Greenpoint seeds!!

Weed is legal to a point here but it's still a commodity with tremendous trading power. ;)
BTW, our police and legislature don't have to piss test and many of them are tokers as well. That's why we have been state constitutionaly legal in Ak since 1975 to possess marijuana within the curtilage of the home.
The recent rec and dispensary legalization is just an attempt to capitalize and tax weed sales to bolster our declining oil revenues and keep our satellite status with Washington State.

Honestly I liked the old system better. :cool:
Glad to hear those assholes got caught man, for real. Things like that are very common around here. You said meth heads, Eastern Ky has the worse case of that in the entire US man. Its pitiful how bad it is here. Not only that but heroin is also starting to catch up closely behind. Its sad, but people are going to make their own bed and lay in it, ya know? I try to avoid those folks at all costs... Around here to be honest, people go messing around in another mans crop, you can expect to end up in a sinkhole with an almost unlimited depth with little or no effort being put forth into any type of investigation whatsoever, if caught. People take it so so serious here, mostly due to the economy and reliance upon income.

You also got the cases of the local sheriffs and law enforcement getting busted in the past for cultivation, trafficking, conspiracy, laundering etc themselves. Eastern Ky is a whole nother World. I have never been anywhere else like it other than a few places in North East Tn.

I know several commercial growers in my belt of the woods, and I know a couple that are law enforcement, 3 are school teachers and one a lawyer. If that isn't insane, I don't know what is!

But yeah that time I got those 8 boxes, for shits and giggles I googled the mailing address on the box (I'm sure you remember this) and it linked directly to this very thread. All other search results were clear as spring water. Thank God to the mods that removed that for us... People in legal states do not understand, even if they "think" they understand, they just don't...

I believe ever so often we should remind the GPS community not to list mailing address on the thread so to be sure it doesn't happen again. I had such a bad feeling that day lol, which I'm sure was just 98% paranoia but still, sometimes paranoia can save your life.

It’s all heroin here, well that and any pharmaceutical opiate that the general population can get their hands on. It doesn’t help that there is a methadone clinic the next town over.

That said I know a few growers and a couple shiners, all older folk, they are all good people who have told me that they like what I do and that unlike 90% of the other people my age they actually respect me, because I work hard and don’t expect anything from anyone but myself. It’s sad that people are shocked to find out that I’m not on food stamps or any other form of govt assistance.
No I have never heard of it happening. But I had read somewhere on IC one time that people were getting location tags from photos, from people that were running large grows. Supposedly sophisticated thieves. They would locate the grow and steal the crop. Now how much truth this holds, I am unsure. But I can definitely see it being possible.

Maybe for me its not so much worrying about being busted, as it is my natural instinct of feeling that I have to be on the DL and use paranoia as a tool for saftey. Being born into and raised in an outlaw state really does do these things to your mind, always puts you on high alert. I have seen seen some huge busts take place near and around me and till this day they are still placing up wireless cameras on peoples guerilla plots. A friend of mine that lives in the neighboring county got raided last month, his discovery papers were haunting as it plainly stated the probable cause for search was due to aerial surveillance (drones) capturing illegal activity going on at his home. They knew where he hid his stash, inside of a couple decoy cinder block piers beneath the building and had leads on others by capturing license plate numbers on the backs of vehicles. Pretty fucked up if you ask me. And this is happening often here in the bluegrass state. However, he was dealing more than just a little weed.

Point is, I wouldn't worry about posting a few photos of a small grow. But if you are running along the lines of a commercial crop, I personally would not recommend uploading the evidence. You never know what could happen and would likely feel better if you didn't.

It was at least a couple of years before I ever posted a photo of one ssingle plant. But then I got in the hang of it and now I don't mind posting several (definitely over the felony limit) and I have been fine for the past 5 years.
Until you do hard time for growing this will always end in your paranoid....
Experience our shoes do some time and understand reality.

Here 9 is the same as 99.

I wanted to be apart it's ok I'm out
My grows are illegal regardless wether they are small or large. I run rather large guerilla grows but I am particular with my photos during that time. I sure won't be throwing up over 99 plants at one given time, even if I have over 600.

If they are gonna come take me, I will go down with pride. I've been there before, but this is my one true love besides the wife and kids.... Oh, and the dog... I love him sometimes.

This year I am going bigger than ever focusing directly on large plants only. Starting my outdoor crop seeds in less than 2 weeks so I am definitely going to have some trees this year.

I'm looking more on the 2 lb a plant side of things with lower plant numbers this year compared to the previous 3 years where I have grown anywhere from 300 to 600 plus plants, all averaging around 8 oz per plant.

