Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

Now you sound like an HC employee! Stating that the feds and LP's, both involved solely to make huge profits, are more concerned about 'safe meds' (I still want to know what constitutes 'unsafe meds') than the patient or DG is ridiculous. The feds refuse to even recognize cannabis as a medicine and did not once inspect my garden for quality or safety.(Come to think of it, they haven't checked my vegetable garden either!) I don't think they care more about my health than me! The licensed producers are concerned only with profit and bowing down to HC in order to hold on to that license to make money. We've all read the LP 'mission statements' and such, in which they paint themselves as the patients' greatest friend while in reality, you are just another revenue source. If an LP were truly concerned about patients, you would expect they would provide meds for LESS than the black market. GREED!

there is certainly merit to your comments and yes LP's care more about making money than anything else, guilty as charged. This is a business, not a charity and so it should make money if you don't you die. Why beat up just the LP's on making money, no one is holding a gun to your head. Since when is running a business a bad thing and don't start with the poor people and pricing. I have the tee shirt. People who need cannabis or what ever they need will do what they always do and we will sell to those who want to buy, that's how it works.

There is not a single reasonable reason to be hating on LP's.

DG's yes they are all saints and grow your cannabis for free or $$, bull shit the reason why were in this mess is because they were selling the excess pot on the street, if you want to hate on someone hate on those bastards that fucked this all up for you and me. But no I don't hear a fucking thing about that, it's no wonder we lose good people who contribute to this site :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
DG's yes they are all saints and grow your cannabis for free or $$, bull shit the reason why were in this mess is because they were selling the excess pot on the street, if you want to hate on someone hate on those bastards that fucked this all up for you and me. But no I don't hear a fucking thing about that, it's no wonder we lose good people who contribute to this site
that really kinda sounds like HC/govt's argument " they sold excess pot on the street " well not saying it might not have happened buttttttt.... if they knew it was happening all they had to do was bust the DG take away all growing privileges from now and into the future. they bust grow ops yet they didn't bust known grows if this was going on? or if they couldn't bust them they could have inspected them and shut them down for some stupid mold excuse. Whats really needed here is free to grow your own medicine if you choose to or have someone grow for you(until provincial health insurance starts picking up the tab like other pills/drugs) and of course the business greed side for those that don't wish to grow or have someone growout their specific strains. for those that do look like their selling excess to the street then bust the fuckers put them in jail and take away their grow rights for ever. simple enough
there is certainly merit to your comments and yes LP's care more about making money than anything else, guilty as charged. This is a business, not a charity and so it should make money if you don't you die. Why beat up just the LP's on making money, no one is holding a gun to your head. Since when is running a business a bad thing and don't start with the poor people and pricing. I have the tee shirt. People who need cannabis or what ever they need will do what they always do and we will sell to those who want to buy, that's how it works.

There is not a single reasonable reason to be hating on LP's.

DG's yes they are all saints and grow your cannabis for free or $$, bull shit the reason why were in this mess is because they were selling the excess pot on the street, if you want to hate on someone hate on those bastards that fucked this all up for you and me. But no I don't hear a fucking thing about that, it's no wonder we lose good people who contribute to this site :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
Usually your post are spot on but I don't think you really believe (your text in the coloured highlight above).

Actually I agree with the red, not the yellow, and the green just seems like your taking this on a very personal level.

lets face it ... LP's are the stepping stone to when legalized weed is for the masses and they want to have something in place to take in taxes right away. They couldn't do if they didn't have established businesses out there already providing it cause if it was legal starting april first everyone would have started growing their own legal smoke and not wait for LP type businesses to slow spit out weed.... awe then no taxes for the govt
Just to be fair guys. Simply go into the other threads on the forum and we know that people are, were and will be selling excess on the street. (Just like any other black market commodity from guns, to booze, to diapers and laundry detergent).

At the same time LP's are in business for business, same as distilleries, tobacco manufacturers, gun manufacturers, or any other regulated industry, it's not the LP's that create the regulations, they are individuals or companies that take advantage of an opportunity given to them by the legislators. Greed, some of course, but others are just in it to earn a living in an industry that has growth potential for those who do it right.

There is nothing wrong with trying to make a living. Some drive a bus, some teach, others trade etc.

For a lot of patients in this particular industry the situation is far from ideal, but as @Jackal69 says we can perhaps look at it as a stepping stone.
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This should be the main reason for every patient on here to write their local MP and demand the health care system add a DIN to MMJ, if they balk at well HC says it's not medicine then why did you get a doctor script to receive it and why under MMAR did HC have to approve your documents. Also that then there should be research done to finalize what it is then medicine or a placebo. Personally my health care gives me 100% coverage.
You have 100% coverage for med mari? Do tell if you can. The only way I will be able to afford my full script is if wcb pays for it. I await their response to round 2 but I have made it clear to them that I will go to the last level of appeal.
My understanding of med mari and din is that because there are soooooo many different strains and so many constituents in marijuana it will never get one. It's not like taking the goo from the poppy and extracting the morphine from the opium. I think maybe it's chemical make is altered to easily and there's that thing with repeatability that governments like with regard to medicines (even though this is not a medicine).
there is certainly merit to your comments and yes LP's care more about making money than anything else, guilty as charged. This is a business, not a charity and so it should make money if you don't you die. Why beat up just the LP's on making money, no one is holding a gun to your head. Since when is running a business a bad thing and don't start with the poor people and pricing. I have the tee shirt. People who need cannabis or what ever they need will do what they always do and we will sell to those who want to buy, that's how it works.

