greenhouse seed co. = 25% hermaphrodites


Active Member
What is happen with "Greenhouse seed co."
I grow 8 "female" White widow plants and 2 of them are herms.
I read other forums and many people have the same problem with seeds from this company.In their site they say: "100% hermaphrodites free" , but the truth is :free - 25% hermaphrodites
Can you tell me some seed company I can trust?
Correction I just ucover another 2 hermaphrodites
This is mean 50% but it is possible to be more

I recently completed my second grow using Greenhouse seeds and have never had a hermie. On both occasions I successfully germinated 10 female seeds (every seed germinated) and grew all 10 out to completion with excellent results. In fact, in all my years growing Cannabis, I've only encountered one hermaphrodite and that was from a random seed I found in a bag of beasters. Genetics are not the only factor in producing a hermaphrodite. More often than not, they are the result of putting the plant through undue stress. I'm not saying you did anything wrong, or stressed your plants. I'm just saying that there are other factors to consider besides genetics.

Greenhouse is one of the leading seed breeders in the world and they have an excellent reputation for producing consistant, high-quality seeds. If the seeds you bought were feminized (all female), the chances of a hermaphrodite being cause by genetics are even lower than if you bought normal, non-feminized seeds. The reason is that the female seeds they sell are created by taking a stable female plant and exposing it to gibberellic acid, a plant hormone that forces an otherwise stable female to produce male flowers. Since the plant used to create these "feminized" seeds is a stable 100% female specimen, the seeds produced by the pollination of its own flowers contains only female DNA.

Another thing to consider is that different strains have varying stress thresholds, meaning that some strains are easier to stress into becoming a hermaphrodite than others. You may have selected strains that have a low stress threshold and were affected by mild stress that might not have impacted other, more hearty strains.
i have to agree that some strains are easier to stress into becoming hermaphrodites than others. feminized or not. unfortunately i havent heard many good things other than this thread about greenhouse seeds. ive never personally bought from them because of the many poor reports that ive came across thus far. im not one for taking chances on too many different seed companies/genetics. peace.
i say,"why spend the extra cash"?unless you only have room for one plant at a time,i think if there is a chance for hermi any way buy more seeds with the extra cash.jmo
I recently completed my second grow using Greenhouse seeds and have never had a hermie. On both occasions I successfully germinated 10 female seeds (every seed germinated) and grew all 10 out to completion with excellent results. In fact, in all my years growing Cannabis, I've only encountered one hermaphrodite and that was from a random seed I found in a bag of beasters. Genetics are not the only factor in producing a hermaphrodite. More often than not, they are the result of putting the plant through undue stress. I'm not saying you did anything wrong, or stressed your plants. I'm just saying that there are other factors to consider besides genetics.

Greenhouse is one of the leading seed breeders in the world and they have an excellent reputation for producing consistant, high-quality seeds. If the seeds you bought were feminized (all female), the chances of a hermaphrodite being cause by genetics are even lower than if you bought normal, non-feminized seeds. The reason is that the female seeds they sell are created by taking a stable female plant and exposing it to gibberellic acid, a plant hormone that forces an otherwise stable female to produce male flowers. Since the plant used to create these "feminized" seeds is a stable 100% female specimen, the seeds produced by the pollination of its own flowers contains only female DNA.

Another thing to consider is that different strains have varying stress thresholds, meaning that some strains are easier to stress into becoming a hermaphrodite than others. You may have selected strains that have a low stress threshold and were affected by mild stress that might not have impacted other, more hearty strains.
I don't belive that stress can change female plant to hermaphrodite.I think that this is comfort excuse from seeds companies.rolla8 you know that if you grow only female plants without male they will produce female and herm seeds.That's happened I think.Maybe theirs polinator braked down =) I don't know.I read other forums and people have such problem with GHSC and especially with their white strains. If you buy again from GHSC don't take risk with indica strains until they repair their polinator =)

I don't belive that stress can change female plant to hermaphrodite.I think that this is comfort excuse from seeds companies.rolla8 you know that if you grow only female plants without male they will produce female and herm seeds.That's happened I think.Maybe theirs polinator braked down =) I don't know.I read other forums and people have such problem with GHSC and especially with their white strains. If you buy again from GHSC don't take risk with indica strains until they repair their polinator

I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Stress absolutely can cause a female plant to become a hermaphrodite. It's a fact, not something open to opinion or belief. The creation of hermaphroditic flowers in response to stress is a survival tactic for the plant. In stressful environments in nature, the probability of natural pollination between a male and female plant is decreased. As a survival response, the female plant produces hermaphroditic flowers to ensure continuing propagation.

Also, you've got the wrong idea about how Greenhouse goes about creating seeds. I've been to their facility in Holland and can tell you first-hand that they pollinate their females by hand in environmentally controlled clean-rooms. They do not use a "pollinator" or any other such machine to pollinate and create seed stocks.

As I said, certain strains are more sensitive to stress and are therefore more likely to create hermaphroditic flowers because of that. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that their "white" strains are more susceptible to this stress. Take into account that all their "white" strains share a common lineage, so it would be expected that if that particular ancestral strain was more sensitive to stress, then some if not all of the subsequent strains created from it would be sensitive to it as well.
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Stress absolutely can cause a female plant to become a hermaphrodite. It's a fact, not something open to opinion or belief. The creation of hermaphroditic flowers in response to stress is a survival tactic for the plant. In stressful environments in nature, the probability of natural pollination between a male and female plant is decreased. As a survival response, the female plant produces hermaphroditic flowers to ensure continuing propagation.

Also, you've got the wrong idea about how Greenhouse goes about creating seeds. I've been to their facility in Holland and can tell you first-hand that they pollinate their females by hand in environmentally controlled clean-rooms. They do not use a "pollinator" or any other such machine to pollinate and create seed stocks.

As I said, certain strains are more sensitive to stress and are therefore more likely to create hermaphroditic flowers because of that. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that their "white" strains are more susceptible to this stress. Take into account that all their "white" strains share a common lineage, so it would be expected that if that particular ancestral strain was more sensitive to stress, then some if not all of the subsequent strains created from it would be sensitive to it as well.
OK not "polinator" this is Pollen-Shooting Machine (PSM) - this is what they use.If you don't belive me see their website or go again to their facility in Holland.My plans is not stressed man.From 3 years they never being.I see your palnts and I realy hope to not having my problems.
I've had excellent luck with Dutch Passion Fems ( I got 3 DP brainstorm fems vegging right now)and I just got some Sensi Seeds Super Skunk Fems in the mail a couple days ago, I'll let ya know how it goes with those. Myself and a couple good buddies have done more than a few feminized grows now and we've never seen a hermie before. I was starting to think they were a myth or urban legend until I joined a couple forums and heard people talking about them. Dutch Passion Blueberry fems are badass.
Oh they exist. If you have good genetics and you treat your plants well, they shouldn't make an appearance very often. I haven't used Dutch Passion seeds yet, but I'm quite familiar with the Sensi Seeds line. Everything I've gotten from the Sensi Seeds Bank has been nothing short of phenomenal. I grew their "Black Domina" strain a few years back and it was probably the most enjoyable and satisfying grow I ever did. Superb genetics, consistent phenotype, enormous sticky buds, and a high that knocked me on my ass :-D I may actually grow that strain again for my next harvest because it was so awesome. If you get the chance, I highly recommend growing a nice crop of them. Let me know how the Brainstorms work out.