Greenpoint seeds!!

1.2.3 Go ahead and cry dreamcatcher schwazzed

I don’t do anything that extreme, but my chem pies were getting really unruly and I decided to unhook the trellis, take them out of the tent, and lop the shit out of them just now. Cut off a ton of fan leaves and all the lower branches that didn’t stretch. Both these phenos are bushy and compact, but the grapefruit smelling one in front has looked like the clear winner from the start. Smells way better, already frostier, and puts her energy into nice colas instead of a bunch of smaller branches. They still look pretty bushy but the pile of leaves on the floor speaks for itself. I’m not expecting much larf on these now.
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I don’t do anything that extreme, but my chem pies were getting really unruly and I decided to unhook the trellis, take them out of the tent, and lop the shit out of them just now. Cut off a ton of fan leaves and all the lower branches that didn’t stretch. Both these phenos are bushy and compact, but the grapefruit smelling one in front has looked like the clear winner from the start. Smells way better, already frostier, and puts her energy into nice colas instead of a bunch of smaller branches. They still look pretty bushy but the pile of leaves on the floor speaks for itself. I’m not expecting much larf on these now.
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So your plants expend energy to grow all of those solar panels just so the plant can flourish, and you remove them because you think you know better!

Amateurs! :roll:


So your plants expend energy to grow all of those solar panels just so the plant can flourish, and you remove them because you think you know better!

Amateurs! :roll:


I’ve done it both ways. I started defoliating because a local friend of mine with more experience than me challenged me to try it. Before I started doing this half my yield would be larf and have to be made into edibles, but now I get almost no larf. If you have a better way I’d like to hear it, and I’ve only been doing this for a year and a half so I take no offense at the “amateur” dig. I’ve always tried to strike a balance between keeping enough leaves on for good photosynthesis and making sure most of the bud sites are under direct light. I also train my plants and use good lights. I’m genuinely interested to hear of a better way to keep larf to a minimum. Pruning for better light penetration is pretty commonplace throughout all of horticulture and not just cannabis.

I think this is also pretty supportive of the fact that defoliation is good. This is pretty much exactly how I do it, combined with scrogging.

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I’ve done it both ways. I started defoliating because a local friend of mine with more experience than me challenged me to try it. Before I started doing this half my yield would be larf and have to be made into edibles, but now I get almost no larf. If you have a better way I’d like to hear it, and I’ve only been doing this for a year and a half so I take no offense at the “amateur” dig. I’ve always tried to strike a balance between keeping enough leaves on for good photosynthesis and making sure most of the bud sites are under direct light. I also train my plants and use good lights. I’m genuinely interested to hear of a better way to keep larf to a minimum. Pruning for better light penetration is pretty commonplace throughout all of horticulture and not just cannabis.

I think this is also pretty supportive of the fact that defoliation is good.

Just wanted to add, defoliating in Veg causes stretch. Fans will never regrow once severed, the plant will force itself to grow in height to allow for new fans to grow from the new bud sites created.
The technique schwazzing is supposed to take that energy it wants to grow new sites and since you flipped to flower it will send that energy to your existing bud sites to grow bigger.
I’ve done it both ways. I started defoliating because a local friend of mine with more experience than me challenged me to try it. Before I started doing this half my yield would be larf and have to be made into edibles, but now I get almost no larf. If you have a better way I’d like to hear it, and I’ve only been doing this for a year and a half so I take no offense at the “amateur” dig. I’ve always tried to strike a balance between keeping enough leaves on for good photosynthesis and making sure most of the bud sites are under direct light. I also train my plants and use good lights. I’m genuinely interested to hear of a better way to keep larf to a minimum. Pruning for better light penetration is pretty commonplace throughout all of horticulture and not just cannabis.

I think this is also pretty supportive of the fact that defoliation is good. This is pretty much exactly how I do it, combined with scrogging.

Man, you just said it yourself, I put it in red.

How do you know what amount of leaves are required for "good photosynthesis." Since you're new, I'll tell you, ALL of them!

Also, the leaves are what need the light, more than the bud sites! The plant put those leaves there to absorb the light, to provide energy for the buds to grow. Less energy, less buds.

Also, the leaves are what need the light, more than the bud sites! The plant put those leaves there to absorb the light, to provide energy for the buds to grow. Less energy, less buds.

Quick off topic question.
What are your thoughts on 24-36 hours of darkness before flowering.
The point is to achieve a boost to the production of florigen which supposedly helps your bud sites develope into flowers quicker than switching to straight 12/12?
Man, you just said it yourself, I put it in red.

How do you know what amount of leaves are required for "good photosynthesis." Since you're new, I'll tell you, ALL of them!

Also, the leaves are what need the light, more than the bud sites! The plant put those leaves there to absorb the light, to provide energy for the buds to grow. Less energy, less buds.


