Greenpoint seeds!!

Nothing better than a volcano. I leave mine on constantly and have it on a timer. On the weekends it’s on from 7am-10pm and been like that for years. Still going. I smoke a lot so I can’t wait 5 minutes for it to warm up. Lol. The best is when I open the garage door after work and I see that orange light is on and it’s ready to be smoked.
Would you recommend it? Buy it again?
Oh hell yeah. I think I've had it for about 3 or 4 years now, and it's still kicking. Probably an average of 6-8 cycles a day (12 min cutoff). works great, but it's the only dry herb vape I have used so take that how you will.

Super easy to clean since the chamber doesn't really see any heb, just the stem. You can drop the stem right into some milk on the stove and make some potent hot chocolate if that's your thing. Then just clean with iso after. I've been just scraping out the reclaim and putting it in a cotton ball to revape it though, edibles haven't really been working for me lately.

They have an updated model with a display, and some upgrades, but you can get the original for pretty cheap now.
Nothing better than a volcano. I leave mine on constantly and have it on a timer. On the weekends it’s on from 7am-10pm and been like that for years. Still going. I smoke a lot so I can’t wait 5 minutes for it to warm up. Lol. The best is when I open the garage door after work and I see that orange light is on and it’s ready to be smoked.
i like my volcano, but for me there is nothing better than a joint. dabs are coming pretty damn close these days though...
Awww man @SoHappy101 you done went and did it with the grape Nehi soda?!!!!
See, I knew it was sumthin' special about that JP. It was Greenthumbs and I think Tangie had some pics of some beatiful JP.
How long did you run the 3 gals? Did they finish in nearly the same time frame?
Thanks for the report and heads up!

edit* too many erros for my liking.
yes I've got well over 100 pics of JP, also won last month's contest with a JP pic, or maybe the month before idk! was yall wanting me to post a few of my favs?
I lied I have 92 pics of jelly pie lmfao! I love taken pics, plus it's awesome to be able to look back on things! or if I forget when I started something I can look back through the pics and see the dates!!

if that's not enough pics msgs me ill send more, I think I take up enough room on this GPS thread lmfao!Screenshot_2018-11-09-20-47-31.png CM181014-034414007.jpg CM181013-073626006.jpg CM181014-034210001.jpg CM180831-174228001.jpg CM181106-150552001.jpg CM180831-173329003.jpg
How long did you run the 3 gals? Did they finish in nearly the same time frame?
Thanks for the report and heads up!

My first try got me 2 shirleys out of five, both very similar finishing at 72 and 76 days. Delicious smoke, heavy stone. Just finished the last of it a couple of days ago. I found 15 beans between the two, so I considered the pack expendable. I love running those small accidents.

A very cool dude has allowed me to finish my GPS bean collection by helping me attain the first strain I ever wanted from them.


i like my volcano, but for me there is nothing better than a joint. dabs are coming pretty damn close these days though...

I'm a long term joint guy, too. I've had a Da Budda for a few years. It's great, but I've hardly used it because it's non-portable and the joint guy thing. I'm just thinking about something portable to give my lungs a break from smoke for a while.

Oh hell yeah. I think I've had it for about 3 or 4 years now, and it's still kicking. Probably an average of 6-8 cycles a day (12 min cutoff). works great, but it's the only dry herb vape I have used so take that how you will.


Sounds perfect. Thanks for the endorsement.
yea know one day I'd like to buy some kinda camera made for taking pics like this! it's something I've never worried about bc my burner phone takes really nice pics, but I'd like to go a step or 2 up!

anyone have advise on camera's? I literally know nothing about then!
You hydro guys must have to much time on your hands. I have no time for PH, TDS or measuring nutes.. I spend no more than 2 hrs, twice a week at my growroom. Water, shave legs I'm out.
I use Coast of maine a years worth of stuff

6 cu.ft Bumper crop = $24
3 cu.ft Lobster compost = $16
4 cu.ft perlite = $20
10 cups of Hollytone = $16 for 20lb bag last years
10 cup Dol lime =$ 6 for 25lb last for years and years
gal organic gem (fish emulsion)= $50
gal Biobizz bloom = $50
lit. Biobizz top max = $30
gal Cal Mag = $40

So like $250 a year.



I've had a Pax (2nd gen) forma while now. Portable,nice oven size, good hits once you learn how to pack the oven. They have a gen 3 version now. It's been a while since I've looked into the tec.
I love my PAX- had the 2, but it failed after cashing it out too hard so many times. Sent an email, and they replaced it for free with the PAX 3, even emailed free shipping labels, so just needed to print thoses off. Needless to say, pretty happy with them at this point....
I love my PAX- had the 2, but it failed after cashing it out too hard so many times. Sent an email, and they replaced it for free with the PAX 3, even emailed free shipping labels, so just needed to print thoses off. Needless to say, pretty happy with them at this point....

Nice! I may try that when mine burns out. I had it a few years so who knows. How do you like the new features on it different from the 2?I still have the box. Did you have to provide proof of purchase? The box should suffice as it has serial#'s
Box was fine- they asked a few questions about light sequences, because it basically stopped charging, and the batteries on the model 2 were known to be problematic. Would do a wierd blinking sequence when i tried to turn it on. I think they just wrote it off as failed battery in the end?