Greenpoint seeds!!

All 3 started to throw nanners, they take forever to finish, granted I didnt even let mine finish all the way, they made it to maybe 11 or 12 weeks and then I chopped them over the nanners. The potency(again maybe a little premature) wasnt there at all and they had a real nasty smell to them. Kind of like dog shit, litterally.

Edit: Just considering some of the other strains I have, it's a no brainer as far as my garden goes.
thanks for the heads up ill put those on the backburner for a bit
Unfortunately domestic card processors will not work with cannabis companies. If you've paid another breeder using paypal or the likes, you were experiencing an exception that will not always be available. Eventually said breeder will breach levels that warrant verification. Those channels are always shut down at this point.

The other option is to use companies like payofix that have less than stellar track records handling customer funds and business funds.

When I'm asked questions like yours @jahops I'm always put in a position that I'm dammed-if-I-do-and-damned-if-I-don't

The solution, sacrifice scale for security and only accept cold hard cash. At least in this scenario, there is no trouble. Only restriction.

Are the cbds coming back?
And here's the cnc reveg. I think I'll just do weekly updates from here out. She's been a bit high on maintenance due to her size /space combo. I was stripping leaves up until last week, week 3. I really seen her buds stack after the last stripping.
And I'll probably have to selectivity take leaves for most of flower just to make sure I don't have any problems with pm, mold, rot. I ran night temps same as day temps, too control stretch. It worked better than I thought it would, I wanted to hit the top of the cage. She's about 43" tall and is pushing up the cage too, so maybe I'm closer to my mark than I'm giving credit for. But I am looking forward to some nicely cured cnc buds. 20190408_203115.jpg

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