Exactly something I want to keep in my garden needs to be better than what I have bc I won’t keep something that’s mediocre. If it can’t hang with my clone only and personally selected varieties why would I keep it?
A Keeper is very subjective to what you already have in your garden and how much space you have for new varieties. Alot of clone only strains I’ve ran don’t even make it past 2nd runs bc they’re not good enough.
Breeder is a loose term thrown around, so by the standard of today’s breeders sure I’ve bred and grown my own poly hybrids just never sold them.
I posted that hunt only bc it shows that a proper pheno hunt for elite genetic expressions that check all the boxes isn’t easy period and the amount that are elite are slim. They were selected bc they were the best .1% (100) they found. Of course those will be used to breed with as they should on a pheno hunt of that scale. Money talks.