I didn’t realize defoliation was so divisive and controversial in cannabis cultivation. I’m not going to try to defend the techniques that have improved the quality of the bud I grow at home, but I’ll just use this analogy. I’m a professional carpenter/taper/painter/woodworker. Journeyman level at all of those trades with over 15 years of experience. I work for a highly respected commercial general contractor that remodels space in the highest end buildings in town. My methods have been cultivated through years of trial and error, academic research, and discussion with other professionals. When I’m running stain grade moulding, I don’t miter the inside corners — I cope them. Coping them takes more time and someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing will ruin the board by cutting it too short. You have to be methodical and attentive when coping inside corners, but the results are worth it when properly done.

However most trim carpenters would just miter that inside corner and shrug off the fact that the joint will open up in a year. Both methods are technically “correct” and a little bit divisive. It doesn’t matter to me. I’m going to cope every single inside corner because I like the results better, and the people that disagree with me aren’t automatically better or worse carpenters.
Just want to put it out there that GPS got some nice gear for sure, but seriously wtf is w these names? Some of the worst strain names I’ve seen anywhere. Pebble Pusher?? Or the worst offender Periwinkle Pie? Like gtfo, r we for real lmfao. I couldn’t give somethin wit a name that fruity to any1 I fux wit. That said, quality is good no question.
Just want to put it out there that GPS got some nice gear for sure, but seriously wtf is w these names? Some of the worst strain names I’ve seen anywhere. Pebble Pusher?? Or the worst offender Periwinkle Pie? Like gtfo, r we for real lmfao. I couldn’t give somethin wit a name that fruity to any1 I fux wit. That said, quality is good no question.
U don’t even know... smh bongsmilie
So all that was somehow related to how you coped your healthy leaves?

OK Man.


More or less. It’s worked for me and I like the results compared to just letting the plant run riot. I like every part of my plants to get plenty of light and airflow, and I like them to have minimal larf. I think we’re just gonna have to agree to disagree on the best way to achieve that. I’ve seen a lot of hate on defoliation but not a lot of people presenting alternatives for keeping larf to a minimum.

Not trying to sound like a smartass, but there’s no place for dogma in an ultimately scientific community.
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Also I may have been exaggerating when I said I “lopped the shit out of them”. It’s been a full day since @Fibromyoucha and I set off this little row. We goddamn noobs ruin everything huh? The plants recovered quite nicely. As @nc208 said defoliating increases stretch, and these phenos needed more stretch. I never imagined the statement “buds need direct light to get dense” would be the slightest bit controversial, but it’s a statement I stand by and now these buds are getting plenty of light and the plant still has plenty of leaves. Before it had so many leaves that airflow was restricted. Multiple leaves laying directly on top of each other. Pruning them was really a bad thing? I’m not trying to seem all fired up about this, but I can’t stand bad technique (especially when it’s my bad technique) and I want to get a consensus on this.
Just want to put it out there that GPS got some nice gear for sure, but seriously wtf is w these names? Some of the worst strain names I’ve seen anywhere. Pebble Pusher?? Or the worst offender Periwinkle Pie? Like gtfo, r we for real lmfao. I couldn’t give somethin wit a name that fruity to any1 I fux wit. That said, quality is good no question.

My local dispensary sells a cross of purple punch and Larry OG called “spiked punch”. I like that name a lot better than “purple Larry”.

I’m hunting through some cookie crunch phenos and there’s a nice dosi leaner that I’m gonna call “dosi-dawg” which I think is way cooler.
Just want to put it out there that GPS got some nice gear for sure, but seriously wtf is w these names? Some of the worst strain names I’ve seen anywhere. Pebble Pusher?? Or the worst offender Periwinkle Pie? Like gtfo, r we for real lmfao. I couldn’t give somethin wit a name that fruity to any1 I fux wit. That said, quality is good no question.
You've never had your pebbles pushed?
Also I may have been exaggerating when I said I “lopped the shit out of them”. It’s been a full day since @Fibromyoucha and I set off this little row. We goddamn noobs ruin everything huh? The plants recovered quite nicely. As @nc208 said defoliating increases stretch, and these phenos needed more stretch. I never imagined the statement “buds need direct light to get dense” would be the slightest bit controversial, but it’s a statement I stand by and now these buds are getting plenty of light and the plant still has plenty of leaves. Before it had so many leaves that airflow was restricted. Multiple leaves laying directly on top of each other. Pruning them was really a bad thing? I’m not trying to seem all fired up about this, but I can’t stand bad technique (especially when it’s my bad technique) and I want to get a consensus on this.
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I once did a heavy defoliation at week 2. It stunted the stretch but at the end I had about ... maybe... 15% higher yield. I'm not usually willing to do all that extra work which is why I have not done it since.

Edit: was also a very leafy strain.
I once did a heavy defoliation at week 2. It stunted the stretch but at the end I had about ... maybe... 15% higher yield. I'm not usually willing to do all that extra work which is why I have not done it since.

Edit: was also a very leafy strain.

Yeah and some plants have an open enough structure that training is enough to get light where it needs to go. I don’t usually weigh my harvests so I can’t say if it increases yield per se, but if the plant is super bushy/leafy, judicious defoliation definitely keeps larf to a minimum.