greenhouse during the winter


Active Member
so if you veg indoors until u reach the height ur looking for whatever that my be could u put them outdoor in a greenhouse to flower starting in nov? i have heaters to keep it warm at night and it doesnt freeze very often here. the only thing im worried about is the sun coming out to give enough light to keep them goin. has anyone had any luck trying this or is this a waste of time?


Active Member
This is what I do to finish my current grow. But where im at the sun just isnt the same as it is in the summer months. Fall is mostly heavy overcast and rain. Not good.


Active Member
it can be over cast but the sun does shine here more often than not. is there anybody who has tried to do this?


Active Member
I would try it if you have aplant or 2 to spare. If it turns out well then you'll know for next winter.


Well-Known Member
I tried last year in my greenhouse,!

Good buds never formed. Lots of frosty leaves, no buds. I made hash out of it all.



Active Member
I tried last year in my greenhouse,!

Good buds never formed. Lots of frosty leaves, no buds. I made hash out of it all.

u r making me sad jj lol. about what month/day did u put them in the ground? im prob goin to put them out in a week or so just lettin them get a bit bigger. i have everything else ready but the plastic to cover the greenhouse which ill prob get this week. the only thing im worried about is the light on the over cast days. i have 4 propane heaters and a 5500 watt gen to run some fans. any ideas u can help me with that u might of learned from ur last 1? thx and ill be waitin for ur next grow its always fun to watch someone who knows what they r doing


Well-Known Member
Good luck bro, hope you have better luck than I did.

I put thm out end of October last year. They were vegged indoors to 4' tall.

I didn't have any heat though, you should have a better chance



Active Member
Good luck bro, hope you have better luck than I did.

I put thm out end of October last year. They were vegged indoors to 4' tall.

I didn't have any heat though, you should have a better chance

ill keep u posted if u want to see how it turns out. here are a few pics of the blue dream that will be goin out in the greenhouse soon.


Active Member
Don't expect dense buds unless you have HPS lighting in there.
i have a hps in my room lol. this is goin to be more of an experiment to see what happens. i have a lot of clones/plants so im goin to put some out in the greenhouse and also finish some indoor(which will be my 1st time tryin also) so i should have something for the winter months


Well-Known Member
i have a hps in my room lol. this is goin to be more of an experiment to see what happens. i have a lot of clones/plants so im goin to put some out in the greenhouse and also finish some indoor(which will be my 1st time tryin also) so i should have something for the winter months
I meant HPS lighting in your greenhouse. It's not required, but it will sure make a difference in the winter months.


Active Member
no i dont have any hps lighting in there i think i would need a few lights my greenhouse its 100 ft long(i also farm other veggies through out the year) but i dont use it til after feb so thats why i thought i would give this a try


Well-Known Member
Do you like hash? The stuff I grew last winter in my greenhouse made the best hash ever!



Active Member
Do you like hash? The stuff I grew last winter in my greenhouse made the best hash ever!

i never tried to make hash. i would give it to u. u have the perfect setup for that. ill keep u posted how this grow goes. i hope everything goes good but u never know im sure there will be a lot things that can go wrong. its to bad they were not out there right now the weather has been perfect 85 and sunny all day im sure that will change once i put them out i have bad luck on things like this lol


Well-Known Member
I would definitly try to get a couple hps lights on movers in there for supplemental light. That's the only way your going to get good thick buds.


Active Member
I wish you good luck as I am in the same boat as you. Im gonna give the winter greenhouse a shot. Keep us posted as you progress and ill share my results with you as well. Happy growing!!!