Greenpoint seeds!!

Me thinks a day is coming when commercial sites will not be needed by the connected.

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i think that day has long been here for a lot of people. a lot of guys i know only buy direct from vendors on ig. i bought my most recent pack of ethos from a canadian ethos dealer account on ig. super convenient transaction and fast shipping. i will be using him again. he has like 8 breeders sending him beans to distribute to the canadian market. threw in a free pack on my order as well.
before 9/11. That would explain a lot. Thank you. It most def has changed since then.

Edit to add: I believe its time for a man to start making his own bean. Economically speaking. Have to get some stock to begin with, then make your own, save money, have your own medicine, don't have to worry bout deliveries, etc. Now that its so easy to use and get the already made collodial silver for fems. Au Naturel for regs. Man just needs to make his own beans, especially if ya got a collection you'll never get all growed before ya die
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before 9/11. That would explain a lot. Thank you. It most def has changed since then.

Possession is defined by the law as being both in control and with INTENTION. Opening the package would be an intention to take possession of the contents. Its different because they are delivering a package to you. Where as if you were already carrying a suitcase or in this situation a box. Then you already have taken control with the intention to possess the contents. When they bring it to you, you have not expressed your intent to take possession of the contents of the item yet.
the difference is you have no idea if UPS was curious, or if it was the cops? If it was the cops involved, they'd have opened the pkg already, repkgd it, and the cop would be the driver. The minute you open the door, they are gonna get ya or search at the very least, if the law was involved they wouldn't even show up without a warrant on a deal like that. And again, many stories on the net bout those private carriers, not post office, letting leo use their uniforms, trucks, etc. Trust, if that was DEA bringing that pkg to your pops, be a dff ending to that story, jmo. Your pops was smart, and the driver was just a driver, so he just returned the pkg. lol. if that driver was the law, be way diff.
the difference is you have no idea if UPS was curious, or if it was the cops? If it was the cops involved, they'd have opened the pkg already, repkgd it, and the cop would be the driver. The minute you open the door, they are gonna get ya or search at the very least, if the law was involved they wouldn't even show up without a warrant on a deal like that. And again, many stories on the net bout those private carriers, not post office, letting leo use their uniforms, trucks, etc. Trust, if that was DEA bringing that pkg to your pops, be a dff ending to that story, jmo. Your pops was smart, and the driver was just a driver, so he just returned the pkg. lol. if that driver was the law, be way diff.
Look I like debating not arguing, you aren't bringing anything new to the debate. You need to understand how the law defines possession. The way you describe it makes our system sound like Russia. So anyone can have any package sent to them and be arrested? It doesn't work like that. In a court of law the prosecutor needs to prove without a reasonable doubt that you in fact committed the crime. Just having a box delivered to your door and touching it does not mean you are taking possession. You gotta touch it to read who it's from and where it's from. Don't you?
Just to put things in perspective, probably the most notorious internet ordered, mail delivered cannabis seed bust was Marc Emory's Heavens Stairway, right?
The Feds got his servers and all of his transaction records. As far as I know, Marc went to jail, but zero customers were ever hassled as a result.

Another useful comparison is Euro seedbanks.
Every day, seed orders coming into the US for European seedbanks are intercepted by USPS/customs.
The result of those intercepts is that the package is stripped of seeds, and a letter saying "contraband was removed from your mail" is inserted, sealed with scary green tape and delivered to the addressee.
As far as I know, nobody has ever been arrested for receiving seeds in the mail from europe.

These comparisons suggest that although it is always wise to be discrete and cautious, there is little to risk for customers on the receiving side of a mail-order seed purchase.

