Wish life would slow down some, but I did manage to pick up two new 30 gal. totes a couple days ago.
Still need a few things but would like to throw them together within the next couple weeks and get them going.
So keep the info coming.
Just watched a you tube with Albin Adkisson setting one up.
Has anyone seen it.
What I thought was a little odd, he used a bag of dolomite lime, but only raked it into the top inch or so.
Why not mix it thoroughly into your soil first, or does it have something to do with the Gro-kashi and mycelium being up top?
Does using the Gro-kashi and having a layer of mycelium require more of a ph buffer than when growing in pots or containers?
@Greenthumbss256, think I remember you mentioning somewhere that you found out you needed to use more lime.