Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

yeah hippies..... LOL half of those "old hippies" are now working and profiting from a system they supposedly hated, they called it "growing up" but are now the ones we have to fight against as they have become "the man". Before ya flame me about that statement remember I said half.
I myself don't mind having the "LP" system but still think ppl should be able to grow their own and we should be able to buy MMJ at store front(compassion clubs.... not just in B.C. or ON) so we could try different strains to see if ones better than the other, LP's are like ordering jeans over the internet when your not sure if they will fit.... as we all know one size does not fit all.

I think big business is all about greed and never about the customer, unless it's how to scam them into buying the corporate product..... working on marketing directed to con you like : you will be a better person or how dare you as a parent not buy this product..... I just wonder how many sheep really believe half the shit the spew
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So Lp's think it's fine for my grow right to be abolished while they step in to sell me their garbage....piss off greed bags. I don't need you !!
Never will.
Like someone just said the black market was here before you wanna-bee's.
As I have said before, God/Nature (depending on your belief ) put it here for us all to grow.
Not for some greedy SOB's to make a living off me. In that case you LP's are gonna starve.


Lets put theses greedy non smoking ass hats out on the street.

They are here for you....ya right.....they are here to fill the pockets with your cash.


I like the one guy I saw on the tube from an LP. He says to the reporter...' I don't even smoke pot, and never have, I'm a business man"
Ya and where were ya buddy when all the cops wanted to do was bust ya. Now he figures he'll cash in on us.

I like the way you think.

HOW DID LPs become one mind one person one entity?
and how did they take your right away when they came after the system is put in place by the government?
Yes it sucks that the right to grow for individuals is in jeopardy.
The LPs had nothing to do with this system change.

The actions of anyone other than me tells you little about me.
Please stop being so prejudice just because someone upset you.
Are you gonna blame all humans for the acts of one LP? After all they are all human beings.
I thought hippies were about peace and love not judging others before they even know who they are judging.
I also like your response!

For me LP stands for "Local Producer" meaning ME, ME, ME. I'm know my specific needs will be met. I don't fault LP's as they are filling a much needed space in our current medical system and it's not there fault the system is wrapped in red tape BUT like all businesses for profit, The ALMIGHTY DOLLAR is the driving force; with that said I wonder if any LP's can be tied back to government or organized c7!m3 :confused:

its not the l.p fault hippy! its the greedy little patients or dppl that were way over the limits or selling out the back door that messed up the system. then the gov problem for nor fixing it or making it better. the huge l.p like tweed, thats a greedy thing and groups, but imo your very pissed off and don't have a right to slam any l.p. if I was a smaller l.p I would do it for the patients, and help them as much as possible,( if you dought this your ignorant) we are in this to make $$ yes, but for me it would be patients first, and the $ will come in time anyway, an don't need to be wealthy, I want to grow the plant I love most and help those that I can help. if you dought this then I wont help you and you need to go to tweed, or stop your crying.
Yes your right the LP's didn't change the system themselves. But volunteering to be the system that will provide meds to patients certainly helped give the Gov the impression that there was no need for folks to grow their own. I know it was their idea. You just volunteered. Of course the gov doesn't mind TAXING it as well eh? I don't pay tax now. You don't mind sick folks paying tax for meds?
Sorry buddy but after the struggle that me and thousands of other have gone thru for this plant, the LP system will never be ok. The government had their chance in the 60's and 70's to be decent human 's with this plant. Instead they choose to treat it and us like the fuckin plague. Arrest, ruin lives etc. But now it's all good as long as the cash is flowin eh?
I'm not against anyone who wants to buy from LP's...although it does bother me that anyone at all wanted to be an LP. Just goes against my grain.
I'm not for non-smoking business men/people just deciding " oh this a good business to be in " Sorry but this plant has too much emotional meaning to me to let some business supply me. And I'll bet a lot of other " Hippies " do too. Ya everyone against it until they smell money. LP's and Gov and Weasels ! Smell money and they come a runnin. For me it's not some little business plan to provide myself with employment. I don't know how old ya are but us Older Hippies have been standing behind this plant long before you ever got the notion to be "in business"
Go buy a Dicky Dee ice cream cart if you want my business. Cause you ain't never gettin a cent from me from the Bud.
And If it goes legal I'm still in favor of anyone being able to grow there own. In that case I would not give a shit who was an LP. Because I still wouldn't need their services.
That's the thing Man, many of us DON'T NEED YOU. We can do this better and cheaper than you.
You just can't stand that you won't be a monopoly. It's not your plant fella, It's the peoples plant. Design to circumvent people like you who want to control it some how.
So here's a question to you.
How you gonna like it if it goes legal and folks are allowed to grow their own? You ok with that ? Because I would think a lot of folks would. I would. Sure some don't want to, and that\s cool, but many would try it that never tried to grow before.
IMO if you were allowed to be an LP and I was allowed to grow legally, I'd be cool with that.
But as far as you LP's providing my meds while I can't provide my own.
You'll never see a cent of mine.
After all the black market treated me better and charged less for the risk to boot.
So that's my question.
If it were legal would you be ok with anyone being able to grow, or do you still want an LP system.
Everyone should be able to grow if they choose to do so.
Everyone should also be able to buy it at a local store / dispensary if they choose, just like beer and wine.
Look to Colorado for the answer as to how it should be.
yes hippy everyone should be able to grow there own!
BUT in the real world it is not that way!
if, we get J.t in power and he goes legal, itll be taxed and a rec usage for sales. I also think there will be a cap on the plant count to 6-10. so you all can grow your own cause the real fact is a lot of people will purchase, sick or not. so go and grow.
so for rec sales the l.p or producers will be set up. and if I can do this why wouldn't I? wtf would I go buy a dick dee ice cream cart? best of luck to you hippy,
don't be so easily fooled by a politician, they will say and do anything for a vote..... when they get into power that all changes. As for the easy answer to legalization I don't believe there is one yet, maybe convincing the local population as public opinion is a stronger voice than any one politician and then forces the change in both courts and in the political arena. No political party will devise change unless public opinion is behind them. If it's not done by the first year that party gets in office your not going to see it from them as by that time they will have changed their minds but will string you along with hopes(excuses) and more promises(lies).

Even if the liberals do change it to legalization, ensure you know what legalization will look like..... under the disguise of corporate greed or will they allow it to be grown by the people too.
Everyone should be able to grow if they choose to do so.
Everyone should also be able to buy it at a local store / dispensary if they choose, just like beer and wine.
Look to Colorado for the answer as to how it should be.

Yes I like that model from the little I've seen of it so far in the media.
I like the idea of store and choice and growing your own.
watched vice last night had a story on Colorado..... I would not want the look of what they had it was a sea of MJ stores, now I like that it's legal an all but shit made it look ugly.... worst than having a micky D's in your town now, think of all the fast food chains and other retail outlets and tomorrow their "all" MJ stores...... must say the idea sounds great but it just looked plain ugly to see
maybe have a couple of stores ya know like drycleaner chains as they are not too many per area
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I want everyone to have the right to grow their own. That simple.
I don`t want there to be only a select few ``Grandfathered` MMAR grower`s to be the only ones to grow while the rest of us are being treated unequally. I don`t want the LPs to take over and be the only growers.
I want everyone to have the right to grow their own. No permittion from anyone, no limit no value no price.
Everyone should be able to grow if they choose to do so.
Everyone should also be able to buy it at a local store / dispensary if they choose, just like beer and wine.
Look to Colorado for the answer as to how it should be.
Hi Leaf...
It is better than our current model for sure...but my understanding was that they too had some problems....with the being able to grow, end of things....
I would have to go re -read it quote too much of what the problems were.....
One of them not sure if its Washington or Colorado (though Snaps would know) but one of them I think has a plant limit like 6 or 10 but the possession limit in dried
material is like 2 I said I need to re-read it....So not sure how you could deal with having like 6 to 12 pounds at harvest but only being allowed to possess 2 oz....
I think they have to sell the extra to the stores,or something....
Hey Dan...I would have to revisit their ( Colorado ) situation too. You are right in that they have had issues, and probably will continue to do so. It isn't perfect for sure.
Washington State is so fkd up...although it is "legal", the medical marijuana program is gone. Yes, gone. Such BS.
Everyone has to be very careful when "legalization" is being discussed because you will find there are many different people with many different views on what the definition of legal is and isn't.

