I need to post some shit here to set things straight about a bunch of shit that's going on. Some things funny, and some more serious.
First things first.
Newbs, or who they really are. Newbs are usually lurkers who finally sit down and make an account so they can post. Many newbs have even better skills than some of us but don't want to post about it because anonymity is good.....and safe. Newbs can also be trolls and bots and only make an account to cause trouble. On the other hand newbs can also make an account to warn others about real trouble.
Some newbs don't even grow but just want to post in the politics forum and troll each other. Other newbs are REAL newbs and need help with certain things about growing, merchandise, or even life in general.
It is up to us to, the old timers, who need to talk each other and
weed out who is really who....or whom...or whateverthefuck
You are all newbs here compared to myself when it comes to time served at RIU. But I'm still a dumb fuck about certain things. I've been lurking around here since this place started and I only post in certain forums. It's good that we talk/argue with each other from time to time to share our experiences with all the different types of newbs. It's by exchanging conversations that we can at least try to keep it tight knit around here.
IMO, the biggest newb of all is the one who gets pissed off at a seed seller and then rats him out. There is an ongoing thread here that took off on the comedic side after the OP said something about a seed seller getting in trouble on this site. A MOD banned him but that thread may have been more serious than we thought. Someone may want to look in on it.
Next item on the agenda is:
It's gone. I know that. I'm from the old days where men used to fight outside school with their hands and no one had a fucking gun to think of. Must suck today to have to live like that while trying to get an education. Then dealing with the rest of the shit that happens in HS and college must suck a lot of dick.
But we had our privacy back then. No one new squat about anything pre 90's. Facebook was the mouthy chick in HS who told everyone everything. Now we order from any old website to buy whatever we want..............even sex!
The thing is our info, all of our most private shit down to our SS #s, is all over the net. I personally do not like ANY sites storing my info. I hate that ebay and paypal have it but I can't use it if I don't give them my info. It sucks but we have to deal with it. At least websites that let you delete after ordering are doing the right thing. I tip my cap to Gu and GPS for changing this.
Weed reviews...........
Especially reviews by people who don't post pics. My bad about this one but I refuse to post any pics. No one will ever be able to shove a pic in my face and say I posted it. Cept the special pic of a "car" I posted in that link above
I like pics, we all do. But we have to take the good with the bad and stop arguing over stupid shit. Do people have to earn that trust first? Maybe, but maybe not. Again us old timers have to argue/talk/lick each other and get down to the bottom of it..........and it seems we usually get it right. At the cost of 6 different people arguing about stem girth and balls. Gotta be a male thing
To summon it all up we have to keep doing what we do. Fight, argue, talk and smack each other around. I don't know what else to say because this took so long to type and I'm not really wasted anymore.
Here are some smiles to help you along on your busy day