Greenpoint seeds!!

Paraphernalia is a bigger deal than a few grams here, too, if they find weed and papers you get a charge for the papers, but but it rarely sticks because some folks still roll tobacco cigarettes in these parts, so without the weed, no charge at all.

Cops, lawyers, judges, all just as lazy as anyone else about their jobs, they all go for the low hanging fruit, and the occasional whale when the boss makes them.
my understanding is the papers without tobacco in them, as in prerolled, etc, they consider paraphenalia, but if tobacco in car or in preroll, can get out of it. Papers alone, you got some xplaining to do, lol
I havnt seen any pics from the copper chem male Gu used a while back has anybody grown anything from that line?
got one going now in flower mode, budding up good, but its not colas, its golf balls, I guess cause I topped it. It stinks but is way more viney than the ChemD cut or the Chem4, but again, stardog was the fluke sat pheno out of two indica dom parents. Im more worried bout it never finishing under 4 months. But being a chemD fan, copper chem is dominated by the stardog, I don't think its the chem4 that vines like that. But they are vigorous bitches. Maybe gu should find another male and start using the stardog female, illuminati cut, or kk, guava, corey, something diff but same strain. LIke bodhi when he switches parents. jmo
Sounds great...not. I don’t mean to disparage your home state, but the insane cannabis laws, general violence in the civilians and extreme militarization of municipal law enforcement keeps me thinking “fuck every gram of all that shit” over and over.
if the mmj law passes and it looks like it will, it will change the game. Lawyers, drs, nurses, patients, kids, all are behind the movement.
I would never suggest they aren’t working during that time, just that municipal cops around here aren’t as able to play the wolfpack profiling game when weather is bad and accidents are happening.

I have no personal interest in how to smuggle anything anywhere, but I hate to see people getting popped and going to prison for moving a little weed across town in a prohibition state, shit is sad.
I probably should've have, but that's basically why I responded. I'd hate to see someone get popped for running a few lbs of weed. I didn't even touch on the "rental truck mud flap" statement which is an old myth. Its based off a single cops testimony about how he secured probable cause on a handful of traffickers already under investigation. He used everything from improper mudflaps to plate visibility. Commercial rentals don't purposely violate road hazard laws to conspire with the DEA, lol.
It funny how those old stories take on a life of their own.

And on the subject of poor weather. Years ago a ship bound for Nova Scotia loaded with several tons of hash had trouble navigating in a storm. They ended up in a harbor here. A shoot out ensued when approached by the Coast guard and Maritime police. In a panic they started unloading the cargo into the water. Thousands of 55gal drum barrels filled with hash went into the sea that night.
There was so much, they had to call on other ships to help fish it all out. The locals were going out in skiffs and pulling that shit out for wks.
In the end, a handful of people ended up in the pen. Most got away with their "treasure" but a few were busted. A close friend of Mr Tangs (another patch) received a 14yr sentence! Fucking harsh.
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Dude this house has all the latest upgrades. Any chance it could be something else? Really this looks insanely stupid here. Everything is digital and recently upgraded within the past few years. Any chance this thing could burn down my house?
Its an off/on timer old school Have them replace it with a new digital or just by pass it if not wanted.
Synopsis: He became un[gorilla]glued [ get it?] in his first thread that RIU killed because of it. That was a couple years ago, but I've been teasing a plot twist on CP thread for a spell. Possible update soon.
I remember that thread Amos. And not to stir shit or hate on Tony but his remarks about gays (that's really putting it mildly) caused me to skip over his seeds. I suppose he could've been having a bad day (he was def. triggered) but I refuse to support anyone so openly homophobic.

