Greenpoint seeds!!

You guys are childish. Unable to respond logically, you resort to emoticons and ad hominems .

The list of questions is growing. It's on page 874. No matter what you think of me and how I communicate, no one can dispute that due diligence was not performed.

Here is the list of pertinent information.
1) Gu met some guy, believed what he had was real and put them up on his site for purchase with pictures and all. The buyers, salivating at good genetics, bought up what he had believing they would get all females with possible herms because of the genetics.

2) A few people got outright males with pics and all. Stories started about bunk seeds being sold in large lots from one person to another.

3) Gu posts a few things about stories not being true and everything is legit. That we should all relax and if we are not happy to send them back for a full refund.

4) Many seeds on the GPS website suddenly vanish.

Then citizenofcolorado posts and asks a few legit questions about how these seeds were obtained. He was not angry or abusive. (maybe a bit whiney about single seeds over a 10 pack, IMO). These questions were pretty good and should not make anyone upset.

1) Did Gu grow everyone of the new strains before putting them to market?

2) Did Gu grow a single one of the new strains before putting them to market?

3) Has Gu ever purchased, grown and sold anything from this grower before?

and I'll add one of my own............

4) Where did the pics and descriptions come from if he didn't grow them out?

I'm only looking at this logically here because of what I have read. IMO, something IS a little fishy. Maybe a small percent, maybe a large percent.

Gu said they were legit and many people here trust him. I have no reason to believe he would lie due to this fact. On the other hand no one is perfect. So if Gu did grow these out and put up the pictures and descriptions then we have nothing to worry about right? Only he knows.
Look man. I'm not here to play childish games with you. You flat out said medical and critical, both can be viewed as the same thing. Seeds with purpose, which you can't assume because alot of people choose to grow these at their leisure. Im gonna go out on a limb here call this spade a spade. You have some kind of vendetta... I could really give 2 shits about. The reality is do your fn home work. You want cuts... go find them. You live in a legal state. You can go to pretty much the epicenter of the cannabis scene and go buy a cut as you see fit.You are blaming a guy for selling seeds that in your mind should be "critical or medical but in the real world aren't. They are a novelty... You don't have to buy them... You can take your hard earned dollars and pursue another avenue. Whytewidow is a big boy, if he has a problem he can sort it out for himself with gu. His stuff Hasn't even shown yet And you are all up in his business like some kind of fucked up evil henchmen. My advice to you is to back off on the ego stroking and let Gu figure this shit out like any decent business man would do. I could care less about your quotes or evidence because they really mean SFA to me.
Why do you always assume the worst?
Have you ever made a mistake?

If GU trusted someone he shouldn't have, he's probably talking to his lawyer about legal options.
This is going to cost a pretty penny.

But you won't give him the benefit of the doubt -- and it's all because he refused to sell you *one* seed. :dunce::cuss::dunce:

But you've proved my point. You can even go back more than a year and read the posts I made.

I did not trust Gu as a breeder; I had no reason to, and so didn't want to invest hundreds of dollars into an unverified product. Living in Colorado, I can get seeds from countless places. Gu is not in stores and does not provide test results.

Now, Gu has sold packs of 10 to countless people, many of whom are now worried about the product they purchased. Gu has already decided to do refunds; that something went wrong is absolutely beyond dispute. The question is what went wrong.

My approach was to purchase a small amount of a lot of strains to try them before completely committing. People who dumped thousands into these S1s are fucked. Even the fear of what happened isn't worth it given the other proven genetics out there.

Given what happened, my concern: that I would purchase unpredictable products, seems to have been valid.
But you've proved my point. You can even go back more than a year and read the posts I made.

I did not trust Gu as a breeder; I had no reason to, and so didn't want to invest hundreds of dollars into an unverified product. Living in Colorado, I can get seeds from countless places. Gu is not in stores and does not provide test results.

Now, Gu has sold packs of 10 to countless people, many of whom are now worried about the product they purchased. Gu has already decided to do refunds; that something went wrong is absolutely beyond dispute. The question is what went wrong.

My approach was to purchase a small amount of a lot of strains to try them before completely committing. People who dumped thousands into these S1s are fucked. Even the fear of what happened isn't worth it given the other proven genetics out there.

Given what happened, my concern: that I would purchase unpredictable products, seems to have been valid.
Are you a politician?
You asked for questions, then didn't answer them.

Why do you always assume the worst?
Have you ever made a mistake?
cookies n chem

No. A few of about 5 or 6 different strains. One is currently in my tent. Again, the night before he switched. I asked him if he could send out one last order; he said not. I still bought seeds, just not the ones I wanted.

Look I don't know what your agenda is but the post I quoted clearly showed your last post in this thread that you and Gu were good. Now you come out of nowhere blasting the guy, Seems kinda odd. You also did say you didn't buy any of the s1s so not sure why your getting all up in this anyways.