Greenhouse Vs. Indoor Grow Room?

tripp hxc

Well-Known Member
If you had the option to choose, a 10x10 greenhouse or a 10x10 indoor grow room, which would you go with and why?

I'm trying to learn the pros and cons of both, but can't seem to find much on this subject.

I will be dedicating a 10x10 space in the guesthouse for a grow area I am building.

Location is Northeast
If you have the options eventually you'll have both. I like the quality of my indoor better but that's because outdoors I don't live in the right climate. I still get some great outdoor even growing in a hot dry environment. Outdoor is very little money invested for me and I use all of it for extractions.
Greenhouse you can harvest every two months. The quality can’t compare to indoor tho. I would do both. And use outdoor for edibles and wax.
Two cents from a near newbie, but I think experience level doesn't really matter with what the Op asked. I'd go with both as well. I live in the PNW so having a well constructed hoop or green house here is almost mandatory, fall rains come in without warning and have the potential to destroy a grow in minutes. A good hoop house is easy and relatively cheap to construct, it also makes for a great place to have morning coffee when the weather is nasty out. I purchased two large fans for air movement during flower and additional black plastic to help with light leaks. Growing indoors is great year round if you are willing to spend the money to get things set-up proper like. I grew in a 4 x 4 tent and spent way more than I should have but in the end it was sooo worth it. Someday I hope to have a actual greenhouse and grow room but till then I'll take what I can afford. Enjoy the grow!

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I do a combination of both. Indoors most of the year and a few plants outdoors during the summer when I shut the indoor flower tent down for a couple months. I put them in the greenhouse when the weather starts getting bad and finish flowering inside if I need to. Last year sucked in the PNW and I was fortunate to have the greenhouse so my plants didn't get drenched by the monsoon rains we had. It was a bad year for budrot.

Had some yellowing going on. Plants were in 3 gallon pots of soil and were only fed a couple times all summer. Most watering's were straight from the hose. Still ended up with a decent yield of bud.

I’m working on a shitty diy greenhouse of the side of my shitty shed. Faces the north here in Oklahoma so I’ll get plenty of sun, but it gets really hot here so I’ll try to use it for shade, too. Maybe 1/2 each.
Cost? Handmade greenhouse with plastic panels, maybe 6-800 bucks, pre made, several thousand. Indoor 10x10 3k to infinity it entirely depends on what you want from it, if you have the skills and tools building your own green house is most cost effective if you’re a casual smoker the harvest should be enough for a year or more in a greenhouse
Yeah mine will cost me maybe 300 total it’s roughly 8’x7’. Home Depot sucks it should be cheaper lol
I use 4’x3.5’ pallets from work, same for the shed using 6 for the subfloor, maybe 12 more for walls? Those were all free but you can buy them for $2-3 or get em free if you know people with access. I work in food delivery/vendor service.
Yeah mine will cost me maybe 300 total it’s roughly 8’x7’. Home Depot sucks it should be cheaper lol
I use 4’x3.5’ pallets from work, same for the shed using 6 for the subfloor, maybe 12 more for walls? Those were all free but you can buy them for $2-3 or get em free if you know people with access. I work in food delivery/vendor service.
Plants flower and finish facing the south wall of a greenhouse because the sun is in the southern hemisphere while your plants are budding