Man, you should Google crimson trace, it's a grip with a laser light, I'm thinking about grabbing it for the wife. She may actually love it, I just wont tell her what it cost... lol
Don't worry about the laser except for fun and making it look cool. Most gun fights are at about six foot and not many people have time to aim. The revolver is perfect.
I was referring to the 12g, 18in barrel smooth bore, with rifled slugs. But yes man your right that dam .38 spl snub nose only has a 1.5in barrel anything past 20 yards you better be a real dam good shot or be lucky as hell. Lol it's for the wife made for one thing, point blank range defense.

And honestly I doubt the iron sights are even semi zeroed in lol, it does follow the barrel but even still never tried and tested if its accurate, like I said that things made for point blank and that's it.
It makes more sense now lol... I just wanted to say something more than "what about them MF worms"! Anyways, I just had one of my best harvests out of Earthboxes but there was still plenty of room for improvement. For one, the plants got too big for the earthbox and I was having to water every other day and the soil would be dry, so I had to top-water. Such a pain in the ass!!! I have a winter set-up with tents that I might use them for, but I don't see it working out in my built room. I'm currently looking at totes that are 27-32gal but they go all the way up to 50gal. Do you favor the soft and flexible plastic totes or the hard and brittle, I imagine the soft. Also, that was an awesome idea about the drainage pipe but I could only find the stuff with the sock cover, I think that it only cost more so no biggie.

Last thing, are you still using TM-7 for foliar feeding. I have something very similar that I have been using and I just wanted your input. I'll tell you what I think and my wife(houseplants) confirmed it for me, micronutrient spray works well on foliar applications but I can cause problems in the soil. I sprayed the SIP's with a plastic cover, but when I sprayed some open pots, I think that the run-off affected the soil. They were small pots with about a quart of soil. I was afraid to use it again, but I think that I will be fine if I keep it out of the soil. Really though, anytime that I tired to use chelated micronutirents in the soil it just goes to shit on me. I think that I found the reason why if you are interested. My soil tests confirm that I am always low in Manganese and I have been trying to fix it with stuff like TM-7 and had problems. It fucked me up because everyone was saying "Make sure that you chelate your micronutrients" but it never worked for me. I came across this article and it explained why TM-7 works as a foliar spray but not adding it to the soil. I'm specifically talking about the section labeled "Fertilizer sources of Manganese"
It makes more sense now lol... I just wanted to say something more than "what about them MF worms"! Anyways, I just had one of my best harvests out of Earthboxes but there was still plenty of room for improvement. For one, the plants got too big for the earthbox and I was having to water every other day and the soil would be dry, so I had to top-water. Such a pain in the ass!!! I have a winter set-up with tents that I might use them for, but I don't see it working out in my built room. I'm currently looking at totes that are 27-32gal but they go all the way up to 50gal. Do you favor the soft and flexible plastic totes or the hard and brittle, I imagine the soft. Also, that was an awesome idea about the drainage pipe but I could only find the stuff with the sock cover, I think that it only cost more so no biggie.

Last thing, are you still using TM-7 for foliar feeding. I have something very similar that I have been using and I just wanted your input. I'll tell you what I think and my wife(houseplants) confirmed it for me, micronutrient spray works well on foliar applications but I can cause problems in the soil. I sprayed the SIP's with a plastic cover, but when I sprayed some open pots, I think that the run-off affected the soil. They were small pots with about a quart of soil. I was afraid to use it again, but I think that I will be fine if I keep it out of the soil. Really though, anytime that I tired to use chelated micronutirents in the soil it just goes to shit on me. I think that I found the reason why if you are interested. My soil tests confirm that I am always low in Manganese and I have been trying to fix it with stuff like TM-7 and had problems. It fucked me up because everyone was saying "Make sure that you chelate your micronutrients" but it never worked for me. I came across this article and it explained why TM-7 works as a foliar spray but not adding it to the soil. I'm specifically talking about the section labeled "Fertilizer sources of Manganese"
I use it on occasion when I feel its needed. But usually that's just when the soil wasnt tested and done right, I get lazy from time to time.

But if the plant need something, I'd rather feed it through the leaves rather then the soil
I use it on occasion when I feel its needed. But usually that's just when the soil wasnt tested and done right, I get lazy from time to time.

