Greenpoint seeds!!

Where ya been?
Did you ever do the OBS F2?
Hello! Good to see familiar faces, or stool as the case may be. Familiar feces? Lol! Hi, dude!

I think I might actually flip my OBS cut and make some feminized beans. I am working on starting a little tiny seed breeding (I mean real multi-generational line breeding, not only chucks...but those too) farm in E Oregon. My first seed run hasn’t happened yet, but she will be in it. I am not getting in it to make money, not sure if I will ever try to sell them. I love line-breeding stuff. Snakes, lizards, frogs, fish, and now cannabis.

As far as my whereabouts, I have a job in Unnamed European Country working for some Scary Gnomes that someone here probably has A Big Conspiracy Theory about. It is a lot of fun and not scary at all. I was heads-down overseas for a couple months, then went fishing in the wilderness and didn’t participate on the internet beyond work for a while. I am still mostly not online except for work.

Oh, yeah...I also quit drinking alcohol completely, out of nowhere, for no big reason other than I was bored with it. Went cold turkey with no assistance or warning one day. I was drinking a lot of liquor, regularly, for eleven years. Best decision I ever made, to quit.

This message has been brought to you by my mid-evening wakefulness interval, soon I will have my second sleep for the night.
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I got some seeds only 8 out of 10 germanted. I waited over a week and nothink.i carefully open the jiffy pellet and found the seeds had not i carfully potted them in soil. Are they dud seeds. My reason to think is that i never squezed the water out on theres two and may be bit to deep.
I got some seeds only 8 out of 10 germanted. I waited over a week and nothink.i carefully open the jiffy pellet and found the seeds had not i carfully potted them in soil. Are they dud seeds. My reason to think is that i never squezed the water out on theres two and may be bit to deep.
Went thru similar problems.. I think the peat is too wet if not squeezed out... to me it’s too thick of a medium if not handle right... my tap root seemed to want to come up instead of down..pellets have no perlite making it compact if over watered... I went 4/4 in germinating... but just gave up on 1 ES...soak ... paper towel... then on to soil... from now on..damn pellets drove me nuts...for me it took longer than normal.. and I lost 1... I still had to go back and reset all the others... but at least they are alive..I found it’s best to water around or from the bottom with these pellets... even after up potting...let’s the roots find water better.. sorry for all the yapping... these last 4 in jiffy gave me fits...never again