Greenhouse Exhaust Fan Recommendation


Well-Known Member
I need 2 greenhouse exhaust fans rated for .1 static pressure. Either 2 9000cfm or 2 10,000 cfm fans. I need at least 2 speeds or variable speed, but what I REALLY need is an experienced folk to recommend a good brand, and possibly company to order from.

I don't wanna spend more than I need to but I DO need quality. I want a couple fans I can install in my endwalls and count on to run through 110+ F days, year after year.

Any recommendations? I can find hundreds of bad reviews of exhaust fan brands.. can't seem to find the good brand though. What is the VORTEX (high end), the CAN (high-mid), and the Active Air (mid) of greenhouse exhaust fans?

In case you are curious.. this is a 20'x60' green house. 7.5' high side walls with 12' high center. Using water walls (pad and fan cooling) on one end wall and the 2 exhaust fans on the other end wall. I'll be growing mostly tropicals, veggies, and a little personal MJ, probably. Will be incorporating some aquaponics and harvesting mulm from aquaponic tanks. I've seen some KILLER growth from MJ plants fed with mulm and watered with Aqua P water.

If an extra couple grand falls out of the sky in the next few months I'll up the 60' to about 76'. I'm keeping the 20' width as the pad and fan system is most efficient with longer greenhouses, max efficiency at 100'. So keeping it as narrow as I can (20' is as narrow as i wanna go) I can afford more length, with a more efficient system.
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Damn.. no one has a greenhouse with an exhaust fan? Even a recommendation on what NOT to get what be good. Say you have one and have had nothing but problems.. lemme know. :blsmoke:
I have decided to go with Acme Horticulture Fans. A nice rep out of Muskogee, OK is going to help me get the right pieces of equipment for the job.

Thanks for NOTHING, RIU!


JK, ya'll are good stuff. I know most of ya'll are indoor and under the sky growers.