But if the plant need something, I'd rather feed it through the leaves rather then the soil
I've been having trouble finding the right seed/clone soil. I was buying bag mixes, then I tried to mix my own, now I am back with bag mixes again. I had HappyFrog tested and tried to amend it and things were going great until I foliar fed with chelated micronutrients. I use BioMin Booster 153 which is VERY similar to TM-7. Anyways, I think that I would have been fine if I didn't spray my clones that are in quart sized pots...
I've been having trouble finding the right seed/clone soil. I was buying bag mixes, then I tried to mix my own, now I am back with bag mixes again. I had HappyFrog tested and tried to amend it and things were going great until I foliar fed with chelated micronutrients. I use BioMin Booster 153 which is VERY similar to TM-7. Anyways, I think that I would have been fine if I didn't spray my clones that are in quart sized pots...
I mix ffof and roots organics
Sometimes I've noticed a cal mag issue if I dont add enough oyster shell, or dolomite lime
Hey man, I gotta question. Have you ever had a harvest out of a SIP that was low quality? There is this clone store in Oklahoma that suggest that I found his clones were not up to par because my methods are "Experimental" which is Gavita 1000w lights and Earthboxes. I got 6oz per earthbox, which are about 15gal including the rez. My friend told me "they were some of the better plants that you have grown but the quality wasn't there". It's like, who do I really believe here, the friend or clone store owner? I guess my question is, can you have a good harvest but still limit the full potential of a strain? I think that I got a very good representation of what his strains are capable of... Anyways, I told him this in a private message but he freaked out, so I don't feel like I am obligated to keep this quiet anymore. Dude deeply offended me saying that I am not a good grower. Here is the guy.
Hey man, I gotta question. Have you ever had a harvest out of a SIP that was low quality? There is this clone store in Oklahoma that suggest that I found his clones were not up to par because my methods are "Experimental" which is Gavita 1000w lights and Earthboxes. I got 6oz per earthbox, which are about 15gal including the rez. My friend told me "they were some of the better plants that you have grown but the quality wasn't there". It's like, who do I really believe here, the friend or clone store owner? I guess my question is, can you have a good harvest but still limit the full potential of a strain? I think that I got a very good representation of what his strains are capable of... Anyways, I told him this in a private message but he freaked out, so I don't feel like I am obligated to keep this quiet anymore. Dude deeply offended me saying that I am not a good grower. Here is the guy.
Not even once fuck him, lol I'll send you over a thousand photos. Even of cuts I didn't like or keep still did phenomenal in the sips, even the early versionsbut you do know they have to be established teens to go in the sil right
Not even once fuck him, lol I'll send you over a thousand photos. Even of cuts I didn't like or keep still did phenomenal in the sips, even the early versions
I got 6oz in a 15gal pot. The plant was not stunted or fucked off... I told him that I found better selection in a pack of Crockett's Tangie and he got seriously offended. BTW, he is running mostly Holland strains... This was Pineapple Thai from his selection, I would give it a B-/C+
Ask him this if it's so experimental still, why does the owner of earth boxes make millions
He said that he ran Earthboxes before but he would always get WPM. He admitted that he wasn't using any probiotics either. I told him that it was Gage Green's method(which he has GGG strains) and it just didn't register with the guy. Anyways, GGG and Grokashi's methods are experimental by his reasoning.
He said that he ran Earthboxes before but he would always get WPM. He admitted that he wasn't using any probiotics either. I told him that it was Gage Green's method(which he has GGG strains) and it just didn't register with the guy. Anyways, GGG and Grokashi's methods are experimental by his reasoning.
Yea without the em1, my method would never work,
It stays too wet without it
My brother just upgraded his "Turkey" 12ga with a magnum barrel so he can shoot 3 1/2'' magnum rounds. I bet that yours is capable, is it heavy or light? I always think of this scence when I see one of these shotguns "Untouchables".
No mine wont fit 3 1/2 I found out the hard way lol

Ever see anything like this inside your SIPs @Greenthumbs256 ?

I cooked my soil for a few weeks, built my SIPs, put everything together, added my water with about 1/2 cup of EM1 to the bottom via the feed tube, added my bokashi to the top, covered it and let it sit....

About a week later i open it up because i needed to transplant my Ayuhuasca Purple.. and I see what LOOKS like insect eggs all up the sides. Wasnt sure what it was, so i hit them with some neem spray just because, but was wondering if you had any idea?

I'm guessing gnat/mite eggs.. but thought u may have come across this in one of your bins and know what it is, before I have to make my own post about it.
View attachment 4591536

Ever see anything like this inside your SIPs @Greenthumbs256 ?

I cooked my soil for a few weeks, built my SIPs, put everything together, added my water with about 1/2 cup of EM1 to the bottom via the feed tube, added my bokashi to the top, covered it and let it sit....

About a week later i open it up because i needed to transplant my Ayuhuasca Purple.. and I see what LOOKS like insect eggs all up the sides. Wasnt sure what it was, so i hit them with some neem spray just because, but was wondering if you had any idea?

I'm guessing gnat/mite eggs.. but thought u may have come across this in one of your bins and know what it is, before I have to make my own post about it.
Appears to be soil mites, I've come across them in my worm bins but not in my sips, I'd add a bunch of de, this can happen alot if you top water.
View attachment 4591536

Ever see anything like this inside your SIPs @Greenthumbs256 ?

I cooked my soil for a few weeks, built my SIPs, put everything together, added my water with about 1/2 cup of EM1 to the bottom via the feed tube, added my bokashi to the top, covered it and let it sit....

About a week later i open it up because i needed to transplant my Ayuhuasca Purple.. and I see what LOOKS like insect eggs all up the sides. Wasnt sure what it was, so i hit them with some neem spray just because, but was wondering if you had any idea?

I'm guessing gnat/mite eggs.. but thought u may have come across this in one of your bins and know what it is, before I have to make my own post about it.
Potassium bicarbonate would work great just spray it. It's got a higher ph8.6 or so but you can balance it out with 5000mg ascorbic acid powder (vit c), pH of about 1-2.5 Good luck my guy