Not sure on the validity re Washington State medical marijuana source was twitter earlier tonight and I haven't verified it.
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I have definitely been revisiting my views on what recreational MJ is...and sorta adjusting my thinking on the whole matter....
for the very reason you stated...."many different people with many different views on what the definition of legal is and isn't"
I had been chatting with snaps provolone....who is a consultant in CO.
Yes your right the LP's didn't change the system themselves.

Great that you can admit that fact. Some people blame the LP's for the entire MMPR.

Of course the gov doesn't mind TAXING it as well eh? I don't pay tax now. You don't mind sick folks paying tax for meds?

No, Medical Cannabis should not be taxed. While most compassion clubs also charge sales tax, again this is regulated by the government, not LP's or Compassion Clubs. Once it's more "legitimized", we can pressure governments to remove the taxes from medical cannabis.

I'm not against anyone who wants to buy from LP's...although it does bother me that anyone at all wanted to be an LP.

Are you saying it would be better if no Canadians had legal access to medical cannabis? Some LP's of course are all about the money, like in ANY business, but you paint them all with the same brush. The ones that are licensed now are the mega-corps of course. Why not give the "boutique" LP's a chance to get licensed, before hating on them all?

I'm not for non-smoking business men/people just deciding " oh this a good business to be in "

So, only smokers are allowed, but yet they're still all bad?

Sorry but this plant has too much emotional meaning to me to let some business supply me. And I'll bet a lot of other " Hippies " do too.

Feel free to grow your own. No LP is going to come banging on your door to get you to stop. Seems that most LP's that have commented say they are for full legalization.

For me it's not some little business plan to provide myself with employment. I don't know how old ya are but us Older Hippies have been standing behind this plant long before you ever got the notion to be "in business"

For me, it's EXACTLY that. Provide myself and staff, most with disabilities, a decent place to work, at something that provides value and confidence, as well as a decent income. Are you saying I have no right to earn a living, after a lifetime of virtually no income? I have been involved with this plant for over three decades, so your attempts to "School" people are wasted on me.

Go buy a Dicky Dee ice cream cart if you want my business. Cause you ain't never gettin a cent from me from the Bud.

LOL I wouldn't even buy from a company like that.

And If it goes legal I'm still in favor of anyone being able to grow there own.

It will, and me too! I am for complete legalization, same "schedule" as tomatoes. :)

In that case I would not give a shit who was an LP. Because I still wouldn't need their services.
That's the thing Man, many of us DON'T NEED YOU. We can do this better and cheaper than you.

That's great! Though some do need a place to buy their meds.

So here's a question to you.
How you gonna like it if it goes legal and folks are allowed to grow their own? You ok with that ? Because I would think a lot of folks would. I would. Sure some don't want to, and that\s cool, but many would try it that never tried to grow before.

Love it!
Once it is legal, we could sell simple organic growing kits for first timers. Just add water!

IMO if you were allowed to be an LP and I was allowed to grow legally, I'd be cool with that.

ME TOO! I want to grow my own at home, work at an LP, supply patients that need an LP, buy my own meds from other LP's, buy my meds from Farmer's Markets, trade strains with home growers, trade strains with other countries.

So that's my question.
If it were legal would you be ok with anyone being able to grow, or do you still want an LP system.

