Greenpoint seeds!!

View attachment 4473058

I wonder if this is part of his pay? & why is he acting like a disgruntled employee?
View attachment 4473059

Ima go on vacation for a "week" I'll be back..

He has members that try to post my addy,one even post tracking screenshot from my town.... so yeah,that place has a few "dry snitches "

The people he just kicked to the curb,for not "standing up for him/using knee-pads"
It all seems like deja vu.
View attachment 4473069
Shit crazy. You would think someone “supposedly” making almost 200k a year wouldn’t even have time for us PEON’s. Something is really wrong with this new generation of dudes. But I’m willing to bet my last dollar off the internet they’re peaceful beings!!
what's this your going on about. I offer my condolences however.
completely understandable if what you say is fact. I must have missed the former apparently.

I'm with this.
The posts are still up. And thank you. I can respect that. The members here (some I talk to outside of the forums) helped me more than I could ever express in words. But by sharing that grief, I also provided the ammo used to come at me when defending Gu and the members here.

And I may have verbally smacked Heisens sock accounts around (mostly in the politics section). I'll own that. I have a son serving in the infantry so I do take exception when idiots pound the war drum while disparaging our vets and service members. Its unnecessary. They get used as political pawns enough...from both sides.
View attachment 4473058

I wonder if this is part of his pay? & why is he acting like a disgruntled employee?
View attachment 4473059

Ima go on vacation for a "week" I'll be back..

He has members that try to post my addy,one even post tracking screenshot from my town.... so yeah,that place has a few "dry snitches "

The people he just kicked to the curb,for not "standing up for him/using knee-pads"
It all seems like deja vu.
View attachment 4473069
The fucking irony of that - one of the biggest loudmouths over CP actually has posted about some real narc shit on the Farm. And peeps over there are openly trading with him.

I'm going to bow out now and wish everyone the best. If Canal street has something they seek, cool. I just hope they know enough to protect their identity with extreme prejudice.
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I mentioned I had trouble germinating gmoozy on chuckers a long while ago. holy shit I was called the most deragatory names in existence, like a fkin idiot retard that dont know wtf im doing after 25 years of doing this on a daily basis...

Ill still buy the seeds if I want it but jeeezzz

Never went back
Do people even know what a narc is? WTF. If heisen told someone what he is paid by Gu then that is his OWN fuckup for letting the cat out of the bag.

People throwing around the term narc incorrectly is fucking stupid and makes them look even dumber.
Change narc to rat. Does that feel better?
Interesting comments. I’m beginning to see a clearer picture of why some people feel the way they do. Some of it’s troubling. This next part bugs me way more than the pic issue —

I mentioned I had trouble germinating gmoozy on chuckers a long while ago. holy shit I was called the most deragatory names in existence, like a fkin idiot retard that dont know wtf im doing after 25 years of doing this on a daily basis...

Ill still buy the seeds if I want it but jeeezzz

Never went back

Fuck people that can’t be respectful, courteous, and helpful. Fuck em. Some people can’t handle success. They get a little success and suddenly think they’re god’s gift to whatever industry they’re in and start shitting all over the little people. When I saw all the posts about the pics and people raising hell over that, I thought it was odd and didn’t understand. I now see that this is only a small part of a much bigger pattern of general asshole behavior, and I understand completely why people feel the way they do. I’m like dakilla187. I’ll get the seeds I want, but some of this stuff just makes me shake my head. Just because this is an industry full of potheads doesn’t make it any less legitimate. Hell I would love to enter the professional level of cannabis growing, and I’m gonna act like a professional through all of my experience. This attitude served me well in construction. I wouldn’t have gotten as far as I have, at age 33 running commercial jobs with crews of people, some that are older or that have been doing it for longer, if I didn’t act with courtesy and professionalism and take my work seriously. I’ll put up with a lot, but I saw the two things I consider mortal sins of decency mentioned here — being rude and unhelpful and gossiping about confidential info. Those are two things I just can’t tolerate. If you’re respectful and discreet I’ll look the other way on a lot of stuff, like the pics, but this is like an honor code thing to me. I’ll still buy their gear because I think it’s the best stuff for the price, but I won’t try to defend them anymore.
Talk about deleting stuff. I posted about having sniffles in 3 threads and 2 were deleted.

