Active Member
Hey, are packs touchin' down for most people who ordered from the 4/20 sale? Starting to raise an eyebrow in regard to how long mine is taking to show up, but I'm not sure if GP gets backed up when they blow through most of their stock like that (or what their shipping is like in general).
Was marked shipped on 4/21. I've had other packages show up slightly off schedule lately, but nothing too bizarre. I'm an East Coaster, so perhaps it took a route that landed it in a jammed up sorting center or something, but yeah - weird stuff.
I'll wait out the week, then hit up GP and see what's good. Just thought I'd seek out some anecdotes on here first
Was marked shipped on 4/21. I've had other packages show up slightly off schedule lately, but nothing too bizarre. I'm an East Coaster, so perhaps it took a route that landed it in a jammed up sorting center or something, but yeah - weird stuff.
I'll wait out the week, then hit up GP and see what's good. Just thought I'd seek out some anecdotes on here first