Greenpoint seeds!!

I'm starting the rest of my pack of Tomahawk today.

Last night Mr Tang and I went for a late night snowmobile ride to camp. While there he found a couple of stash jars. One with some Tomahawk and the other with DVGs Grand Slam. I'd forgotten all about those jars. I thought the only weed we had at camp was SSDD.

The Grand Slam smelled great but the terps on the Tomahawk really stood out.

We smoked a big ole RAW cone of Tomahawk and sat there stunned. And since this had been curing for so long it was soooo smooth. We left the jar of DVG for later use and brought the rest of Tomahawk home...maybe a quarter or so left. Not much, but enough to enjoy for a bit longer.

Sooo, long story short, the 5 beans I have are going in the shot glass as I type this. Fingers crossed for a couple of nice girls (or Shirleys as Amos calls em, lol)

You know...I read all of that, and was just lost at the start, then was just staring. Got back from a walk around the Ponderosa with the pups, and really underestimated the joint I burned. I'll have a few exhales and read that again, and thanks for the mention of whatever it was.
Congrats to whoever grabbed the copper chem in auction recently. Was at less then half price.
Cheers :)
Thanks for this post man-popped over to check it out & got my 1st pk of gps-went w/blizzard bush-less then a 20 spot out the door plus i like running stuff that most people aren't-dont really need'em but thats a killer deal-so fook it guess iam in
Thanks for this post man-popped over to check it out & got my 1st pk of gps-went w/blizzard bush-less then a 20 spot out the door plus i like running stuff that most people aren't-dont really need'em but thats a killer deal-so fook it guess iam in

That is why I posted once I saw it was on lol
I can't partake and know some who might of been waiting on something might hate me for it. But ya glad you got to take advantage
I like the concept of the reverse auction.
Cheers and make sure you post you blizzard bush here when you run er :)
I just came to ask a similar question. I've tried adding a couple different ones to my cart that are still up with an active counter and its stating "zero stock".
I tried refreshing my page, even signing out and back in again, same thing.

I'm trying to purchase some seeds damn it!

You guys are a much better judge then I. I didn't try to purchase anything was just watching lol Window shopping anyone ?
Cheers :)
Just tried to add Maverick and Unification to my cart. Same msg.
"You cannot add that amount of "Unification" to the cart because there is not enough stock (0 remaining)."
"You cannot add that amount of "Maverick" to the cart because there is not enough stock (0 remaining)."

*kicks rocks*
Just tried to add Maverick and Unification to my cart. Same msg.
"You cannot add that amount of "Unification" to the cart because there is not enough stock (0 remaining)."
"You cannot add that amount of "Maverick" to the cart because there is not enough stock (0 remaining)."

*kicks rocks*
Yeah, I was excited that I was going to get some new seeds...

Just tried to add Maverick and Unification to my cart. Same msg.
"You cannot add that amount of "Unification" to the cart because there is not enough stock (0 remaining)."
"You cannot add that amount of "Maverick" to the cart because there is not enough stock (0 remaining)."

*kicks rocks*
That's funny the Maverick was in my cart, right about then!
Oh I see. My old shitty ass Mac and slow ass connection ain't gonna snag me no packs from the auction, lol. Literally as soon as it said refresh page I did and everything was gone already! I didn't even see how low the price went below $77. People just get all worked up with auctions. Maybe late tonight
Not trying to be a dick, but im tired of cheap, entitled, wannabe growers around here? WTF? I have bought a shit ton of Gu's beans at retail, which is already cheap? lol? I have grown countless packs of beans and have yet to lose money? One pack of seeds could pay for every seed you ever buy in your lifetime. That's a fact. :)