Devil Lettuce
Well-Known Member
I wish you good luck in your endeavours.
I am fairly well versed in most aspects of the MMPR, and I believe you face a huge challenge in obtaining a HC licence. There are so many reasons I say this. Too many to list.
I believe you have good intentions, although perhaps a little naive.
If I can offer some advice, don't quit your day job. Don't mortgage your house. Don't deplete your savings. If you have done the adequate research, and have a great team put together, and are resigned to pursuing this quest, then carve out the appropriate equity amount for an investor. Let the investor at least take away the burden of financing to allow you to focus on the task at hand.
Again, good luck.
Hey Leaffan, thanks for the reply! I've been reading through all these threads since I found them yesterday and have seen all your great posts.....can't thank you and the other great people I've already met for sharing all of this information. To clarify my position, although just wading into the application process now, I wouldn't exactly say that I am naive. My partner and I have been researching, planning, budgeting and doing our homework for some time now, and I'm very well aware of all the obstacles that we face.....even more so after reading the wealth of info in these threads. We have a sound business plan, and a location that is extremely affordable and will offer us very low overhead while meeting our technical needs. My life-long friend and partner in this venture is a successful senior manager of another unrelated company that he is a co-owner of. He's a very smart guy with business know-how and will also be the major source of financing....he is the key to this, and I wouldn't be able to do it without him. I'm the person with the growing knowledge and QA qualifications (which will hopefully meet HC's standards) and he is the business/money guy. His other company has has many dealings and contracts with various levels and branches of government, so we are hoping that will help us gain credibility with HC as well as with the local municipality.
I am definitely not selling my house or quitting my day job at this point, that's for sure. I have a unique position where my current job allows me a lot of time off to work on this endeavour, which is something I'm 100% committed to......I'm well aware of the serious battle ahead of me, and the will that this is going to take, but I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to follow this passion and dream of mine.
Thanks again for the reply, advice and the well wishes, I look forward to being an active on the forums and sharing info and my experiences with the application process as we navigate the HC minefield

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