Greenpoint seeds!!

Looking good bro!,, I am jealous to say the least! I am going to get my floors insulated with spray foam this summer -20 F has been kicking my butt this winter...
Yeah I put it up on 4x4 post so I can
insulate the floors with R30 than I'll back fill around the sides and underneath with sand.
Ima tile all the floors also and put an exterior door on in the inside to the flower room to completely seal it for windows at all in the whole building.its gonna be like a giant vault lol.
100 amp 220 box for all the cobs and mini split and a 50 amp 110 for everything else.shit is gonna be set up epic as fuck.
Id just line the wet areas with cement board then use a waterproofer like red gaurd cheaper then tiles
plus youd do something silmilar anyway for tile backer

And make your co2 rooms like a mini ballon lol
Yeh, I just put 2" foam in my ceiling last week, now its too hot. lol
Ha ha ya it works both ways like a coffee thermos.

I got 6 inch walls with 3/4 subfloor tonge and groove for my exterior sheeting (most use 1/2)

I got 2 inch rigid foam that is foamed in place
Then i STUFFED. 6 inch fiberglass into a 3 inch cavity.

This does 2 things it dercreases the r value of the fiberglass but it also rasies the thermal density of the wall .

And since its so tightly packed it does not allow for air flow.

Besides i cauled every joint in structual grade silicone. (Benefits of being a construction worker) the shops have to throw away caulking past its date .

It went to my grow room probably 500 dollars just in caulk at 12 bucks a tube (we use the good stuff:))
But i went full retard when i insulated and airseald cause i live in a cold climate

I guarantee few people caulk their stud joints ha ha
Id just line the wet areas with cement board then use a waterproofer like red gaurd cheaper then tiles
plus youd do something silmilar anyway for tile backer

And make your co2 rooms like a mini ballon lol
How's that red guard hold up to foot traffic? I've never used it.
On my last home tile project I used Schluter Ditra tile backer, in my arctic entry, for it's vapor barrier qualities and epoxy grout, which is impermeable as well.
I have no clue i havent used it yet.

Im getting ready to redo my shower and im trying to pick between the 2 myself
Probably going with the schluter as well :)
But i still havent added up the finish costs
Will know in about 2 days lol
@Heisengrow @jonsnow399

I finally made a little grow journal if you 2 wana check it out .

Your more then welcome to :)
I have some insulation between the joists, but i put the foam on the ceiling, taping the joints. Then I stapled and taped bags made of reflectix type material to that. I purposely let the bags sag a bit to make air pockets which should give more insulation value. I get the bags out of a local dumpster for free.
Was on late the other night sight shut down had 3 things in cart for low price and Gu made it right with free stuff goes to show you how great they are don’t want to here complaining they always make it right....Reason why they’re number one!!
Yeah I put it up on 4x4 post so I can
insulate the floors with R30 than I'll back fill around the sides and underneath with sand.
Ima tile all the floors also and put an exterior door on in the inside to the flower room to completely seal it for windows at all in the whole building.its gonna be like a giant vault lol.
100 amp 220 box for all the cobs and mini split and a 50 amp 110 for everything else.shit is gonna be set up epic as fuck.
When I did my grow area last year instead of using the roll insulation I had it sprayed with the foam insulation. It is such a good moisture barrier I barley have to run my dehumidifier.If you use the roll insulation you will have to staple plastic sheeting to the bottom of joists.
Hope thos helps ease a few minds. I live in SOCO and can drive my payment to GU in about 2 hours. Of course I mailed my payment though. I did this on Tuesday. I tracked my payment yesterday and it says expected delivery Saturday?

My point is for a the last 15 orders it took 1 day, sometimes 3/4 of a day to arrive. Their are obviously issue with the mail right now. Just an FYI.
Hope thos helps ease a few minds. I live in SOCO and can drive my payment to GU in about 2 hours. Of course I mailed my payment though. I did this on Tuesday. I tracked my payment yesterday and it says expected delivery Saturday?

My point is for a the last 15 orders it took 1 day, sometimes 3/4 of a day to arrive. Their are obviously issue with the mail right now. Just an FYI.
The USPS is screwed up? Hard to believe.