Sniffles...............with the finger.......................was deleted :cry:

No one cares. I could have the corbonavirus or something. Wasn't political or trolly. I wanted some hugs. Now today my throat hurts and it's hard to breath.

Then I come here and see people arguing over seeds like it means something. But all of you are healthy and feel great. While I suffer from possible corbonavirus. Don't worry tho. I got some fire seeds for ya. I'll send em off right away. Don't worry I used gloves to pack em :blsmoke:
Same shit different day.

If it were me who ran GPS I'd be pissed at my employee who spilled that info. Not some random dude on the net whose simply parroting the info.
The rat in this case was Heisen who told Amos. Feel better friend?

Albeit if this is all even true??
Yeah I feel better you'r like one of those standup clown punching bags....

So should someone retaliate by posting Amos's address? He was stupid enough to give it out, so by your own words and reasoning you'd be ok with outing that right?

That's OK right?
Talk about deleting stuff. I posted about having sniffles in 3 threads and 2 were deleted.

Sniffles...............with the finger.......................was deleted :cry:

No one cares. I could have the corbonavirus or something. Wasn't political or trolly. I wanted some hugs. Now today my throat hurts and it's hard to breath.

Then I come here and see people arguing over seeds like it means something. But all of you are healthy and feel great. While I suffer from possible corbonavirus. Don't worry tho. I got some fire seeds for ya. I'll send em off right away. Don't worry I used gloves to pack em :blsmoke:
Ok (hotwierd):hug::hug:
These sock accounts stink like poo
A lot of crying goes on in this thread,

glad I don’t no the background on GU or Heisen all I know is I bought fem seeds and grew some really good bud with no hermies at all?

So for them that won’t give gps a shot becuz of whatever happen in the past is losing out..

that Amos shit is weak as fuck like I said about crying earlier you all spread gossip like females,

Wow! here are some Pics what this thread should be filled of... funny thing is I see tons of awesome pics and no one even noticed them! or they do! and it makes them even more mad lmao HATERS!E48A2078-AF86-4C85-A3F9-227A4E615FB2.jpeg1725866F-BED5-4E61-83C7-6853C4AE9BC2.jpeg6273DAFF-36C2-4DC2-99DC-DF1D8DC322B2.jpegD3F06FE5-62FB-4A9E-90CE-4F1CF7693634.jpegD52BD79A-C71B-44A3-A056-FD3A9B572787.jpeg92E1C35F-6E75-466B-A3C9-9994FA22E801.jpeg6209F6BE-A820-4642-9FD2-2AA88A14D711.jpeg
Wasn’t even gonna say anything but i’m Lmao at all the Heisen fanboys running in to defend him and they don’t even know why he had a whole temper tantrum on Monday and why he’s still mad. Dude still checking up on a site he has said he was done with 100 times, even while. All he does is call somebody a hater or a liar while also giving a sob story on how hard he works, repeatedly. Go back to chuckers with your lord and savior who can do no wrong. @Problem11 aka promedz


Guess what the asshole did after all that, banned me. Then got rid of any mod that didn’t delete that post he responded “cunt” to. lmao but he got that “fire” so who cares about how he acts, right? :weed:
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A lot of crying goes on in this thread,

glad I don’t no the background on GU or Heisen all I know is I bought fem seeds and grew some really good bud with no hermies at all?

So for them that won’t give gps a shot becuz of whatever happen in the past is losing out..

that Amos shit is weak as fuck like I said about crying earlier you all spread gossip like females,

Wow! here are some Pics what this thread should be filled of... funny thing is I see tons of awesome pics and no one even noticed them! or they do! and it makes them even more mad lmao HATERS!View attachment 4473390View attachment 4473392View attachment 4473393View attachment 4473395View attachment 4473396View attachment 4473397View attachment 4473398

Nice pics @promedz. I doubt you get banned for the post - it would have to be a bit more ballsy, I think

Promedz said:

Just posted some pics over at riu and a little
Message lol think I might get banned since I Just called them all females who cry a lot! No offense to any ladies on this site... smh

images (6).jpg