Greenpoint Black Gold, Copper Chem, Garlix, and Dynamite Diesel. 200 watts vero 18 with upgrade

Cheer up Morg, your going to have a bunch of killer smoke and it's organic and not fucked up by being nuked with nutes
Sure they look a little rough around the edges, but you'll know more of what they need as you keep going.

Do you have a favorite yet?

Gosh man its gotta be copper! I love em all but copper is just undeniably superior in terp production,Bud production, structure. Her stem is thicker, roots that I can see look like something off an apple tree.
But copper doesn't qualify as a diesel.
Dynamite and blacky each represent that in their own way, with equal stank
just different.
Dynamite wins over blacky as far as yield so far despite being nearly 2 weeks behind her in veg.
Just a few notes for these babies
Herculean harvest peeks em up quite a bit and brings color back to yellowing leaves, copper eats it up.
Biogrow is very decent all the way through.
Keep soil ph above 6.0 with copper
Add sand to the super soil tuning for absorption.
More kelp and seabird guano.

Trellis and net dynamite. It is a very moist plant and buds are decievingly heavy.

No more than 4 plants to a 3x3.
Invest in double filtration to prevent weed stink clothing and bedsheets.
Buy more copperchem!
Oh and transportation is huge in these strains. The room these are in is 450 sq ft. Typically around 8%relative humidity without a grow in place (Nevada is very dry).
With these 5 plants that increases to 61%
Airflow is a must have. Ill be picking up a dehumidifier tomorrow as to not tempt fate.
In the last weeks ill give summary reports of each strain and end the grow with a final yeild report, smoke report, and if I can afford it thc/cannabinoid testing

Black gold grows like a true breeding strain.
Of 5 plants grown to 6 weeks there's little difference between them and they all gave off, terps before cull/flower
The 2 saved are identical and give off a diesel/comet bathroom cleaner stench with a hint of sulfur.
Its not a massive producer but gives slightly above average yields.
Stretch at flower was 1 1/2 times its size with tight nodes.
It appears to have highly dense bud formation and yield may be deceptive.
At 9 weeks flower its at half milky trichs and no red.
There is no nute sensitivity as of yet and is just beginning to show yellow tips in fade.
I can say its a moderately heavy feeder.
No sign of sexual ambiguity after cold stress, heat stress, and drought stress.
It seems to have stronger stems than dynamite and a wholly different terp profile.
The cloned and bred male and female do not seem to have produced much seed due early flower. And are drying in the woodshed at present, more will be purchased when and if available.
I'm counting bud sites/colas, and to qualify they
1. have to be 3 nodes or larger, or 6 inches long, or longer
2. Full light exposure and good color
3. As thick as 3 in diameter.

Dynamite#1 back left corner has 17
Dynamite #2 front left corner has 18
Copper chem in the middle has 21 sites that I can find.
Each black gold has 16.
Total 72 colas in excess of 3"dia and excess of 6" long
I know they're getting ugly, were middle week 9, and being soil/organic fade is a grim reality.
I over crowded them but this yield will likely last me nearly 2 years. TBH the prospect of drying and curing this is daunting.
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The next pics will likely be either close up trich shots or cut and hanging, followed by dried on scale for weight.
I don't mess with wet weight.
These will be hung full plant, no trim for as many days as it takes for bend/snap.
Then I'm thinking turkey bags but open to suggestions!
Oh and I have begun the practice of leaving sugar leaves intact.
Bag appeal is mute point for me and I'm tired of bud snobs.
The sugar leaves give a shock absorber/shield like protection to the bud while curing and slow down the drying process considerably.
I did this with hso, chem dawg and those buds sparkle like new, months later.
By the way hso chem is a great strain and definitely worthwhile. Sorry to upset my GP fans but if dynamite is a 10 hso chem is an easy 8.
How's a unholy trinity of Green thumb ecsd, res cdd v1.1, and TD chem 91 #12 sound? Money orders sent for the first 2 and the thirds in the crisper.
Ramen noodles for me too I'm afraid lol.
May have to switch things up for the winter grow.
Ill chuck the ecsd with the cdd (that doesn't herm lol) then look through those and find the same plus the smell I like and bx to ecsd a couple gens. Ill run the 91 chem 12 and pick and cross via personal pref until I'm happy with both. Then its a chuck of both and run them till I die.
Let em grow wild in ketchikan AK
Ill call the strain, Rollin Coal.
Some close ups.
Samples of black gold, vaped of all things!
Creeper first of all
I got a very familiar heat/electricity on the top of my arms and legs, noticed some tracing of vision, and a very clear clean headed high, lasted 1 1/2 hours Body felt heavy.
It tastes as it smelled, kerosene skunk and a beefy undertone.


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Still watching trichs.
Wife says I'm chem obsessed and need to work my older seeds. I have to agree
I've got copper f2d and decided not to mess with blacky or dynamite.
when I want them ill buy em and keep business up for gp.
Ill have copper in the Rubbermaid shed going pretty much non stop into next year.
I'm not great at grow reports but I want to do an ocassional deal with copper and my diesel project just to log and document in case it works out well.
Copper is an heirloom strain and ill be carefully packing and preserving every generation.

