Greenpoint seeds!!

That back kick.. gets me every fuckn time

one more time...

not worth raising your blood pressure bro.. enough stress.. take a couple breaths and try to let the shit go.
I'm over it. I've watched his ignorant ass flip his dick beaters for years on here. Clear back when it first started. Hes been the same way. Ive jis ignored him. But I jus camt take anymore of his know it all ass. Hes very educated when it comes to growing and whatnot. But it honestly doesnt matter what big time thread you read hes in there spouting off at the mouth arguing with people. Constantly.... I mean the dude who made the strain(supposedly) says the others are from an f1 pack. Then made from different parents. I have literally popped 60+ seeds of shantis WW from old stock. Not 1 pack made from different parents. I know ww in n out. I have some info on other strains. But white widow is my strain. I've done hours n hours of research on it. I wrote an 11 page college research paper on white widow and shantibaba. And the medicinal effects of white widow. The reasoning behind the "white strain." And tons of other info on it. As well as growing it for years n years.
If you run white widow and it was fruity. Then it wasnt real widow. Period. White widow real deal does not have fruit scents to it. It just doesnt. It's a white strain. I have run white widow over 100 times total. 1 plant was fruity. From nirvana. And I'll bet you your entire seed collection says you can pop both packs of 1995 white widow I have. And you wont find fruit. In none of them. I'm not argue with someone over something I know for fact from first hand experience for years. And I mean years. White widow is one of the reason I took up growing. Its comprised of Brazilian sativa mother and South Indian indica-dominant hybrid. Called Manga rosa, crossed to the male he found in the beans from the farmer in the Kerala region. The original clone also had zero fruit. Maybe once it was bred back to itself or bred to another ww you'll find fruit. But in original shantibaba ww theres no fruit. None. Not even the slightest of fruit.

Edit theres old post from shanti talking about it to a guy who was growing it. He said it was fruity. And shantibaba str8 told him. That it wasnt his ww. Bc theres no fruit nose in ww. I'll see if I can find it.
But who says nirvana had it.i think it's one of them weird cultivars that is whatever u want it to be.i only ever see Dutch seed banks selling anything named white definitely appeals to the noob crowd.dinafem,humboldt,fastbuds all seem to have there version of white widow but it just never seems to be like 2 named strains.just a mix up of whoever's version of it
I'm over it. I've watched his ignorant ass flip his dick beaters for years on here. Clear back when it first started. Hes been the same way. Ive jis ignored him. But I jus camt take anymore of his know it all ass. Hes very educated when it comes to growing and whatnot. But it honestly doesnt matter what big time thread you read hes in there spouting off at the mouth arguing with people. Constantly.... I mean the dude who made the strain(supposedly) says the others are from an f1 pack. Then made from different parents. I have literally popped 60+ seeds of shantis WW from old stock. Not 1 pack made from different parents. I know ww in n out. I have some info on other strains. But white widow is my strain. I've done hours n hours of research on it. I wrote an 11 page college research paper on white widow and shantibaba. And the medicinal effects of white widow. The reasoning behind the "white strain." And tons of other info on it. As well as growing it for years n years.
Hence the name of the man!!! You wouldn't call yourself that if you didn't know the plant!!! Im with you bro!!! I hate people that think they know everything... Most of the time they are saying what someone else told them, acting like they are the ones that came up with whatever the subject is... You're doing the right thing by letting it go...
For the record whytewidow I tend to believe you. I called it white widow because thats what i bought. Or so i thought. So many shady seed banks out there that will sell you anything and call it anything they want to make a buck. That's why guys like Rusty from Cannaventure are a God send. I trust his genetics and can feel comfortable that i got what i paid for. On the flip side that "white widow " was a great plant that produced well. Was a strong plant that didn't need trellis or stakeing. Shit I grew up smoking Mexican brick weed and now am at the point that I haven't needed to buy weed in over 6 years. That's the beauty of growing your own IMO. And believe me anything I've grown out has been miles ahead of the mexi brick shit I grew up on. On that note I've actually had some dank ass shit from time to time from that brick weed so you never know. Main point is guys we need to channel our inner Bob Marley. One love. I always welcome knowledge from others. That's how we all get better as growers. I know without forums like this I would be way behind the curb in this hobby. That's all I got.
Excellent... You tell it brother!!!
Duke Diamond has some of the Sharon x C99 on IG looks fire. Mosca femmed a cross of Sharon x Legendcriknlecut out of stock everywhere. WW is an acquired taste, imho. Many don't like the taste and buzz, I suspect its high cbd, but thats jmho. Old heads have it around, like a lot of the old cuts.
Duke Diamond has some of the Sharon x C99 on IG looks fire. Mosca femmed a cross of Sharon x Legendcriknlecut out of stock everywhere. WW is an acquired taste, imho. Many don't like the taste and buzz, I suspect its high cbd, but thats jmho. Old heads have it around, like a lot of the old cuts.
It's a secret!!! Never teach the Wu Tang style!!! XD
I've always heard the original white widow described as spicy. And the cut I grew when I lived in Cali back in 2009, which was greenhouse's white widow tasted more like green bell peppers than anything I've ever smoked. I did not like it but it was super potent and other people seemed to dig it.

I'd have to agree with @whytewidow that if it is fruity then it isn't that old school white widow.
You can go right along with him. In the ignore your ass folder. Click.

Hey, man...don't blame me because you keep leaving but never actually leave. You're not alone, after all.

I'm not saying I want you to leave. There's gold in statements like "Exactly why I left this thread." posted in the same thread you're simultaneously claiming you left. I mean...bravo, dude. :clap:
the very few times I grew white widow from the "free" seeds ii was sent it was always garbage! now don't get me wrong I was a big time noob way back when but even still it was completely garbage!View attachment 4220611 View attachment 4220612

Fuuucckkk those free ww seeds man.. dont know y Im even keepin the fucker. I prolly pass it on to some noob on here who havin troubles or something.