Greenhouse vs Raised Bed vs Large Hole


Well-Known Member
Will do man. I am not sure that i can roll through Monday as I will be pressed for time but I will hit you up anyways. :)
Okay hopefully you can pass through. Shoulod have some pics up soon of the serpentine layering I used garden staples to keep it in the dirt and let the branches just stick up. Keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Just looked at my schedule and I won't be able to roll though. Heading to a funeral and need to get to SJ before traffic hits. Can't leave any earlier as I will be going straight from work. I will also have the wife and kid in tow. :( I think I will be heading out that way again around the 1st weekend in June. :)


Well-Known Member
Just looked at my schedule and I won't be able to roll though. Heading to a funeral and need to get to SJ before traffic hits. Can't leave any earlier as I will be going straight from work. I will also have the wife and kid in tow. :( I think I will be heading out that way again around the 1st weekend in June. :)
Okay hope to see you then you know you got two strikes now right. Hopefully will have some pics up tomorrow. Will be looking for some more clones also tomorrow. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
LOL I know man! Sorry about that.
Its all good. Looks like the grow has just expanded my middle son went and got his card today. So now I have to figure out what I'm going to grow for him and me. More green crack that will be the ticket. The plant that is doing the serpentine layering is looking great can't wait until it really takes off. I will start taking pics so all can see the growth from the beginning. I have to put more soil down then she will be read for her day view. keepem green dirrtyd


Active Member
a lil bit off you and your son sit and share a joint?

i really wish i could do this with my father..


Well-Known Member
a lil bit off you and your son sit and share a joint?

i really wish i could do this with my father..
Yes I have four children 34,32,30,20 the three oldest smoke and the youngest hates it. He will help with the grow but he doesnt like smoking. When they come over we indulge plus this way they dont have to buy from someone on the street. They can come get what they want from me. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Well went clone hunting today and came up with a Green Crack and a Space Queen. The green crack is going to go straight into the large hole inside the greenhouse. Still looking for a couple Blue Dreams then I should be able to grow some monsters. The smaller Og/blueberry is already going back into Veg. It is looking real green cant wai to see it finish. The serpentine layering is looking nice the garden staples is holding it in place. The roots should be forming real soon then I will remove the staples. This plant will definitely need some type of staking in August. Keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Well its is very gloomy right now outside in the Bay no sun yet only clouds. I will take and post pics when I catch the sun bathing on the gurls later.Hope everyone is moving along on their grow plans for this summer. I will be popping some blueberry seeds that I made last year so this should prove interesting the smoke was good. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
I may have something for you when I head out that way.. More details to come via PM after I hammer down some details Friday.


Well-Known Member
I may have something for you when I head out that way.. More details to come via PM after I hammer down some details Friday.
Sounds good cant wait to see you and make things happen. Well the sun still isn't out yet hopefully soon then I will post some pics of the gurls I got going for now. Still have a few holes to fill since my son got a script. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
As promised the pics I will ID them later. The first two are the serpentine layering with a Allen Wrench clone. The second two pics are a space Queen clone. The next pic is of a Allen wrench finishing. the following two pics are of my creation A OG/DJ short blueberry that is revegging I will call her Bin laden she in a raised bed. The pic in the cage is a JTR from seed. Then some of my vegetables also a pic of an unknown clone. Comments and questions welcomed. keepem green dirrtyd



Well-Known Member
Very cool. Can't wait to see what they look like in a month!
I cant wait either hopefully the growth will be impressive. I dont think they will take off until the roots hit my supersoil. Well I will take pics every two weeks too monitor the growth and the progress. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Well I got better news last night my daughter is going to get her script. So I will do a bunch of specialty container plants for her going to do a two week cook on the soil starting today. I will be looking for fruity smelling strains for her. Any suggestions? keepem green dirrtyd


Active Member
Okay calling all Bay area growers help my identify some fruity plants for my daughter. thanks dirrtyd
Dirrtyd, there's a guy in Benicia selling clones for 8$ all the way on the bottom of his ad. I would love to grow it but my grow site aint for end of Oct strains.




Well-Known Member
Dirrtyd, there's a guy in Benicia selling clones for 8$ all the way on the bottom of his ad. I would love to grow it but my grow site aint for end of Oct strains.


The end of October I want to be done trimming. Ready to start jarring things up. If you hear of an early finishing fruity strain let me know. Maybe I will have to throw up another Greenhouse. I defintely need some early finishing strains to blend in. thanks dirrtyd