Greenpoint seeds!!

Ditching Greenpoint for Nirvana...........okay.

Aloe? i have tons of aloe plants way behind my yard didnt know plants like that in the water?
Oh yes its good stuff. Only use the gel or slime from it. No outter skin. Mix with little water or coconut water in blender to get it good a chopd. But its only good for like 10-15 mins after u chop it from plant. So have ducks in order b4 u chop it of plant. Also ive broke a branch on accident. Cut end at angle dipd it in gel then straight into cloner. Wirks well. Not the fastest but usually 10-12 days u wil get roots. Another favorite for cloning and a boost to ur plant if u mix with water b4 u feed plant is willow tree branches. Cut the ends off of branches. Like a foot off each branch but newset growth. Chop branch tips up in bucket. Put water in with them and mix bucket couple times daily. After a day or 2 drain sticks out and water in bucket is full of the good stuff u want. Coconut water, aloe gel, willow branches all have lots of goodies for plants. All 3 got muliple uses. Google it ud b surprised.
Nirvana over GPS...seriously?
You gotta be kidding

Alright you bunch of dumbasses!!! This forum admin recommended them...I liked the old school varieties for breeding (see OP). Never said shit about trading anything. I have every variety GPS sells, and I am actively breeding them...the only reason I bought any seeds was to import genetics into my garden because I have been actively growing for 50+ years, but now it's legal and I am expanding, so screw all you dumbasses taking up for asshole-Gu. :) Last time it's not the genetics it's the seller...
Alright you bunch of dumbasses!!! This forum admin recommended them...I liked the old school varieties for breeding (see OP). Never said shit about trading anything. I have every variety GPS sells, and I am actively breeding them...the only reason I bought any seeds was to import genetics into my garden because I have been actively growing for 50+ years, but now it's legal and I am expanding, so screw all you dumbasses taking up for asshole-Gu. :) Last time it's not the genetics it's the seller...

Aloe? i have tons of aloe plants way behind my yard didnt know plants like that in the water?
Just steep the aloe stalks in water 24 hrs, then mix the liquid with your regular nutes.
Give em a fresh cut & repeat.

You'll know they're spent when they get pale and squishy.
Another tip -- plants really like stale leftover coffee. :weed:
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Alright you bunch of dumbasses!!! This forum admin recommended them...I liked the old school varieties for breeding (see OP). Never said shit about trading anything. I have every variety GPS sells, and I am actively breeding them...the only reason I bought any seeds was to import genetics into my garden because I have been actively growing for 50+ years, but now it's legal and I am expanding, so screw all you dumbasses taking up for asshole-Gu. :) Last time it's not the genetics it's the seller...
Just steep the aloe stalks in water 24 hrs, then mix the liquid with your regular nutes.
Give em a fresh cut & repeat.

You'll know they're spent when they get pale and squishy.

Another tip -- plants really like stale leftover coffee. :weed:
How do you use it? Sounds very interesting. I use the grounds on my camellias and gardenias, but have never used the brewed coffee.
I harvested an OBS the other day, first one actually. It was at the back of the room, went thru a fungus gnat invasion early in flower and was mostly neglected. It came off the rack yesterday and I packaged it up for a client, but decided to try it first. I took 2 tiny hits off the pipe at noon, and I'm still really high. Straight to the face and still feeling it nearly 3 hours later! Sure glad I saved a clone! Except for the counterfeit Wedding Cake, I haven't been disappointed yet!
I used to mess with nirvana about 17 years ago back when I was more commercially growing...I found unstable genetics meaning most of the plants was vastly different from each other....But thats just my experience, I did find some nice ones though but never messed with cloning back then

In fact thats where my whole south african durban poison adventures began, I still have that seeds I made 17 years ago and they still all sprout, monster big plants...Wasnt orange bud from them too, ahh memories, I did run into some nice ones
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