Greenpoint seeds!!

I have 3 WCs in their 2nd set of leaves so am sorry to hear about the issues. I have popped hundreds of fem beans and never had a straight male. Had the odd herm but never a straight male. Gu said when he was putting these out that they would be backed with the same guarantees that his usual reg beans are, so I am sure he will make it right if these are in fact all regs.
There was a lot of talk about how "tested" those Wedding Cakes were too when folks started raising questions about the known hermie traits in the Wedding Cake prior to Gu~'s drop of the S1's. I really hope @Stoned Drifter is an isolated case, but I doubt it. I know if folks feel anything like I do, Im tired of paying for beans that breeders are so quick to put out as "fire". I'll be the first to praise on good stock and low prices etc, just the same as I'll roast your ass over the coals if I pay for junk -& I dont care how inexpensive it was either.

^^^This is exactly why Im done buying seeds and will chuck my own from now on. I can ruin my own grows, I dont need help lol.
Same on all accounts

I am glad i didnt get any wedding cake now lol

Hopefully the same shit doesnt happen with mimosa and purple punch
lol that would be cold blooded.. i hate to say it but maybe this shit needs to happen so maybe people can demand/expect pre-sale testing etc. I mean, I feel bad for the people who wound up buying this shit from IG/GP but this shit is bound to happen when the hype turns into demand which turns into $$$. Since it takes a bit for plants to show sex ppl know they can hype something up nowdays and cake up before word gets out.

It wouldn't be that easy if we weren't so willing to fork out our bread on beans that we haven't seen tester journals on.. it shouldn't be that easy but it seems like it is.. almost got me :oops:
At least at the point of sale let us know if they are untested and it should have a price that reflects this.

If i spend 100 plus on anything i expect it to be close to the breeders description within reason

And i expect homogeneous healthy seeds.

These dvg i orderd better be fire or im gona let everyone i know about it lol good or bad :)