Greenpoint seeds!!

Truth, lol. One of the easiest ways to breed period and it has been around forever in agriculture. So fuckin easy compared to normal breeding and have no idea the reasoning for comments made before about it being the "hardest" and taking the "most skill". If mixing a 2 part solution or just buying a premixed and spraying the donor plant is hard someone is in the wrong business. Testing progeny and stabilizing if needed is the hardest thing and what line of breeding do/should you not have to do that in anyways?

Working with someone = being nice or doing a favor. 0 point in working for anyone on anything and certainly not at all in ones own financial favor. Nothing in this business you can't do all your self. Other people are generally either a liability, waste of time, or both.

And I already provided the science for it in this thread quite a few pages back. it is fact it does happen and has been documented by most everyone in the industry running real numbers. Very odd CSI has not found this nor not know the real science to it.
Hey, maybe you know, what is the ratio of males in that case? 1:100, 1:1000, 1;10,000? Very interested in those edge cases.
This is what i use. I dilute it down. To 10ml to 4 cups of water. I've used 20 times. It has reversed every time. For both bottles I paid 9 bucks shipped to my door from Amazon. Your solution needs to be atleast 50ppm that you spray on the plant. For it to work. I believe its 50. Dont quote that 100% after I make my mixture it measures at 160ppm

I like to think it works 60% of the time all the time. Lmfao.

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its went up to lil over 12 bucks for 2 oz. 17 for 500ppm. Reduce your recipe to 5ml hmmmmmm.......a teaspoon to a qt of water. Hmmmmmm......
Can someone please explain to me how a fem seed can make a true Male?? To me it seems physically impossible. A female that has been reversed has only X chromosomes to pass down to it's offspring. You need a Y sex chromosome to produce a Male. The only way I see this happening is if it's a hermaphrodite. A female that makes male flowers. There is also the possibility that cannabis plants can have a extra chromosome "xxy" like humans can with Jacob's syndrome, but no one has proved that this occurs in cannabis plants.
i think your all over reacting a bit. @Gu~ simply said he was getting some advice from riot on making stable fems. he didnt say riot was making them or he was partnering with riot. its not going to change the way Gu operates hes just talking to the guy.

personally though i wont buy fems, always grown regs and i like them. hope doing fems doesnt take time and space away from the regs. i hope Gu hasnt given up on finding some new males and making some different reg crosses
And I already provided the science for it in this thread quite a few pages back. it is fact it does happen and has been documented by most everyone in the industry running real numbers. Very odd CSI has not found this nor not know the real science to it.

What real science are you referring to? I just went through your recent posts in this thread and can’t find what you’re referring to.
Can someone please explain to me how a fem seed can make a true Male?? To me it seems physically impossible. A female that has been reversed has only X chromosomes to pass down to it's offspring. You need a Y sex chromosome to produce a Male. The only way I see this happening is if it's a hermaphrodite. A female that makes male flowers. There is also the possibility that cannabis plants can have a extra chromosome "xxy" like humans can with Jacob's syndrome, but no one has proved that this occurs in cannabis plants.
Its a survival mechanism I reckon. Not sure why it happens. It does. Though.

Even with the most stable strain cannabis can throw pollen to pass it's genetics on.

I'll have to dig to find the science behind it.

I do know that no fem breeder, that's respected anyways, will claim 100% female offspring. Usually they claim 99 or 99.9%.

Life will find a way.

The one to ask if I remember right is @Dr. Who .

Hey, maybe you know, what is the ratio of males in that case? 1:100, 1:1000, 1;10,000? Very interested in those edge cases.
Everywhere I've read it states like one in a thousand.

That doesn't mean that it is for every thousand. You may run several thousand and not see one.

Then again you may run a few hundred and see a few of them.
Can someone please explain to me how a fem seed can make a true Male?? To me it seems physically impossible. A female that has been reversed has only X chromosomes to pass down to it's offspring. You need a Y sex chromosome to produce a Male. The only way I see this happening is if it's a hermaphrodite. A female that makes male flowers. There is also the possibility that cannabis plants can have a extra chromosome "xxy" like humans can with Jacob's syndrome, but no one has proved that this occurs in cannabis plants.

I’m with you on this.

When it comes to male appearing plants from fem seeds, I believe there are two realistic options, with a possible third that is so rare as to not be worth considering.

The first - male pollen contamination. I truly believe people underestimate how simple it is for pollen contamination to occur. We’re talking about billions of pollen cells that have evolved to be spread over huge areas through wind alone. Even the most stringent and clean growers could have pollen contamination occur if they’ve had male pollen around anytime recently. And if you live in someplace like Mendocino county, forget about it. Cannabis pollen is all over the place.

2 - severe herms. A female that produces nearly all male flowers. This happened with Nspecta from CSI. He had what appeared to be a male. It threw only male flowers during early flowering. He kept it flowering for a long while, and then it suddenly started producing female flowers. It was just an extreme herm. Most would’ve killed it as soon as they saw male flowers, but being that he’s Nspecta, he kept it around out of curiousity and discovered it wasn’t actually a male.

