Greenleaf Medicinal product recall


Well-Known Member
So we now have our first LP product recall on the books.
Anyone have any details on this?
If product has to be tested prior to shipping, what constitutes a product recall?
So we now have our first LP product recall on the books.
Anyone have any details on this?
If product has to be tested prior to shipping, what constitutes a product recall?
they were shut down due to a HC inspection some thing to due with production methods. they are now working with other LP's trying to get new product for their patients. what a joke they all are sure glad I kept all my pink papers.
What a debacle. Bet they are happy with HC. I personally think all this wearing masks and acting like they're doing surgery is a bit much.
Fuck the stuff will grow in an open field in a mound of shit. And nobody grows a third eye from that !
I'm not even a doctor and I can grow it. lol
Are all the gowns and masks just suggestive marketing ? Or are they just appeasing sick folks that they are really buying factory made sterile medicine.
Just my opinion.
they should at least let their customers know what they may have ingested / vaped/smoked
and leaffan is right... if they already tested it then why a product recall...?
was it shipped in the same container as transformer oil???(just guessing)
In my 51 years,( 35+ years of using pot) I have never come across weed that is too dangerous to smoke. I too would like to know the reasons. They chose not to do inspections on gardens for ten years, yet they are now such experts in growing and quality control that they can deny someone medicine due to the way it was grown? It does compliment our position in the SC case though...I don't trust anyone to care enough about my health to provide quality medicine if it affects their profits. F*ck HC, F*ck Adolph Harptler, just grow!

Tilray the American Company is Greenleaf, how do you think they got all this product all ready to go. This is a big Scam to lure you all in at 5 bucks a gram when other LP's are charging 13 per gram.
Did nobody notice their addresses Green Leaf Medicinals Ltd. ... PO box 55028, Southgate Mall
Toll Free 844-TILRAY1. Location Tilray/Lafitte ... PO BOX 55029 Southgate Mall

I saw these yesterday, and today on Tilray site they changed there address now.

Is it normal for two LP's to pick up their mail right next to each other???

This is the old strategy, get peoples information and lock them in for there ATP, then disappear and a new bigger better Company shows up out of no where with all great strains at higher prices. I wonder if they will transfer over all the patients too.

Pretty disappointing that the only LP company allowed on the Island is an American Company when there are sooo Many good Canadian growers here.
Good eye! Noticed the same thing about Tilray but also, the fact that they are offering the same bud and in the same order of release, almost. Had me quite convinced they were one in the same. Now, (today) Greenleaf is answering their pone with a message that doesn't indicate they have been shut down. Also just ran across this regarding Greenleaf so there is still hope for those who went that route. like me...shit! Have a quick peek....

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does not look like they are making any new customers here.
and thank you for the heads up....islandmadness
If you must sign with a LP. After you do.
Then buy your own weed off of friends and fill your container. I know its cheaper and as for quality. I'm sure its better just by what's been seen.
truthfully ...even if my prescription was outdated...
who says how long you can keep a prescription and who says you can't have meds years after the fact and still use them every now and then????

It's kinda hilarious how simple they are making it for some..
unless you get your script renewed every year, I would imagine once that year is up and you never renewed through your doctor, that bottle of meds would turn illegal. of course unlike a prescription pill that apparently is good for life. hahaha love that double standard
American company........OUTRAGE EXPRESSED HERE !!!
This whole thing gets more fucked up by the day.
And now the way some folks are struggling to find the meds they want is almost criminal.
Speaking of criminals why not toss Prefect Adolph harper in the can.
He is an enemy of decent Canadians imo :clap:

Tilray the American Company is Greenleaf, how do you think they got all this product all ready to go. This is a big Scam to lure you all in at 5 bucks a gram when other LP's are charging 13 per gram.
Did nobody notice their addresses Green Leaf Medicinals Ltd. ... PO box 55028, Southgate Mall
Toll Free 844-TILRAY1. Location Tilray/Lafitte ... PO BOX 55029 Southgate Mall

I saw these yesterday, and today on Tilray site they changed there address now.

Is it normal for two LP's to pick up their mail right next to each other???

This is the old strategy, get peoples information and lock them in for there ATP, then disappear and a new bigger better Company shows up out of no where with all great strains at higher prices. I wonder if they will transfer over all the patients too.

Pretty disappointing that the only LP company allowed on the Island is an American Company when there are sooo Many good Canadian growers here.

Thanks for your concern, but I assure you as a Tilray employee that we are not in any way affiliated with Greenleaf Medicinals. While we are in fact owned by the American group Privateer Holdings (, Privateer has no relationship with Greenleaf. We are proud to do our growing in Canada, at our facility in Nanaimo.
Dear customer:

We are sorry we have been unable to take your calls or answer your emails. We have been engaged with the regulatory body and as a result we are no longer able to provide you with our products. We are making every effort to gain information and help to find a solution for your product needs.

Please accept our deepest apologies for the inconvenience.

Email I got from greenleaf
Thanks for your concern, but I assure you as a Tilray employee that we are not in any way affiliated with Greenleaf Medicinals. While we are in fact owned by the American group Privateer Holdings (, Privateer has no relationship with Greenleaf. We are proud to do our growing in Canada, at our facility in Nanaimo.

Thanks for the clarification. Very Weird coincidence with the P.O. Boxes eh?
Nice website by the way.