Greenhouse seeds Big Bang Grow done!


Active Member
The big bang I started to veg look great . Short phenos with big fat dark green leaves. When looking to choose one or two particular mothers to clone, it proves difficult. All 5 females are of excellent genetics. Surely it is a good strain or my aeroponics set just kicks that much ass..I thank you all for the report I am really looking forward to veggin these girls pretty big before I flower them...but yeah . The smell people are mentioning in this post is true, even in veg under mh lights, they're getting noticable now....I'm at 3 weeks veg. And I got the girls top for four colas each.


Active Member
The big bang I started to veg look great . Short phenos with big fat dark green leaves. When looking to choose one or two particular mothers to clone, it proves difficult. All 5 females are of excellent genetics. Surely it is a good strain or my aeroponics set just kicks that much ass..I thank you all for the report I am really looking forward to veggin these girls pretty big before I flower them...but yeah . The smell people are mentioning in this post is true, even in veg under mh lights, they're getting noticable now....I'm at 3 weeks veg. And I got the girls top for four colas each.
Great to see a couple members currently growing Big Bang. Grow4Joe and myself have some going at the moment (he's halfway through flowering & I just started). Nice grow and smoke report! Looking forward to it. :bigjoint:



Active Member
Well i just read one thread about GHS Big Bang being bad seeds/seed co. so seen as how i got my Big Bang fem in the post today you can imagine the relief for reading your post, thanks for puttin my mind at rest OP...

They goin into germ tomorrow hopefully, also veggin under 2 x 125 cfl's then flower under 1 400w hps.

Quick Q. how many ladies could i grow with said lighting in a room with 2'9" x 3'7" x 6'2" dimensions.



Well-Known Member
check my grow, got 3 big bangs flowering... So stoked to get some massive colas... They are super skimpy now, at 3 weeks flowering.. Compared to my purple wreck the big bang buds look like shit... Hopefully they take off soon!


Active Member
I'm just about to harvest two BB's and if the early sample I smoked was anything to go by the high is fantastic and very nice old time body stone yet not couchlocky. I had a permagrin and giggles like I haven't had in years from any other strain I've smoked. I think my phenotype might have had a nice amount of CBD in it to give that effect. I can see why it's considered medicinal, not because it's insanely powerful but because it's very body numbing yet not couch locking. I felt very good, feeling no pain kind of effect yet fully able to deal with stuff.

Weird because it should be Sativa effect dominant.


Well-Known Member
big bang is a beautiful plant, very stable all very uniform and yield aint bad either ! smell them apples at that certain time in bloom!
lovely jubbly ! cant go wrong with it i even grabbed some more beans for future and i ent done that with anything else due to too many phenos in each pack of everything else ive grew out ! some seeds are like 1 good pheno per 10 or 20 pack and thats why i think there are so many bad reports of some strainsdue to peeps buying in pick n mix and thinking all seeds of the same name are identical !
bubblecheese being one of the hard to find good phenos (my opinion) popped 20 and got 2 keepers.
i had the pleasure of growing "big bang" teh last couple of years in different set ups, aeroponics, DWC, and soil / soiless containers. i must say it is unique in it's regard to thrive amazingly in all types of grows. outdoors , of course, put off the biggest yield and in 20 gallon containers i easily took 8 oz. a piece dried , i got them super bushy and maybe 5 feet tall. the plants stink like a champ and it's okay if youre outdoors or using ona gel or something comparable. they do like super cropping and fimming techniques, not too much resin but definately sticky trichs.

it clones super easy with about 5 days average, none took longer than 7 days in rockwool cubes. i made a strange decision to clone a mother plant that put off only 3 finger fan leaves. out of the set i had going, the 3 finger girl was witht he best genetics( except for the strange looking leaves) so i kept her and i get asked alot.." what the hell is up with that big bang?" im okay with what works best!

the smoke is expansive and fuely on the going out..bongs are a must here and the stone is super fast and hits pretty good. the stone is more mellow and not funny like Lemon skunk or trippy like strong hazes, not too stoney like afghans.. but a social smoke for sure. do cure the nugs maybe 2-3 weeks and it's right on< id recommend it to others . sticky and lovely<


Active Member
Hey jimdandy,

I suffer from similar body problems and have some Big Bang drying as we speak. Sounds like a good choice for pain and sleep mangagement. I'm excited! Thanks for the great report on some good medicine.


Active Member
Did the final harvest a week ago and tested a bit of it today after initial drying and I get a really lemony taste and smell where another one has a really musty kind of taste and smell and isn't as strong. The lemon is really strong though in my keeper.

What phenotypes are common for Big Bang that people should look for?

Also I should add that I really agree with deviouslikeyou2; It *is* really easy to clone and the clones seem very healthy and vigorous. And as mentioned earlier the high is fantastic and very comfortable. The perfect after a hard day of work kick back and relax toke, kinda like a gin martini with a lemon twist.