The final option, chromosomal abnormalities. Plants do tend to survive chromosomal abnormalities better than animals, but it’s still an exceedingly rare circumstance. If people are finding multiple “males” then this certainly isn’t the cause. You’d also likely see other mutant traits along with intersex characteristics.
Can someone please explain to me how a fem seed can make a true Male?? To me it seems physically impossible. A female that has been reversed has only X chromosomes to pass down to it's offspring. You need a Y sex chromosome to produce a Male. The only way I see this happening is if it's a hermaphrodite. A female that makes male flowers. There is also the possibility that cannabis plants can have a extra chromosome "xxy" like humans can with Jacob's syndrome, but no one has proved that this occurs in cannabis plants.
You can use the same argument that you shouldn't see any hermaphrodites either because there is no y chromosome.

People still claim that fem seed are more prone to herm and that's not true.

It happens though.
Its a survival mechanism I reckon. Not sure why it happens. It does. Though.

Even with the most stable strain cannabis can throw pollen to pass it's genetics on.

I'll have to dig to find the science behind it.

I do know that no fem breeder, that's respected anyways, will claim 100% female offspring. Usually they claim 99 or 99.9%.

Life will find a way.

The one to ask if I remember right is @Dr. Who .

Everywhere I've read it states like one in a thousand.

That doesn't mean that it is for every thousand. You may run several thousand and not see one.

Then again you may run a few hundred and see a few of them.

Herm traits in cannabis is the survival mechanism. It happens in some reptile species too. If it doesn’t come into contact with a male, it will reproduce through parthenogenesis and still produce offspring.

But, the offspring are always female.
Herm traits in cannabis is the survival mechanism. It happens in some reptile species too. If it doesn’t come into contact with a male, it will reproduce through parthenogenesis and still produce offspring.

But, the offspring are always female.

The reverse can be true.

I'm telling you there are males in fem seed.
Herm traits in cannabis is the survival mechanism. It happens in some reptile species too. If it doesn’t come into contact with a male, it will reproduce through parthenogenesis and still produce offspring.

But, the offspring are always female.
Tegu lizards, many marine clownfish species and other spp. scattered across the plant and animal kingdoms will engage in gender switching, hermaphroditism, or parthenogenesis, and/or a mix of any or none of the above, typically as survival mechanisms, as I understand it.
No it can’t. The defining characteristic of a male is absent in female pollen. Pollen contamination or extreme intersex characteristics. There’s zero scientific basis to support males in fem seeds.

When breeders say 99% females, they’re just trying to cover their ass.
Whatever man. Telling you I've seen it with my own eyes.

Plenty of people have had it happen and I don't buy into the stray make pollen.

We will just have to disagree.

Not much can be found on it. You can search if you want but I can't find anything saying 100% female.

Just do a search on it. You can't garuntee all female.
You can use the same argument that you shouldn't see any hermaphrodites either because there is no y chromosome.

People still claim that fem seed are more prone to herm and that's not true.

It happens though.
Isn't it because the "hermi" trait is in the DNA of the parents? That is why I was explaining about using "older" less worked strains that aren't carrying those traits. Years ago, plants hermed because of stress, but now that the "Fem" craze has hit. People are chemically inducing the herm, in turn could poison the DNA chain and create deformed offspring 2 or 3 gens down the line. People being unaware are just spreading the traits.
Whatever man. Telling you I've seen it with my own eyes.

Plenty of people have had it happen and I don't buy into the stray make pollen.

We will just have to disagree.

Not much can be found on it. You can search if you want but I can't find anything saying 100% female.

Just do a search on it. You can't garuntee all female.

Ok, so tell me this. If you take pollen from this “male” plant and pollinate a female plant, what are the offspring?
I’m with you on this.

When it comes to male appearing plants from fem seeds, I believe there are two realistic options, with a possible third that is so rare as to not be worth considering.

The first - male pollen contamination. I truly believe people underestimate how simple it is for pollen contamination to occur. We’re talking about billions of pollen cells that have evolved to be spread over huge areas through wind alone. Even the most stringent and clean growers could have pollen contamination occur if they’ve had male pollen around anytime recently. And if you live in someplace like Mendocino county, forget about it. Cannabis pollen is all over the place.

2 - severe herms. A female that produces nearly all male flowers. This happened with Nspecta from CSI. He had what appeared to be a male. It threw only male flowers during early flowering. He kept it flowering for a long while, and then it suddenly started producing female flowers. It was just an extreme herm. Most would’ve killed it as soon as they saw male flowers, but being that he’s Nspecta, he kept it around out of curiousity and discovered it wasn’t actually a male.

The final option, chromosomal abnormalities. Plants do tend to survive chromosomal abnormalities better than animals, but it’s still an exceedingly rare circumstance. If people are finding multiple “males” then this certainly isn’t the cause. You’d also likely see other mutant traits along with intersex characteristics.

I had a plant that was 100% male from reg beans. Crossed it to 3 different mothers. I have grown 20 plants from those crosses now and have gotten 100% females. Mother nature is weird
I had a plant that was 100% male from reg beans. Crossed it to 3 different mothers. I have grown 20 plants from those crosses now and have gotten 100% females. Mother nature is weird

I've read that some males can be genetically predisposed to produce females or vice versa. Same thing with animals and humans. I'd hold on to that Male if I were you
I had a plant that was 100% male from reg beans. Crossed it to 3 different mothers. I have grown 20 plants from those crosses now and have gotten 100% females. Mother nature is weird

Sounds like an extreme herm female which appeared male. I wouldn’t be surprised if running a cut of that same “male” would start throwing female flowers.

Since plant sex is so labile, a plant that appears phenotypically male could be genetically female. “He” would still produce all female offspring, which would mean it’s not a male in my opinion.