I thinks its gonna be a unanimous decision, probably was a stupid question in the first place but I still wanted to hear your guy's thoughts, something about the lemon skunk has had me intrigued for awhile and I only got 2 so far that have come with orders from attitude so I want a few more, probably a pack, cause hopefully I can find a good keeper and run it for awhile. I just lost an indoor cycle due to mites and aphids, finally threw in the towel couple weeks ago, only salvaged a few blue dreams that I let finish outside and just got cut the other day, for some reason the bugs didnt like the dream which is great cause its one of my absolute favorites these days, cant get enough of it. Im actually surprised cause I heard it didnt produce much outdoors but I decided to throw 4 out anyways and 3 of them are for sure over 2lbs which in my book is a good plant, especially if its a supposed average yielder outdoors, but Ive heard the opposite about it indoors that it was a monster, but this was my first time with it indoors and it turned out great even with the bug problems, and outdoors for a slightly sativa dominant plant its not gonna have an extended flowering time.