Greenhouse Hawaiian Snow


Active Member
Yo I was wondering if anyone has grow that strain, and has pics of a mature plant? How long is the flower period, is it worth growing.
I grew hawian snow before.That plant gets tall when u flower.So if you r growing indoors start flowering after 2 weeks of veg.Also i reccomend putting them in 7 gallons or more because mine was rootbound in a 5 gallon bucket so i lost out on some yeild.The smoke is really how they describe it.Something thats sneaks up on you kinda made me feel so high i thought i was drunk.lmao


Well-Known Member
i have grown some in the past and currently have 3 in 20 gal drums,,,,oh yeah :) they are the finest specimen i have ever grown,, tall like rediculous, but that can easily be fixed by topping the plant when it gets too tall , when it gets topped it grows bushy as hell,, i left one with the top and its now 11' tall im not fucking lying , well the drum is 3' so the plant is 8'
the leaves arealmost all perfect slim and sharp,, really looks exotic,,, when my buddy's see them they always compliment on the look of this strain


Active Member
I've got a Greenhouse female going right now. Went 12/12 at 5 1/2 weeks. She's in pre-flowering and stretching like crazy. I just hope I've got enough room vertically. About the high... I'm hoping for a real tall head high... not a stone. Any experiences from anyone?


Active Member
yeah my next grow i was going for them
sept im going 4 the greenhouse coloured seeds
mixed varities so ill have a couple them and loads of others


Well-Known Member
im growing it right now ... and its getting talllllllll !!

I was wondering when the budding pahse starts to explode ?


Well-Known Member
I started this HS april indoors under a 250 hps. moved it outdoor mid june. it did not begin to flower until sept. last week i found budworms. i treated them with BT and it seems to be under control. i would like to let it go until end of oct. will see.