*steps off soap box again*
I used to work with those all the time as stated above they are an old school timer. Most of ours were wired to the line side of the timer straight from a breaker then from the load side to a set of contactors for the actual switching of the lighting circuuits. If your panel was updated properly it should be labeled. If it's a viable working system should be able to just change out for a modern timer.
Just reading this and I was wondering when someone was gonna say they used these. I still have several of these , I used these for my light timer. Just mechanical and pretty heavy duty.
out on road, truckers that see anything goin on in car/truck etc, will also turn you in. Car dealer buds have had briefcases in front seat and passed trucks amicably, and then get pulled over and first thing he wants to know is what's in briefcase. More than a couple of times. Don't trust them bastids either when passing, etc.
out on road, truckers that see anything goin on in car/truck etc, will also turn you in. Car dealer buds have had briefcases in front seat and passed trucks amicably, and then get pulled over and first thing he wants to know is what's in briefcase. More than a couple of times. Don't trust them bastids either when passing, etc.
I don't think many realize they can see right down into your vehicle.
Hwy patrol also uses them to slow traffic if there's situation ahead. Truckers sometimes get a bad wrap but they save more lives then anyone else on the road...including EMS
I used to work with those all the time as stated above they are an old school timer. Most of ours were wired to the line side of the timer straight from a breaker then from the load side to a set of contactors for the actual switching of the lighting circuuits. If your panel was updated properly it should be labeled. If it's a viable working system should be able to just change out for a modern timer.

Were you a Sparky in a past life, or still at it? We don't use those mechanical Intermatic timers anymore for lighting in California due to Title 24 regulations. Now we have to use 365 day astronomic time clocks...which of course are digital because they require programming...those old school ones were much easier. :mrgreen:
I don't think many realize they can see right down into your vehicle.
Hwy patrol also uses them to slow traffic if there's situation ahead. Truckers sometimes get a bad wrap but they save more lives then anyone else on the road...including EMS
have to agree to disagree, in this state, they had to pass a law to keep the bastards out of the left lane. Now you see em pulled over all the time for it. Its obvious most times, they line up beside each other going up hills with traffic behind them, just to fuck with ya. It works both ways, the truckers can call on the vehicles, the vehicles can call on the truckers. At least the HIpos got involved and stopped that nonsense or some of it. Truckers don't own the road, and many of them are fucked up in their own right, fudging logs, driving longer hrs, etc. No sympathy, you want to be a trucker, get along with everyone on the road.
I probably should've have, but that's basically why I responded. I'd hate to see someone get popped for running a few lbs of weed. I didn't even touch on the "rental truck mud flap" statement which is an old myth. Its based off a single cops testimony about how he secured probable cause on a handful of traffickers already under investigation. He used everything from improper mudflaps to plate visibility. Commercial rentals don't purposely violate road hazard laws to conspire with the DEA, lol.
It funny how those old stories taken on a life of their own.

And on the subject of poor weather. Years ago a ship bound for Nova Scotia loaded with several tons of hash had trouble navigating in a storm. They ended up in a harbor here. A shoot out ensued when approached by the Coast guard and Maritime police. In a panic they started unloading the cargo into the water. Thousands of 55gal drum barrels filled with hash went into the sea that night.
There was so much, they had to call on other ships to help fish it all out. The locals were going out in skiffs and pulling that shit out for wks.
In the end, a handful of people ended up in the pen. Most got away with their "treasure" but a few were busted. A close friend of Mr Tangs (another patch) received a 14yr sentence! Fucking harsh.

Reminds me of the 50 ton hash bust up on the St Lawrence in canada. They were unloading the drums into smaller boats (kodiaks) and ended up spilling them into the river. Some whale watchers came along the next day and the gig was up. I'm dating a girl who's aunt was involved, actually worked with her way back around when this went down and was always wondering why she didn't seem to have any money Billy Greer the mastermind behind it (family owns a bunch of dry cleaning up here) just got out of prison a few years ago.
You are an abrasive motherfucker, @Heisengrow, you spell like shit and you sound like a backwater hick on youtube, I hate tattoos and biker culture and that whole scene,


In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Is that original? It sounds like a quote, and a good one.

I remember that thread Amos. And not to stir shit or hate on Tony but his remarks about gays (that's really putting it mildly) caused me to skip over his seeds.

