Amos Otis
Well-Known Member
I'm starting the rest of my pack of Tomahawk today.
Last night Mr Tang and I went for a late night snowmobile ride to camp. While there he found a couple of stash jars. One with some Tomahawk and the other with DVGs Grand Slam. I'd forgotten all about those jars. I thought the only weed we had at camp was SSDD.
The Grand Slam smelled great but the terps on the Tomahawk really stood out.
We smoked a big ole RAW cone of Tomahawk and sat there stunned. And since this had been curing for so long it was soooo smooth. We left the jar of DVG for later use and brought the rest of Tomahawk home...maybe a quarter or so left. Not much, but enough to enjoy for a bit longer.
Sooo, long story short, the 5 beans I have are going in the shot glass as I type this. Fingers crossed for a couple of nice girls (or Shirleys as Amos calls em, lol)
You know...I read all of that, and was just lost at the start, then was just staring. Got back from a walk around the Ponderosa with the pups, and really underestimated the joint I burned. I'll have a few exhales and read that again, and thanks for the mention of whatever it was.