Greenhouse Seeds WHITE RHINO vs. Nirvana WHITE RHINO


Active Member
To growers and fellow tokers:

I'm deciding between Nirvana's and Greenhouse Seed's WHITE RHINO.

Let me know of your experiences with growing and smoking both.

Which grows better? Which high is better?

I'm planning to get the seeds very soon, so any help would be much appreciated!

get mr. nice seeds medicine man... this is the original white rhino and is quality heads and tails above the rest.. havent grown ant as of yet got the nirvana version going now , but my mates medicine man was easy for him to grow and produced well, and the smoke was sit you down and think about it....
i have just finished a grow with greenhouse wr. very easy to grow, quite lemony/pungent smelling , grew no more than 2 feet, high yeilding ( 65 grammes, 1 plant, under a 250w warm white envirolite and 2 2700k 22w cfls, have yet to smoke any yet as it is still curing, but you just know its going to ueber weed..... will let you know!!!
I agree w. vapir- Mr. Nice's Medicine Man is GREAT.......... very popular in my area when it's around.
i have just finished a grow with greenhouse wr. very easy to grow, quite lemony/pungent smelling , grew no more than 2 feet, high yeilding ( 65 grammes, 1 plant, under a 250w warm white envirolite and 2 2700k 22w cfls, have yet to smoke any yet as it is still curing, but you just know its going to ueber weed..... will let you know!!!

now thats a nice yield off one plant! :bigjoint:what size pot did you use??
anyone know wts up with Mr Nice? nowhere seems to be restoking any of shantibabas strains.. anyone know some seedsbanks that still have some? esp. any G13 crosses
The kings of cannabis vs. Cheap Imitator like to hear some actual customer reviews, heard both good and bad from both, but there are much better up to date strains out there like rhinowreck tranwreck, {the real one not the green house imitation} crossed with White Rhino socal clone only though, good luck with your selection
I have 4 white rhino seeds in a bubble ponics system I'll let u know how they turn out in a few months haha. I keep a very detailed journal on how they are growing so check it out if ya want. Hope yours turn out great! -Mia
I have one that is growing well under 400w HPS. I have about 4 weeks to go.

I have .05 grams of my White Rhino left- it is the beez neez. Don't have time for a proper report, but this was VERY easy to grow-- NO problems, good yield, quick finishing... and it is a strong, psychedelic, wavy (as in ocean waves of pleasure) narcotic high. I always try the "cheap stuff" first- more often than not the more expensive stuff is overpriced. If the cheap Nirvana strains stop hitting it for me I'll shell out for "luxury" seeds... but if it ain't broke...
The kings of cannabis vs. Cheap Imitator like to hear some actual customer reviews, heard both good and bad from both, but there are much better up to date strains out there like rhinowreck tranwreck, {the real one not the green house imitation} crossed with White Rhino socal clone only though, good luck with your selection
the only thing greenhouse is king of is advertisement, and buying cannabis cups.
I grew some Nirvana WR a few months back. Ended up with a few oz's that lasted me awhile. Was on par with 100-120$ a 1/4 that you get around my area (shwag is usually 30-40). I've had better, but can't really complain. A friend of mine said he didn't like it cause it was actually too strong for him. *shrug* maybe it just wasn't his type of high? The bad thing is, I had a couple of plants and there was a good bit of variance. :/
I grew GH WR and they were tempermental little bitches. Some of the smallest plants I have ever grown, with the most problems. That is one strain I will never grow again (from GH). I have their Big bang and can't wait to see if that strain of theirs sucks as well.
yeah i cant stand the greenhouse, so true about arjan loving himself and them buying the cup. some american tourists go to amsterdam and vote for whatever strain the greenhouse is promoting because they get a couple of freebies. such bs. some nice seeds but no better than anywhere else.
I got a pack of the GH and Nirvana White Rhino. I only planted 3 seeds of each, not during the same cycle, and got one female GH and two from Nirvana. Thats not really a fair comparison, and it wasn't side by side. That said the GH did have the edge in my view. But I was really happy with the Nirvana and will grow it again. Maybe do a side by side if I can next time. So many strains so little time. I MUST try the medicine man now that I've been educated.