Greenpoint seeds!!

and dam guys thanks for the likes but I got like 2 or 3 pages with nothing but likes lmfao dam! feeling like I won first place at the fish tourny
I get that but popping a whole pack is more than likely double, of what 60% of small home growers are able to pop at a single time! I know u big guys and breeders run through thousands of beans but I'm small bro!
A whole pack is only 5 females, 6 if you're lucky.
If you flip em when they're small, it's easy to flower 6 in a 4X4.
I have mixed feelings to be honest! and the way I was raised, you call an ace an ace and a spade a spade! I try to be straight forward with my OPINIONS! lol a lot of ppl forget the fact that's all any of this shit is opinions!
Word, ya I think i misunderstood your post. My bad . That tomahawk is very nice though. I hope you kept a cut. All the shit I read lately has made me not want to pop any of my gps gear. I know that sounds bad but it is what it is, I have better options.
A whole pack is only 5 females, 6 if you're lucky.
If you flip em when they're small, it's easy to flower 6 in a 4X4.
I typically pop between 10-12 seeds for my 4’x4’ tent. Sometimes my tent is overcrowded, but it usually works out to 5 or so females. My current grow I dropped 12 seeds, 9 germinated and 5 were females. One went hermaphrodidic early in flower, so I’m down to four. I’d prefer 6.
Damn. Tents tend to get more crowded around here. Sometimes there might be 20-30 plants flowering in a 4x4. (half in one gallons and half in 7.5L root master pots)

The canopy is filled in and looks like a scrog from the top
this what I'm comparing too and saying it's a bitch to trim I actually give my buddy free bud just to do it for me!!!

and plz don't get me wrong, when we're talking about finished product it's hands down in top 10 I've had the pleasure of tasting! (speaking from a taste only standpoint) but when we're talking from a growers stand point, the yields were so low I wouldn't even tell anyone lmfao! and the trimming was a nightmare!!!
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I hate trimming, i feel your pain
I get that but popping a whole pack is more than likely double, of what 60% of small home growers are able to pop at a single time! I know u big guys and breeders run through thousands of beans but I'm small bro!
I start a lot for my guerrilla grows , but after males, thieves, animals insects/bugs/termite's, weather, miscellaneous, a bush hog, dozer, some kind of box blade or front end bucket and me goofing up I usually have about a fourth of em left.
I like to take my pics in the pitch black darkness, and use the light from the camera! I've found that most all pics come out better this way!!!
I learned that growing outdoors, sometimes i go tracking through the woods,thickets briars and all in the middle of the night , nothing but a headlight and have to cut it off a lot. And it gets creepy sometimes. Armadillo's coming at you in the pitch dark, snapping twigs and making all kind of racket, not knowing what it is will scare the hell out of you or running up on a cow with your headlight on, their white face looks just like that ghost mask on that one movie, I bout pissed my pants and I'm a grown man. But man do those plants glow when the light hits them in the pitch dark. Just gorgeous!
lol i got an email about being mailed a pack of papers with tracking. tbh, i wish i could have just won free shipping on an order. maybe something to consider in the future @Gu~

not too be unappreciative, but that's an expensive pack of papers haha.
that looks very much like my sky pilot i grew a while back. it was a real winner and your description fits it perfectly

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i just wish that one was still being made

Shes a fast mover and already putting out single leaves showing successful revegskyreveg - Copy.jpg

I've half a pack still to hunt through and will look to F2 and share out when the time comes
I learned that growing outdoors, sometimes i go tracking through the woods,thickets briars and all in the middle of the night , nothing but a headlight and have to cut it off a lot. And it gets creepy sometimes. Armadillo's coming at you in the pitch dark, snapping twigs and making all kind of racket, not knowing what it is will scare the hell out of you or running up on a cow with your headlight on, their white face looks just like that ghost mask on that one movie, I bout pissed my pants and I'm a grown man. But man do those plants glow when the light hits them in the pitch dark. Just gorgeous!
Your post brings back memories boybelue! We have deer, elk, black bear and grizzly bears that used to keep my nerve endings alert, I'd have to say the lowly rough grouse blowing up right under my feet precipitated a lot of adrenaline rushes lol,
I lost twinn boys in 2013. I understand the pain of loss and the dark place one can find themselves in afterwards.

My comment was just my observations and I was hoping to provide him with some perspective, cause I agree that he is one heck of a grower.

Either way, I ain't trying to force things here.
Exactly. . And that pain can hit like a tidal wave out of nowhere. It takes you to your knees and humbles you in way words cant explain. Its not something you "get through".
You just absorb it until it becomes a part of you.
Fathers do grieve differently than mothers and everyone has their "moments" but I'm a little taken back when I read people think this kind of loss is an excuse for people to go through life acting like a narcissistic jerk.

And I'm so sorry for your loss, copper. With every part of my being I wish none of use knew this kind of sorrow.
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