I bought a pack early on in his thread when he told his tale of being a struggling vet fighting the good fight. He sucked me right in. :shock:

To be accurate, he never opined on gays culturally. He merely stated his certainty that the people he was pissed at were regularly performing and enjoying homosexual sex acts. That's as gently as I can say it. Tony's not as gentle.
have to agree to disagree, in this state, they had to pass a law to keep the bastards out of the left lane. Now you see em pulled over all the time for it. Its obvious most times, they line up beside each other going up hills with traffic behind them, just to fuck with ya. It works both ways, the truckers can call on the vehicles, the vehicles can call on the truckers. At least the HIpos got involved and stopped that nonsense or some of it. Truckers don't own the road, and many of them are fucked up in their own right, fudging logs, driving longer hrs, etc. No sympathy, you want to be a trucker, get along with everyone on the road.
You wouldn't even be able to wipe your ass it weren't for truckers. They may not "own the road" but they do keep this country moving.

I don't want argue but I see and hear these kind of comments all the time. Do understand why they line up? Load differentials, engine displacement?
And do you honestly believe that guys that spend yrs of their life on the road have time to mess cage drivers? C'mon now, lol.
And its damn near impossible to "fudge" log books. That shit is all computerized and wired into the trucks system. They know when its idling, they know when its running and at what speeds.
The misconceptions that float around one the most highly regulated industries in the US still leaves me baffled.

I stand by what I said. They save countless lives every yr and they're never recognized for their efforts.
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Were you a Sparky in a past life, or still at it? We don't use those mechanical Intermatic timers anymore for lighting in California due to Title 24 regulations. Now we have to use 365 day astronomic time clocks...which of course are digital because they require programming...those old school ones were much easier. :mrgreen:
Yeah before I retired I worked for a municipality here in Or,
Had an LME license only good for working for the city. Done a ton of electrical work my last 15 years there.
F'n Cali...on the fore front for changing things that work.
Yeah before I retired I worked for a municipality here in Or,
Had an LME license only good for working for the city. Done a ton of electrical work my last 15 years there.
F'n Cali...on the fore front for changing things that work.
Cali is also on the forefront for changing things that don't work. Then the rest of the country follows. They started the whole legalizing weed thing with their medical in 1996 way before anyone else did.
Reminds me of the 50 ton hash bust up on the St Lawrence in canada. They were unloading the drums into smaller boats (kodiaks) and ended up spilling them into the river. Some whale watchers came along the next day and the gig was up. I'm dating a girl who's aunt was involved, actually worked with her way back around when this went down and was always wondering why she didn't seem to have any money Billy Greer the mastermind behind it (family owns a bunch of dry cleaning up here) just got out of prison a few years ago.
Back when I was in HS Canadian hash was a big thing. I always assume they made it themselves. I had no idea how much that was coming in on ships.
Staggering amounts. :shock:
And it was sooo good. :fire:
Yeah before I retired I worked for a municipality here in Or,
Had an LME license only good for working for the city. Done a ton of electrical work my last 15 years there.
F'n Cali...on the fore front for changing things that work.
The lighting manufacturers are making out like bandits with all the lighting control systems we have to use. Gone are the days (for the most part) of wiring a lighting contactor array to a simple timer or switch. And it extends to plumbing, HVAC and insulating as well. All for the sake of reduced energy loss, which isn't a bad thing, but some of it is over the top in my opinion.

One thing I will say, it's super cool to walk into a large area and have lights turn on individually or in sections as you trip the sensors, auto dimming to compensate for outside light, etc.
You wouldn't even be able to wipe your ass it weren't for truckers.

My dad passed away last year, and I miss him terribly. My mom this past spring, and her also. He was a long haul over the road trucker for 35 years, and provided for his 3 kids and stay at home wife while being gone most of the time, and in bed sleeping the majority of his time at home. During a trucker's strike [ his company did not support the union's position and forced them to drive or be fired ] he took a cinder block thru the windshield to his shoulder thrown from an overpass. Another time, he was in a sleeper bed while his partner was driving, and two women having had too many drinks crossed the white line and front ended them. The two women died; his partner never worked again. Just a couple anecdotes.

Like all professions, a$$holes are in there. But truckers by and large earned the reputation for being guardians of the highways. It was a trucker that spotted and reported the DC sniper, I believe. That said, I've seen and been the recipient of some incredibly stupid and dangerous actions by truckers. Almost like some of those a$$holes driving cars.
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