Greenpoint seeds!!

Quiescent nailed it.

It's a process (loss of market share) that will happen over time. My guy went from needing 4 per month to a 1/2 per month in less than a year. (2014/A64 passed) I couldn't get it through my head that the game was basically i just kept hammering away....thinking about that "top shelf theory" so many said was gonna rule the game. Nope. With the VARIETY present in the dispensaries...and the fact that in the legal states FLOWER isn't the's the concentrates and edibles that pay the bills...I coulda had the GRAIL and it just wouldn't matter. Folks go where it's easiest and where they are the safest...and that is the State sanctioned Dispos. Unless you wanna try standing outside the retail shop with a sign that says "Illegal Top Shelf Nug"....all of those folks will walk right past you/will lose your phone number pronto. I saw 25 years of steady flow just evaporate. If some of you can make it work...more power to ya...but "legal pot" is gonna separate the wheat from the chaff in a big way...if not completely.

Good luck all
met him, talked to him quite a bit, lived down the road for a few minutes. Been since 2013 or so. Met Kareem and MedKlow also, all great guys, give ya the shirt off their back. I just wished Sportz would have told me that gal I was livin with a known crazy hippiechick! lol

Are you still in touch with him?He and the father in law were very good friends for alotta yrs.And if he had told ya about her he wouldn't have had as much entertainment i'm sure.;)
Realistically huge producers will supply like 98% of individuals at a much lower rate than you're expecting. There will be plenty of shit tier carpet baggers coming out west back to the east coast from where they originated.

I liken the situation of growers figuring out the gravy train is over as similar to a situation I witnessed in my city. A few years ago for whatever reason food trucks were trending way up. There's a low barrier to entry and everyone thinks they'll make it. Problem was the degenerate pirate fucks that couldn't cook their way out of a paper bag or keep a McDonald's from going under were the ones that decided to throw their hat in the ring because they'd rather be their own boss. We can all guess what happened, lots of food trucks for sale and a bunch of pirates on the curb making excuses why they failed.

I saw the same thing happen around when Colorado went medical, all these growers got their proverbial food truck. Then things went fully legal and the pirates that had a wife with half a brain bounced. They might've ended up in prohibition land. They might've kept growing, maybe not.

Some growers never left prohibition land and have been a witness to what's going on in the rest of the country. Either way, you're delusional if you think you're going to be selling your lbs for more than 1k when it's time for the nation to go legal. If you can't grow weed with economic efficiency I'd sell your gear and keep a private tent.

I won't even get into the oil cartridge thing fucking smaller producers of quality flower. All I'll say is I use them outside of my home for discretion and enjoy being able to get blasted around hundreds of other people and no one's the wiser.

The days of some growers being early retirees and stay at home dads are coming to a close. It's a bittersweet moment, wish no ill will but I'm glad it's happening. Soon it's gonna be put up or shut up timetime, best to prepare those folks so they'll hopefully stay off social welfare programs.

If any of this describes any of us, I'm sorry for keeping it real..... Your futures are gonna be different than you imagined.

I agree to a point. I look at weed from a business pov. I look at what the alcohol industry did and I believe that is what we, as a group, need to copy. Let the Budweiser and Miller guys be the billionaires. Then the people holding the awesome cuts start taking over with their MICRO WEEDERIES. We do it for us, the people right here. I got so many ideas that would include hundreds of people right here from RIU. People with off the chart cuts that no one in the country has. You can set up shops all over the country. You set it up so that we all grow the same shit the same way using the same lights, food and growing materials.

We will fill the niche that will be opened once the HUGE corporations take over. There is always a void to be filled. You just have to open your mind and think about it. Specialty cakes/cookies. Specialty cookware. Specialty food. Specialty anything. Don't think for yourself only, think out of the box. Just imagine what we could do if we put our heads together and filled that void.

My mind is open to a million possibilities. I bet some of you also have great ideas. Don't give up hope quite yet :blsmoke:
Are you still in touch with him?He and the father in law were very good friends for alotta yrs.And if he had told ya about her he wouldn't have had as much entertainment i'm sure.;)
naw man, when I left that gal, I ended up wingin it in a boardin house for a bit, wasn't able to grow, etc. and then left state. I had left the perfect situation when she asked me to stay with her, then it went south, then Lone passed, left a bit sour taste in mouth, left state. Should have never left, to be honest. Was helpin a few multipatient caregivers with poppin beans and gettin some satisfaction from it. Again, regret leaving.
I agree to a point. I look at weed from a business pov. I look at what the alcohol industry did and I believe that is what we, as a group, need to copy. Let the Budweiser and Miller guys be the billionaires. Then the people holding the awesome cuts start taking over with their MICRO WEEDERIES. We do it for us, the people right here. I got so many ideas that would include hundreds of people right here from RIU. People with off the chart cuts that no one in the country has. You can set up shops all over the country. You set it up so that we all grow the same shit the same way using the same lights, food and growing materials.

We will fill the niche that will be opened once the HUGE corporations take over. There is always a void to be filled. You just have to open your mind and think about it. Specialty cakes/cookies. Specialty cookware. Specialty food. Specialty anything. Don't think for yourself only, think out of the box. Just imagine what we could do if we put our heads together and filled that void.

