Greenleaf Nutrients is giving away FREE nutrients to 10 people


Well-Known Member
Hello, Greenleaf Nutrients currently has a store on eBay and a homepage, we provide quality dry nutrient formulas that are closely similar to some of your favorite brands already. We want to give away to 10 people on this forum free nutrients, including shipping. Once your name is added to the list, please include which nutrient you want for free, and also leave a shipping address to where you want it to go in a PM to me. If you are worried about giving away information about your grow place, leave a friend address or business address, somewhere that can eventually get to you. We don't give away anyone's shipping address. Shipping is free, but if you live outside the US, your gunna need to send $9 via paypal since its expensive to ship international. People will be chosen basically in first come first serve manner, and I will update the list so once all 10 spots are full you will see all the names.

1. scerv
2. honest bob
3. jesus of Cannabis
4. deepwaterbud
5. DSB65
6. carl.burnette
7. Auzzie07
8. Justyjointsalot
9. schlesh436
10. trublu60

just post in this thread if you are interested.
edit: added names, if you are on the list, send me a PM with what product you want and an address to ship it to. I am just taking first come, first serve basis until 10 is filled. Once its filled, if it goes well I'll probably do the same promotion in a few weeks again if you missed out.

Edit: list is filled. If someone on the list doesn't contact me within a week or so with their order, I'll give it to first stanby's next.
i am game cant hurt to try something new

if you have a store in ebay can we go thru there to get our free nutes? since they have shipping info already there and they are a trusted go between.
having problems trying to pm you i am new to this and have read the faq section but do not seem to be able to pm you i have
contacted the administrator..
Whats the deal with your web site...everything says sold out.....
right now we are selling directly thorugh eBay, its a bit more expensive but once we setup our paypal merchant account we can accept payments directly with the website with the discounted prices also. We are still adding more products too, so been a it busy.

I would like to be added to this list if I could. Thanks!
your in

Id love to try your nutrients
sorry you are #11 Wallmandummy, if someone doesn't come thorugh on the list above you would be first standby
Hey squarepush3r-

Just checked out your site- nice work!

And yeah, setting up that paypal account is a real P.I.T.A. Took me about 5 days to get it up.

Keep in touch!