In the background We'll be doing some stuff with karmas bear og, 413 chem.
canna tsu x silver bubster for the lady.
A possible raindance outdoor. And of course. chem 91 #12.
f1 is planted.
I may start a thread on the tough shed I'm putting up but there's a lot of work to do on that yet. Were thinking diy ceiling
sunlight tubes with auto shutters and supplemental cob.
solar panels with an inverter and forklift battery to power the lights and cooling and a propane Furnace for heat and co2
Land races need room lol

Ill be checking in at cutting time
Well they're ready but I can't cut em down till Friday. No harm done, I need a stonier buzz to end this year.
Got home too late for bud pics but my new babies are waking up.
These were planted the day of the eclipse. 91 chem 12, 6 for 6.
Cannatsu x silver bubster 2 for 2.
413 chem 2for 4 (1 twin)
Shit by Mr nice 2 for 4 (1 twin)
I'm giving 413 more time because my night time temps are low. And I used pest pucks for those0823171816.jpg
The twins
The twins were not conjoined and the small one tumbled out of both pucks with a delicate media spread, right into some light warrior soil and lightly covered up.
Ill give 413 chem another day or so and pop some more if they don't show.
I also labeled 91 chem 12, diesel because its genetics are clearly defined as such.
Each generation will get a name.
This ones a chuck to open up f2, from there ill be looking for uniformity and work generations until I find my male and female
Ill be crossing to Dr greenthumbs sour diesel later down the road.
Copper at 5ft 1inch from soil line.
That's a big mans model lazy boy.
Had to wipe it down, very sticky.
I grabbed all the yellow leaves off of them and left them to dry intact.
Ill put up pics of dry weight for each in a week or so. Coppers the winner for yield and resilience.
No seeds found other than the ones I put there.
Finished at 10 weeks+
Do not crowd the diesels!
One hell of a trim pile. Got about two hours work to go. Five plants is a bitch.

First weigh in Copperchem 4.6oz in mid to tops. 1.3 oz high quality larf wow!
Blacky not so good 3.6zs from two plants.
Way overcrowded.
Dynamite is in the works and easily twice blackys yield. Ill have total weight by morning. 6 days dry, great nose on each.
Dry trim forever!
5.1 ounces from 2 dynamite diesel plants(not counting larf/scrap 1.8 ounces)
3.6 ounces 2 black gold plants (not counting .8 oz larf/ srap bud)
4.5 oz copper chem (not counting 1.3 scrap/lard)
13.2 ounces mids to top total for the five plants
3.9 ounces scrap bud for hash, and enough finger/scissor hash to last a month or so.
I didn't get my pound lol but damn its more than ill need for a long long time.
Ill do an individual write up and smoke report after 2 weeks cure.
Black gold is a bit airy with some fluff despite predictions.
Dynamites top buds were tight and dense bit the mids were similar to blacky and light airy
Copper is dense and heavy all the way down to mids and into the low stuff even.
Each has a distinct scent.
Copper is really sour gym socks, mothballs, with strong gasoline.
Dynamite is roadkill, sulfur, almost roast beef.
Black gold is more of a pinesol sulfur, more sweet than anything, but not as strong as the others.
Black gold was the healthiest and had no nute issues at all but yielded way less and not nearly impressive.
Crowding was a big factor with t plants in a 3x3. Copperchem simply out competed the others and took up most of the real estate.
Preliminary smoke on copper is couch lock creeper and stupifying. No heavy machinery or test taking with this one.
Heavy lemon pepper exhale.
But a clean come down and no grogginess.
Bud pix to come this weekend !
Black gold,

70 days wasn't enough for black gold and I can see that now, don't trust her triches she needs a solid 75 days.
lesson learned. But pretty, and strong.
No couch lock here very uplifting and motivational taking on a strong chem coffee scent dark roast and kerosene.
Taste somehow goes in Folgers and comes out pinesol? I love stealing samples of her.
Its my "Sunday morning coming down" wake and bake breakfast strain.

Coppers stole the show.
And if there's a stronger chem, I don't need it. I've smoked dark hearts stardawg and I've smoked chem d grown by a buddy in pueblo.
This here is the definitive chemdawg.
Stink and stone A#1 and not even close to cured yet. From descriptions of chem 4 and experience with chem d this is a perfect mix. Tastes like smoked sausage and window cleaner going in, lol. Exhales like Cavendish pipe tobacco.
Dynamite can claim some serious's fame.
The buzz is couch lock unfortunately due to stardawg but the taste is true sour and only getting better. And not as dumbing as copper. With this stuff you still maintain higher brain function but see no need to move or get up.
I'm getting the inhale flavor of rotted meat and fumes from a burnt match. Exhaled its mostly gasoline, and truck exhaust.
My yield off these babies could be beaten by any decent grower. And quality stands the same.
These are the best plants I've ever grown!
Greenpoint gets my Paw of approval.
And worth every penny.
Next gen is started and this post will be my sign off on this grow.
I got my f2 s in case these get discontinued like all the great strains do.
And these buds will cure for a long while.

A very special thanks to greenpoint seeds for making impossible to find genetics available to the average Joe at a decent price.
A huge thanks to RIU for giving me a place to learn and post my fumbling, humble grows.
And mostly thanks to fellow growers with the sharing and critique, along with the knowledge base they've provided over the years.
Round three, the twins survived and my diesel parents are growing strong.