Greenpoint seeds!!

Malathion works fantastic on everything for most part but never used it on thrips don't see why it wouldn't since it kills pretty much everything... I use natural pests from insectary's now though (rinconvintova). Will never use chems again been years since I have.

Malathion is nasty shit. I used to spray that in large quantities as an arborist in another lifetime. I'm glad I wore a respirator back then. It's considered a carcinogen by the IARC. Diazinon is another nasty one. The US govt doesn't consider these harmful to anything but bugs, but the international community wised up. This is the very reason I don't buy commercial herb and only grow my own. There are organic remedies out there for thrips and aphids. They may take more time/applications than something like Malathion, but at least they won't make YOU sick.
Malathion is nasty shit. I used to spray that in large quantities as an arborist in another lifetime. I'm glad I wore a respirator back then. It's considered a carcinogen by the IARC. Diazinon is another nasty one. The US govt doesn't consider these harmful to anything but bugs, but the international community wised up. This is the very reason I don't buy commercial herb and only grow my own. There are organic remedies out there for thrips and aphids. They may take more time/applications than something like Malathion, but at least they won't make YOU sick.
Yep ive used it now i just use alcohol water a few drops of dish soap
Malathion is nasty shit. I used to spray that in large quantities as an arborist in another lifetime. I'm glad I wore a respirator back then. It's considered a carcinogen by the IARC. Diazinon is another nasty one. The US govt doesn't consider these harmful to anything but bugs, but the international community wised up. This is the very reason I don't buy commercial herb and only grow my own. There are organic remedies out there for thrips and aphids. They may take more time/applications than something like Malathion, but at least they won't make YOU sick.
Neem oil works but most people give up spraying before the bugs are toast, it takes weeks of spraying ever couple days but if it worked on mites then it'll get rid of most pest too.