There is not a single reasonable reason to be hating on LP's.

DG's yes they are all saints and grow your cannabis for free or $$, bull shit the reason why were in this mess is because they were selling the excess pot on the street, if you want to hate on someone hate on those bastards that fucked this all up for you and me. But no I don't hear a fucking thing about that, it's no wonder we lose good people who contribute to this site :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
You say that no one is holding a gun to my head....I've run the gauntlet of pharmaceutical medication and med mari is where I ended up. The choice is simple - shit prescribed by my doc that leaves me fucked up and useless as a human or a bit of quality of life...that's a tough one eh? It's a business trying to develop and grow on the backs of a small number of people who actually can't support it even if they wanted to,compared to the intended market - recreational users. LP's perpetuate the bullshit. If the government had done their job like they were supposed to, the few dg's that screwed up the mmar would be gone. I got screwed by a dg, told HC and they did nada. Instead they took all the cars off the road because of a few drunk drivers. Oh well...happy hoofing eh? What do you mean good people? People that wanna be LP's and utilize your services? There are lots of PATIENTS on the PATIENTS section of the forum. The lines get blurred because some patients aren't as sick as others and wanna be LP's and so sides have to be chosen.
If LPs were into this business to put out a quality product and help the sick along with running a business,they would have done their research and realized it's not a viable market if they truly want to help the sick. The excuse of "we have expenses etc" is not an answer for why the product can't be priced for affordability. No one told you to get into the market, they were all bamboozled by HC and the govt promising riches. I expect this entire market to shrivel up by next year and these LPS praying the liberals get into office in 2015 to legalize it so product can be sold recreationally. There is no one in their right mind who should believe for a second these LPS don't have an alternate agenda and aren't somehow lobbying with the liberal party.
there is certainly merit to your comments and yes LP's care more about making money than anything else, guilty as charged. This is a business, not a charity and so it should make money if you don't you die. Why beat up just the LP's on making money, no one is holding a gun to your head. Since when is running a business a bad thing and don't start with the poor people and pricing. I have the tee shirt. People who need cannabis or what ever they need will do what they always do and we will sell to those who want to buy, that's how it works.

There is not a single reasonable reason to be hating on LP's.

DG's yes they are all saints and grow your cannabis for free or $$, bull shit the reason why were in this mess is because they were selling the excess pot on the street, if you want to hate on someone hate on those bastards that fucked this all up for you and me. But no I don't hear a fucking thing about that, it's no wonder we lose good people who contribute to this site :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
Sure it's a business.There to make the owners money and the government tax revenue.And you should be paid for your work.I get it! The plan fell apart when prospective LP's started climbing over each other to kiss HC's ass in order to make profit from a captive, angry group of sick people. I was simply correcting your crazy statement that the feds and LP's care more about the meds I use than I do. I get the feeling you have a hate on for DG's but what that has to do with my post is a mystery. Sure DG's sold excess on the street but I was buying off the street for 30 years before the mmar. I grow my own/use my own.No DG, no selling. How does that equate to me being the reason you "lose good people who contribute to this site"? I didn't have a hate on for anyone, but you pissed me off with that.
As a genuine curiosity given current regulations around the world, which jurisdiction would satisfy mmj patients needs the most?
whatfg it the DVA that covers me totally up to 5 grams a day, which so happens to be my script, they also cover my vaporizers
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So Lp's think it's fine for my grow right to be abolished while they step in to sell me their garbage....piss off greed bags. I don't need you !!
Never will.
Like someone just said the black market was here before you wanna-bee's.
As I have said before, God/Nature (depending on your belief ) put it here for us all to grow.
Not for some greedy SOB's to make a living off me. In that case you LP's are gonna starve.


Lets put theses greedy non smoking ass hats out on the street.

They are here for you....ya right.....they are here to fill the pockets with your cash.


I like the one guy I saw on the tube from an LP. He says to the reporter...' I don't even smoke pot, and never have, I'm a business man"
Ya and where were ya buddy when all the cops wanted to do was bust ya. Now he figures he'll cash in on us.

So Lp's think it's fine for my grow right to be abolished while they step in to sell me their garbage....piss off greed bags. I don't need you !!
Never will.
Like someone just said the black market was here before you wanna-bee's.
As I have said before, God/Nature (depending on your belief ) put it here for us all to grow.
Not for some greedy SOB's to make a living off me. In that case you LP's are gonna starve.


Lets put theses greedy non smoking ass hats out on the street.

They are here for you....ya right.....they are here to fill the pockets with your cash.


I like the one guy I saw on the tube from an LP. He says to the reporter...' I don't even smoke pot, and never have, I'm a business man"
Ya and where were ya buddy when all the cops wanted to do was bust ya. Now he figures he'll cash in on us.


HOW DID LPs become one mind one person one entity?
and how did they take your right away when they came after the system is put in place by the government?
Yes it sucks that the right to grow for individuals is in jeopardy.
The LPs had nothing to do with this system change.

The actions of anyone other than me tells you little about me.
Please stop being so prejudice just because someone upset you.
Are you gonna blame all humans for the acts of one LP? After all they are all human beings.
I thought hippies were about peace and love not judging others before they even know who they are judging.