YUP! Millions of Canadians grow their own tomatoes, but I'm glad there is some level of regulation on the tomatoes that are headed for stores, because we don't know the farmer that grew them. I buy Certified Organic when I can, because there is a governing body, doing their best to assure I buy a quality product.

"Let my people GROW!"
Just don't buy" HOTHOUSE " tomatts.... :) and all should be ok?

Can't stand the seeded slimy red fruits myself.
At the same time LP's are in business for business, same as distilleries, tobacco manufacturers, gun manufacturers, or any other regulated industry, it's not the LP's that create the regulations, they are individuals or companies that take advantage of an opportunity given to them by the legislators. Greed, some of course, but others are just in it to earn a living in an industry that has growth potential for those who do it right.

There is nothing wrong with trying to make a living. Some drive a bus, some teach, others trade etc.

For a lot of patients in this particular industry the situation is far from ideal, but as @Jackal69 says we can perhaps look at it as a stepping stone.

This is a great post, and as a very small-scale prospective LP, I 100% agree. Not everyone getting into this business is greedy and just wants or plans to make money hand over fist. As Agracan mentioned, everyone has to make a living, and there are some of us that are just following our passions.....I'm not sure how anyone can be vilified for that, after all they say to do what you love! :) In my case, I am a patient myself, and have long been growing my own and been in strong support of more medical research and legalization. I think that one of the benefits that will hopefully come out of all these changes is that it will open up a lot more opportunities and funding for ongoing research into medical cannabis.

I legitimately and wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of this amazing plant, and also legitimately care about patients and providing quality medicine at a reasonable and affordable price, as do many other current and prospective LPs in this thread.....I would not be getting into this business if that was not the case. The questionable practices or motives of one or two companies in the beginning stages of this new era should not throw a cloud over all the people that are, or are looking to become LP's for the right reasons. Many of us just want to simply make a living working with a plant we love, and provide patients in need with a quality product at a fair and reasonable price.

Like Agracan posted, most of us are aware that this new system is definitely not ideal for everyone involved, and is going to cause a lot of inconvenience and financial hardship for some patients. Personally, I fully support every person's right to grow their own regardless of where in the world they live or what the laws say, and would never tell anyone not to grow their own. Unfortunately, under the current government and the recent changes, that now involves risk for new patients that require medicine......many are simply in situations where that do not want to grow their own, or cannot grow their own given their circumstances. Even if and when they do legalize and allow everyone to grow their own, there will still be plenty of people that simply don't have the time, means or will to grow their own. Just like the vast majority of people prefer to just buy their own beer and wine at the store rather than brew/make their own. Recreational users can grow their own in Washington, and the producers and dispensaries still have booming business at prices much higher than what most LPs here in Canada are planning on charging. Are all brewery and winery owners evil too for wanting to provide a product that the public could otherwise make themselves? I feel that there is some misdirected hate in this thread.

LP's are simply providing a safe source for those that do not have any other means and do not want to deal with the black market.......some of the generalizations and accusations of a couple of posters in this thread are way off base. LPs and prospective LPs do not create the rules, and we are not all the same entity or person. Like in any industry, there will be companies and individuals that operate ethically and are in business for the right reasons, and those that are greedy and only in it for the money. All LP's and prospective LP's can do is to try and put the patients first, work within the framework given, and try to become as much a part of the solution as possible by providing the best quality possible at the best price possible.
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I wish you good luck in your endeavours.
I am fairly well versed in most aspects of the MMPR, and I believe you face a huge challenge in obtaining a HC licence. There are so many reasons I say this. Too many to list.
I believe you have good intentions, although perhaps a little naive.
If I can offer some advice, don't quit your day job. Don't mortgage your house. Don't deplete your savings. If you have done the adequate research, and have a great team put together, and are resigned to pursuing this quest, then carve out the appropriate equity amount for an investor. Let the investor at least take away the burden of financing to allow you to focus on the task at hand.
Again, good luck.