My mind is open to a million possibilities. I bet some of you also have great ideas. Don't give up hope quite yet :blsmoke:
Seems like most of the micro breweries eventually sell out to the big boys.

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. :twisted:
I agree to a point. I look at weed from a business pov. I look at what the alcohol industry did and I believe that is what we, as a group, need to copy. Let the Budweiser and Miller guys be the billionaires. Then the people holding the awesome cuts start taking over with their MICRO WEEDERIES. We do it for us, the people right here. I got so many ideas that would include hundreds of people right here from RIU. People with off the chart cuts that no one in the country has. You can set up shops all over the country. You set it up so that we all grow the same shit the same way using the same lights, food and growing materials.

We will fill the niche that will be opened once the HUGE corporations take over. There is always a void to be filled. You just have to open your mind and think about it. Specialty cakes/cookies. Specialty cookware. Specialty food. Specialty anything. Don't think for yourself only, think out of the box. Just imagine what we could do if we put our heads together and filled that void.

My mind is open to a million possibilities. I bet some of you also have great ideas. Don't give up hope quite yet :blsmoke:
Problem is you're gonna have a niche market that every grower that doesn't want to work at I'm guessing $12-20/hour for some huge corporation is also going to try to fill. There's also gonna be those same pirates come into the game with no clue what they've gotten themselves into.

I wouldn't be surprised if licensing fees price out anyone not currently wealthy. I mean wealthy when I say it, just having some savings and dabbling in the stock market with comfortable jobs is just barely making it realistically. So much of the country is literally living paycheck to paycheck. The people that are gonna fill that need are the people that are truly wealthy. The guys that don't really have a job, they just have their hand in a million cookie jars using money they probably didn't earn themselves to make more money. That's how America really is right now.

There will be better paying jobs in the industry for sure but people with degrees or are currently running 25-50k by themselves (with the exception of trimming and harvesting) or a larger op with a number of subordinates will be the ones getting them.

You're not gonna get a job in this new industry without provable skills and knowledge. How it's kinda being set up by Californians with their certification process is how I envision it long term.
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Love my state...
Still 250-300 all day...

3200- 4200 for the # Still & will stay this way for a min... we don't really fucks with to much out of state nugs.
I recently renewed my WA medical card which means I had to visit a dispensary to be entered into the database.
Talk about range! Zips go from $75 to $375. :o
Black market price for a decent ounce is $150.
Seems like most of the micro breweries eventually sell out to the big boys.

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. :twisted:
I'm my city there is a thriving true microbrewery market. If I can get your beer in Florida that was made in Oregon it's not a microbrew. There are at least 20 decent microbreweries in my area. They're not gonna get swallowed up anytime soon.

Problem is like in my previous post you've gotta have money to make it and there's always gonna be someone to pay back to get your start without using your own cash or tricking a bank to give you a loan. Beside the fact that banks won't be giving out loans because the people that don't need them will be in a higher number than the market could likely support.
That Tb looks awesome, indica dominant? I think I got one growing that looks very similar too that, can only hope It turns out that good mate
anks, she is surprisingly straight sativa. You feal her instantly in your head and that is where she stays. Assuming it carries over from the Ghost OG/Skunk/Haze genes in the Banana Kush. It’s an amazing smoke and I’m more of an indica guy.
480-520 a zip where I'm at.
I could see that in a certain circle in a more rural/large town dynamic but that's not the case in the cities. With legalization those prices would still fall to a way more reasonable rate. I dunno if you're gonna be keeping customers at a similar cost to white market when that happens after taking them for double what they should've been paying all along.
The STICKLER for most who think they'll simply set up shop and "boutique" their top shelf/frost/nug to the finicky among us will certainly be LICENSING. Here in CO...only the folks who stepped out on the Med limb and opened dispensaries pre-ANY regulation...were offered Rec licensing when a64 passed. License numbers were capped by the State very early on. There's no getting in NOW just cus you want to..or think you have the best weed. It's BUSINESS now....with open sales and no hiding away....not grower expertise sold from the living room. Here in CO...ALL unlicensed sales are illegal....and those penalties never changed. I'm sure they can now add tax evasion onto the charges as well....just like they now add ARSON charges if an unlicensed maker of BHO...blow the fuck out of something in the process. Ahh....laws and the laws they create.

Every state will have different parameters....but I guarantee every state will require licenses...and clean criminal records...and they did here...a detailed 30 page questionaire about EVERYTHING in your life....just to "qualify" for the privilege of lying in bed with the enemy...

Enjoy it while you can....
IMG_20181030_131912.jpg IMG_20181030_131802.jpg

These are the "enemy" long term. I love flower but as I get older seeing how discreet the carts are its undeniably going to overtake flower as the most common way to consume. Its a nice peace of mind thing for me.

My buddy restocks on these just as often as flower in prohibition land. He makes less off the carts but people usually get a mix. Literally picked those up today. I had grape stomper, jetfuel og and lemon slushie past week.
I'm hoping up here in the mitten that they make it reasonable to get one of the micro business licences when we vote on rec. Its supposed to allow 150 plants, and you can process, pack, and sell yourself.
That's interesting. Had no idea that mi rec was gonna be that cool. I'm just preparing for the worst, hoping for the best on the licenses if there's a good push to at least get "medical" approved soon nationally.