Greenhouse Vs. No Greenhouse Plz help me decide


Active Member
Hey guys I just need some help deciding what I want to do for my medical 2013 cannabis grow
If I do the greenhouse I'll do a carport greenhouse like I've seen on here
What do you guys think is better?
Because its available to me I might take it up but im not sure if its a good idea or not , please help me decide!
I dont want to deal with pests or my cats eating them up
Also have kids in on the block


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse growing is great. i'd recommend it. you can extend grow season for a few weeks at the beggining and end of season, so probably~2 months added grow time, and you can also prevent your plants better from being infested by pests, ruined by weather or other things. also lowers the risk of being caught a lil bit cause its hard to see what type of plant is in there. The thing about greenhouse growing is you get the benefit of the sun's energy, while having plants indoors. if you do go greenhouse, get 6-10mm double wall poly sheets & get the best insulation and durability possible


Active Member
I was thinking carport greenhouse but I need to know some type of blue prints?? what kind of plastic covering do i wrap it with? how should I make the frame ???
I have seen your carport greenhouse thread many times I thought it was awesome. ive been a long time lurker on these threads wasnt mmj certified up until 2013 so I havent had the oppurtunity to post on these threads very much yet. I have a few pretty beasty looking clones going right now in my closet and im thinking about throwing a 2 1\2 tall 1000 watt vegged clone out in march is this a good idea if I want to grow a beast?

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Go to Johnnys Selected Seeds website. They have baddass do it yourself greenhouse kits, or just the plastic you asked about as well.


Active Member
i cant find they're do it yourself greenhouse kits but I found the film and it was like 150$ bucks dude that seems way out of wack i feel like plastic is alot cheaper then that for a roll but other then that it seems like a cool gardening site I want to start a salsa garden for my mom as well so I might just fuck with some of there peppers they got on there. seems legit but maybe not exactly what im lookin for


Well-Known Member
Easiest thing to do is hit up Craiglist for your area and see if you can find a used carport. If you can't they can be had from Sears, Costco, Walmart, and other stores for anywhere from $199 up. I found mine for $25 I think. LOL As far as the plastic goes you can use 6mil poly sheeting. It can be found at Walmart as well if you want to go that route.

I wouldn't throw anything out there until late May early June (depending on your area) unless you use supplemental lighting for fear of early budding. Now you can let it bud early and reveg it but that is another thread in itself. :)


Well-Known Member
you think a CPGH would withstand winds like 25-30 mph?
have any idea when it would stop being a greenhouse and become a kite?
also what about on a hill? i have wanted one for a few years now.. but ..not sure if it would work for me..


Well-Known Member
My greenhouse took 45 MPH winds last season without any issues. Just got to anchor it the best that you can. I am in a neighborhood so the winds don't have the open space to do that much damage. On a hill would be interesting for sure.


Active Member
With a green house and a heating mat I was able to put my plants out the end of Nov. they are already a foot tall with a little extra light nothing more then 40 watts to keep them from flowering.