Before I got carried away with numbers I done much better doing larger plants, 3 to 4 plants per plot finishing around 8 to 12 foot tall and structured wide and heavy, bushy trees handing me around a pound and a half each.

I don't water my plants in the bush and still get superb results, as long as the area is chosen correctly and the ground is amended right, its easy to pull over a lb per plant, in Kentucky it is anyway... We have lots of rain here usually that does more than enough for the plants. I still tend to them though, once per week and give feeding every now and then but where I grow, there is no hauling water not even on ATVs because the land is flat out inaccessible by vehicle or atv.

I have a new area this year to grow. One of the most secluded areas I know of around here and there is never any hunters or ginseng diggers in this particular place either. I have scoped it out for the last couple of years and have had numerous trail cams documenting surveillance on it as well. I watch it like a hawk and have finally pulled the trigger. Reason I haven't grabbed it sooner is because I needed to gather all of the possible intel I possibly could on the location cause I'm going to turn the area into my main production grounds so I needed to be absolutely positive that it was nearly completely untouched by man. Don't get me wrong, I know there is the possibility of a passer by but highly unlikely.

The area is an ex farm land that has started growing up and had been logged off around 5 years ago, parts of it anyway and some has been untouched and has this beautiful ancient feel to it... Very nice place to grow and has some of the most fertile soil I have ever seen in my entire life. There are streams, springs and creeks of fresh water from untouched ancient caves all over the place on this spot. I even know and visit one cave there often where there are actually 2 huge large mounds of guano that looks as if it has never been touched. I plan on using that as well... I know the correct way to take the safety precautions for wild guano and have the hazmat suit and respirators, everything I need.

This is going to be an interesting year for sure. And hardly any amendments will be needed to grow here. Other than the basic food and microbe supply, the soil is incredibly fertile.
Again not only has being hit before happened but it does and is happening all around me in pa. Bc dope is on awar path here and a nice put bust make it seem like they are working on shit instead of harassing the local teens for walking in a group of 3 or more.... Those that get it, got it. Those that don't.... I hope you never spend years of your life in prison for weed . Open your fucking eyes there's ppl doing life for a joint.
If you know you know but peace. Many reason I didn't post for 5 years and im going back. I can't take this bs thread
I definitely thought about that, and it's not too late or out of the question. Variety is the spice of life though, and with how limited I am on what I can keep and run at a time, I am content to move on. I have two other Deputy plants I am taking down as well, Stardawg leaners though. Along with a Cookies n Chem. Will be a good weekend!

Color me jealous. I've got close to 2 weeks left before chop day -- then Cookies & Chem and Pure Power Plant x The Deputy (my first pollen chuck) goes into flower!
Same here, till:
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They seem to want to stretch into the sky, last go attempt at these but think I might just trash em again. Most difficult bean I've dealt with.
Tomahawk 100% same time same method.
I've had the opposite experience the only negative was the male count my first go with these. other than that the raindance has impressed me performance wise
What is the best cbd strain available through GPS? Have my eye on the half and half . Just looking for any feedback from anyone who has grown it? Also am I right thinking this is the only cbd strain through GPS other then Tall White from Cult classics?
Cheers :)
And what effects have users experienced?

I know the strains I want, but the CBD is for my elderly mother and a few other patients I know who use cbd oil. I am just happy a friend is willing to place an order with GPS for me and would like to make the best of it :)
BTW, our police and legislature don't have to piss test and many of them are tokers as well.

What is the best cbd strain available through GPS? Have my eye on the half and half . Just looking for any feedback from anyone who has grown it? Also am I right thinking this is the only cbd strain through GPS other then Tall White from Cult classics?
Cheers :)
Mother's little helper by cult classic has a 2:1 cbd to thc. Highest I seen on the GPS website.
I saw that because I believe it is what the use to call vallum lol I am just trying to provide the cbd oil she uses and others who do not want to get stoned. Is 2:1 less THC potent then 5:2of half and half?
Sorry I am very new to the whole cbd thing.
Cheers :)
If you read carefully the 5:2 cbd to thc ratio is what Harlequin (the mother of half and half) produces. Half and half gives a 1:1 ratio of cbd to thc. Mothers little helper should have more cbd to thc than half and half.
If you read carefully the 5:2 cbd to thc ratio is what Harlequin (the mother of half and half) produces. Half and half gives a 1:1 ratio of cbd to thc. Mothers little helper should have more cbd to thc than half and half.

LOL thank you that makes so much more sense.
In my current stoned state I was thinking to myself , " why the fuck did someone call a 5:2 ratio half and half?" hahaha makes much more sense now
Cheers :)