awhile and I only got 2 so far that have come with orders from attitude so I want a few more, probably a pack, cause hopefully I can find a good keeper and run it for awhile. I just lost an indoor cycle due to mites and aphids, finally threw in the towel couple weeks ago, only salvaged a few blue dreams that I let finish outside and just got cut the other day, for some reason the bugs didnt like the dream which is great cause its one of my absolute favorites these days, cant get enough of it. Im actually surprised cause I heard it didnt produce much outdoors but I decided to throw 4 out anyways and 3 of them are for sure over 2lbs which in my book is a good plant, especially if its a supposed average yielder outdoors, but Ive heard the opposite about it indoors that it was a monster, but this was my first time with it indoors and it turned out great even with the bug problems, and outdoors for a slightly sativa dominant plant its not gonna have an extended flowering time.
Who ever told you this is tripping... BD is one of heaviest yeilders around


Active Member
I grew a DNA Lemon freebie also a few months ago..i will make these points

-Super stretchy

- Fantastic yeild 80 grams with 250 watt hps and organic nutes ,untopped,untrained

-Quite low odour when growing

- dried buds smell amazing

- Fantastic bag appeal ,shiny with resin lovely orange hairs

It's gonna be hard not to do a redo of this strain ,only complaint is the buzz could last longer and tolerance builds up a bit ,however i only took mine to 56 days ,so maybe another 10 days and it would be a knock out


Well-Known Member
I got some Dna freebies going that are about day 50....straight fire from what i can tell so far man they smell just like a box of lemonheads. Id pull the trigger on the DNA! yield looks suspect so far but i wont know for about two more weeks

conor c

Well-Known Member
Id say greenhouse lemon skunk exo cheese the doctor and a couple others are the only thing they got worth growing out from them there lemon skunk was always pretty decent hopefully its still the same


Well-Known Member
I love the lemon skunk from dna. I kept the best plant and she flowers very quickly too and goes purple. That clone in the above post has been supercropped to fuck over the past weeks since last pic 2 1/2 weeks ago. Here she is now in a 4ft by 4ft tent. A hurricane fane for late flowering. Oscilating fans. Clip on fans. Many points of light in a ring with a 100w 2700k cob in the middle surrounded by 4 120w sanlight v2.1 panels. This plant is 4 days into 12/12.


Feeding her house and garden coco a and b at ec 1.4 - 1.6 every feed. She is in a 20 litre air pot and has the whole place to herself (:

Here's her lights... She is so spoilt :lol:


580w of led so very easy to extract. Got a 5'' rhino fan, power is 420. I run the filter on the outside of the tent and push air through it slowly. Worked a treat and saves me a fuck load of room for my leds. This girl is going to be a big girl. I'm using the lockdown to really focus on my plants. They are getting more care than normal. lol


Well-Known Member
Bit of defoliating to open her up. Already many new tops are getting involved. I will let her stretch more before I scrog her to avoid too much bushy growth building up in the middle of the canopy. Day 6 of 12/12, so she's going to grow like fuck :leaf: I keep raising the net each day. I want lots of tops as this plant produces superb colas. Dense as can be. Like rocks. The buds are quite energising too. Very nice day buds from this plant.



Well-Known Member
I haven't grown a DNA version but I have grown the GHS I had no complaints at all it was a great smoke and this post has made me want to grow it again so I will order again today :cool: I'll see if I can get the DNA version as well and grow together to compare.


Well-Known Member
I haven't grown a DNA version but I have grown the GHS I had no complaints at all it was a great smoke and this post has made me want to grow it again so I will order again today :cool: I'll see if I can get the DNA version as well and grow together to compare.
It's a great strain. Just need to flip it early as it grows so much during the stretch. Got real bag appeal and is just rare bud these days.


Well-Known Member
DNA Lemon Skunk day 14 of 12/12


I'm going to use the scrog net for bud support only. So many tops anyway that there is no point tying her down with a net. Plenty of growing to go yet over the next few weeks.