Greenpoint seeds!!

Sad to hear he chose to go this direction with the business, end of a era of top notch customer service and accountability.
Agreed. It is total BS. They are attempting a standard corporate strategy:
He is betting the cost of customers lost and bad word of mouth will be less than the cost of gold nuggets he would’ve had to honor. (I’m speaking strictly about those nuggets not received through the high-tier purchase reward glitch.)

I am officially done with GPS. I will be spreading the word around the internet and friends.
If you’ve been affected by this, the only way to actually make him pay is to SPREAD THE WORD.

Make his corporate strategy gambit cost him more than simply being honorable would have.
He use to be the most hated here and always kept it real.he use to call greenpoint out daily and was pissed off because the finishing descriptions were off amongst a few other things now he turned into the biggest gu ballswinger on the thread.over there all worried about my garden and what he dont have.what a chump.
You two should get a room... :hump:
There are cool people here. Less by the day for many reasons. I 'liked' the post. Not to offend you, but because I'd had nearly the exact thought he expressed. PM is still the best way to seek out hook ups, fwiw.
Thats cool, and if I really wanted to try and get em, that's where I'd have took it. Hell you know that we've discussed it, but I was more or less just fk'n with him.
You know i didn't wanna say nothing because I don't like starting shit, but the more I thought about the more it pissed me off. And if you was aiming that at me I dont appreciate being called a shameless whore. I guess it makes you feel like a big man getting all them likes for name calling. And it sux because I liked you alright before that comment, and I also thought there was some cool people here but all those likes you got for name calling makes me wonder. Sorry for the negative post people I really don't like starting shit, but I don't like to take it either.
I'll say it again, you know who you are... :dunce:
There are cool people here. Less by the day for many reasons. I 'liked' the post. Not to offend you, but because I'd had nearly the exact thought he expressed. PM is still the best way to seek out hook ups, fwiw.
No one ever singled you out for sharing Brisco finest.why be a hypocrite?no one even approached me or even made it an issue.i never once even mentioned anything in the threads about it.his comment was out of line and way out in left field.
No one ever singled you out for sharing Brisco finest.why be a hypocrite?no one even approached me or even made it an issue.i never once even mentioned anything in the threads about it.his comment was out of line and way out in left field.
Aw, did he hurt your feelings? :cry:
Look man, the fact of the matter is you wanted to start something , now you have! If you're feeling better we can drop it. I said what i wanted to say. I got nothing else, well, just that it was really out of line. Thats it nothing else!
If he knew where I got 3 of my cuts from he wouldnt be saying that shit.always knew he was a 2 faced clown.thats why I never fucked with him like that.i think it's pretty funny and other people can sense an ass kisser and fair weather ball swinger a mile away.
I thought things would finally die down after the other night with whoever was on the meth pipe and tubo posting on this thread and the bodhi threads, etc. Seemed like a kid, but who knows anymore. Even tried gettin into the pollen chuckers thread. lol. He just lived to post that night and Everything is out there, people gonna believe or side with whomever over whatever and shine it on or not. But over and over and over reminds me of the old RIU days, when not quite thought of so well, so to speak. I gifted packs out just because of the stretch and thought they would do better outside. Now I read that bandit breath report and it was one of two I kept, other than CnC. Now Im wondering bout it, but what's one man's trash is another man's treasure. I just gonna keep on keepin on. At least payin it forward ought to help balance out the karma here even a lil bit, hopefully.