If anyone personally knows of customers busted for receiving seeds from either Emory or Euro seedbanks, please correct my statements.
Look I like debating not arguing, you aren't bringing anything new to the debate. You need to understand how the law defines possession. The way you describe it makes our system sound like Russia. So anyone can have any package sent to them and be arrested? It doesn't work like that. In a court of law the prosecutor needs to prove without a reasonable doubt that you in fact committed the crime. Just having a box delivered to your door and touching it does not mean you are taking possession. You gotta touch it to read who it's from and where it's from. Don't you?
Im not argueing either, I get your point exactly. That's what Im saying. That pkg your dad got and returned did not have leo involved, period. And that's a good thing. Im not argueing law here, Im going by actual stories and the carriers websites. That was a good thing leo wasn't involved. Truth is, he might have actually got away with that pkg that time. But the way the carriers work with leo is they repkg the deal, so they know exactly whats in it, they get warrants etc in order and then they go to addy. In your deal, the law wasn't involved. So the possession rule didn't apply. That's a good thing. That's all I was trying to say. lol, Really. Im glad for you guys. Other guys aren't so lucky.
Just to put things in perspective, probably the most notorious internet ordered, mail delivered cannabis seed bust was Marc Emory's Heavens Stairway, right?
The Feds got his servers and all of his transaction records. As far as I know, Marc went to jail, but zero customers were ever hassled as a result.

Another useful comparison is Euro seedbanks.
Every day, seed orders coming into the US for European seedbanks are intercepted by USPS/customs.
The result of those intercepts is that the package is stripped of seeds, and a letter saying "contraband was removed from your mail" is inserted, sealed with scary green tape and delivered to the addressee.
As far as I know, nobody has ever been arrested for receiving seeds in the mail from europe.

These comparisons suggest that although it is always wise to be discrete and cautious, there is little to risk for customers on the receiving side of a mail-order seed purchase.

If anyone personally knows of customers busted for receiving seeds from either Emory or Euro seedbanks, please correct my statements.

Thanks, lol. Why I keep asking how Bossman is? Hope everything is ok, he may be taking a day or two off from the po
pretty good post. Be advised, the private carriers can open your pkgs and don't have to have a warrant or anything, its in their fine print. ups, dhl, and they'll also help with the stings if leo decides to come get you. You can google many stories where they sent the ups guy to the door for a sig, and voile', bye bye. Again, and said it before, Im not worried bout the growers, Im worried bout Gu. Just being legal in that state, given that seed law, given the up one day and down the next from Sessions and Congress and Drumpf bout mj or mmj, Im more worried bout Gu than the small timers. But I too don't think a replacement pack is worth the penitentary ride. Sometimes people forget even in mmj and rec states, its still a fed offense, any of it. A city in my state got its cbd oil places popped since in that state, they consider cannabis, cannabis, thc or not, a schedule one. Sometimes when you are in those wonderful legal states, you forget about the rest of the world and how it is. RIght or wrong. Don't let your guard down
He replied yesterday morning that he is fine and was smoking a brisket and would be back to work today.
yea, we got that one, I want to hear from him after he's gotten his mail, then I'll feel a bit better for him. I am a worrier, I apologize, not bout me, Im a nobody, but for Bossman. Salt of the earth.
Cops can't just raid your house with a mere seed purchase, but they sure as hell would add that shit to the list and continue watching your house, going through your trash and trying to get an informant pin a bag of bud on you so they know they got a strong case on you. They need 2 controlled purchases.

Just growing, a reasonable # of plants that is, without scales or being known for drug sells the cops they know your odds of getting off in court are good so I doubt they would bother unless you're in some small town, then this shit is like King pin drug dealing, making the news papers and shit all because a 400w in a closet with 4 plants.

I wouldn't worry too much, even for the cat who got the snag. You got plenty of time to tear all the grow shit down and just chill if need be. If the letter was seized in CO and you live outside of CO then you're good buddy. The authorities that seized the seeds sure the hell aren't calling up your local Barney Fife to tell them you had seeds on the way. Just ain't gonna happen.

If the seeds were seized in your hometown or county then yeah I'd tear all my shit down and just chill on it a bit, lol. But barring that I wouldn't sweat it, if shit is getting snagged in CO then GPS might have caught the attention of Uncle tax man or the Feds?

Edit: Actually I should say, cops will knock your door down like morons over some dumb shit like a seed pack but what I meant is that shit won't fly in court and will not stick if you pony up on a lawyer. Oh and never say shit, ever ever ever... Never. Except: "My lawyer can answer that for you."
I grew feminized seeds from at least 10 different breeders during the fist five years of growing and 0 much effort to you put into breeding Greenpoint? Second herm in around 5 months of growing your gear. The good news is that the gear from Dynasty, Thug Pug, and a few others...all regular will fill in the gaps where I pull both reg. and fem GP. Had high hopes for that Dositos.