the gnome
Well-Known Member
I was up in the wee hours this morning and I'm all stocked up on what I wantedI bet that we you that snagged that out from under me this AM. At least it's in local hands!!
except maybe bodega bbgum, I didn't snag a single one in the last 3 months
and still like to get 1 LVTK, anyone up for trade? I have CV triple nova.
anyways checks in the mail for everything and I'm set......
something I just realized, pretty soon I'l be racking up a nice little pile of nuggetz!
there's that itch again!

March 13, 2018 and is currently On hold.
Order details
Cookies N Chem × 1 $31.03
Tomahawk × 1 $27.93
Sundance Kid × 1 $31.03
Subtotal: $89.99
Discount: -$9.00
Shipping: $5.65 via Ground (Tracked)
Cash/Money Order DISCOUNT: -$4.05
Payment method: Cash/Money Order
Total: $82.59
March 12, 2018 and is currently On hold.
Order details
Sundance Kid × 1 $30.62
Subtotal: $30.62
Shipping: $5.65 via Ground (Tracked)
Cash/Money Order DISCOUNT: -$1.53
Payment method: Cash/Money Order
Total: $34.74
March 12, 2018 and is currently On hold.
Order details
Jelly Pie × 1 $29.23
Subtotal: $29.23
Discount: -$2.92
Shipping: $5.65 via Ground (Tracked)
Cash/Money Order DISCOUNT: -$1.32
Payment method: Cash/Money Order
Total: $30.64