Greenpoint seeds!!

Good Morning Chaps

[email protected] will be putting up auctions Monday through Friday, new one everyday. Most likely three different varieties each day. Prices start out high in the beginning of the day and should hit the reserve before most of us in the states go to sleep.

Orders and Fulfillment questions should go right over to Chip, don't be shy, he's a great dewd.

I've got a ton of your emails to get through, I'm about a week and a half behind.

My RHS testers are hitting flower in just over a week. I've got a few plants of most of the varieties, culling males now.

Hope you all have a Happy Easter! Unless you're not down with the Jesus. Or hate ham (I luv it) 4/20 Promotion will start soon, just trying to get through the emails first.


Not big on ham but known to get homicidal over the last strip of BACON
LOL happy Easter to all my bearded and non bearded buds!
New member, new Greenpoint Seeds Customer as well. I lucked up on the restock and since then I've stayed glued to my screen for these weekly auctions. Great service like the many comments posted have already stated. This thread has been a great find and is a great resource so shout out to everyone for the contributions. Waiting to start my GPS grow as soon as my packs arrive, I live in the South of the Motherland. Big Baby Jesus I can't Wait!
New member, new Greenpoint Seeds Customer as well. I lucked up on the restock and since then I've stayed glued to my screen for these weekly auctions. Great service like the many comments posted have already stated. This thread has been a great find and is a great resource so shout out to everyone for the contributions. Waiting to start my GPS grow as soon as my packs arrive, I live in the South of the Motherland. Big Baby Jesus I can't Wait!

Big welcome to you, and we're in the same boat with green point
Won't know Fer sure till late june early July if this is the budget holy grail of Chem genetics
Good luck to you!
Big welcome to you, and we're in the same boat with green point
Won't know Fer sure till late june early July if this is the budget holy grail of Chem genetics
Good luck to you!
Thanks same to you I wont pop them till little later but im sure they will be all that