Green's Wedding Cake, sip, probiotics

I feel you there. that was my 2017 and 2018.... 2019 is gonna be a different story. already off to a great start. feel like this year is gonna be a win bongsmilie

I don't know man, seems complete enough for tonight to me lol. I saw you put up the 1st post an hour ago and now there's like 30 so I'd say you're off to a good start ;)
yea like i said it's been one of those days, really just trying to keep my mind and hands busy! I gotta excape some how! besides I've already embarrassed myself enough times tonight to last a life time! so at least here I can break free in a sorta way!
I did remember an important part about the sips that I left out, so I'll explain how i set then up and what i use!

so usually around a month before I plan to plant a girl into the sips, I start getting them ready! the first step is very simple, just fill her up with your living soil! I do like to pack the "wick" very tightly with the same soil! (the wick in the part that sits submerged in the rez and wicks the water up through the rest of the soil) it's fairly simple!CM181107-231223001.jpg

I like to set them up early bc it gives the microbes and life of the soil a chance to get settled in and make themselves at home! honestly I would say the longer they sit and wait the better (to an extant) don't be stupid and sit it out for 10 years or something! I'd say around 2 months max, anything else would just be wasting, bc it still has to be watered!

once the soil is in, i fill up the rez, and place an empty pot to hold the place of the plant that will be there! then I take some of my homemade ewc, mix it with some bu's compost, and put down a nice thick layer! now I haven't tried this part yet, but just had the idea, next chance I get I'm going to add some Mexican guano (high N) to the mix of ewc and compost. I'm sure that would help add even more diversity!CM181112-145904001.jpg

right after that I like to use Gro-kashi, I have tried other brands and wasn't as impressed! if you want to save money you can make this yourself (same for Em1) but I do a nice layer of gro-kashi across the top, this is what promotes your mycelium to take off and start growing! CM181112-143542002.jpg CM181113-161551002.jpg

at this point I just cover it with a black trash bag, make sure the lids on tight to hold it down! and your done!

now for this part I don't know of ots best or even right, but I like to cut the slit in the middle, where the plant will eventually go, I'm not sure if that's needed, or if it's just a waste! but the way I see it, might as well make it exactly like they way it would be if the plant was already in it!
so now once the sip has been set up and it's been a few weeks, it's time to place a lucky lady into her new home! I like to dust the hell out of the hole, and bottom of the roots with some mykos and azos, there is tons of brands you can use, those are just what I like to use! I find it works well, and isn't very expensive!CM181113-161543001.jpg

when you pull back the black trash bag, you will get your first glimpse of the mycelium growth, don't freak out, it's very good stuff, and it all plays a part in this system!CM180623-220612002.jpg
just go ahead and remove the empty pot that was placed down, as a place holder and drop your lady in! don't forget to add the mykos and azos (or any type of root mychorrizia) CM181113-162452006.jpg
at this point, I will repeat the steps above, make a nice layer of ewc compost, then top with gro-kashi! this gets your lasagna layer going! if you wanted to you could do a very very light top watering with some homex or anything that helps transplant shock, it isn't needed but can help if your rough when transplanting or something happens for any reason!! BUT I STRESS THE LIGHT PART, as I've mentioned before, if you top water, you are asking to have a fungus gnat problem! I've learned this first hand!Screenshot_2019-01-02-17-43-05.png
and just cover her up with the black bag, make sure to top off the rez, and your good to sit back and relax for a few!
now I have noticed the last few times I've ran this exact method, as explained, my ladies have taken about 2 weeks to get acclimated to the soil! now I am very highly sure that this is only bc my soil has gotten out of wack as I have stated, and it takes some time for the life to fix it!

well bc of this, I've been doing foliar sprays of micronutes! I have 2 that I've used both worth very well, and I don't have a preference just yet, one is called tm-7 and the other is called 13-essentials, both are pretty much the same thing, and have all of the needed macro, and micro nutrients! I've found this solves any problems before there is one! and gives the lady and the soil, some time to get to know each other! lolCM190115-204546001.jpg CM190115-204554002.jpg
at this point, all of your work is done! (depending on how big u plan to grow this plant, will cover that soon) from here on out, all you need to do, it's top the rez with water and em1, I do not measure the em1, just pour in a lil bit, and make sure the rez is filled to the max!

a good friend gave me this idea below, and even the material needed to make it, it makes my life a lot easier and allows me to see how much is in the rez at all times!CM190119-045010003.jpg
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now as I stated above, depending on how big you want to grow your lady, that will be the last time you open the black trash bag, it should stay closed from here until harvest!

but there is an exception, if you plan to grow a lady as big as the gg4 that I did last time, (1 plant and covering a 4x4 scrog) well for 1 I'd recommend going with a bigger size sip! as I found out in my last grow, a plant that size, will eat through everything in that pot around the 30th day of flower! if your going smaller then no worries!CM190126-190038002.jpg

but regardless, before I switch into flower, I like to do a third and final layer, to add to the lasagna! (more ewc, compost, and bokashi) now I haven't tried this yet, but I plan to mix in some Jamaican guano, or seabird gunao, basically any kind of flower gunao to the mix of shits lol, as said I haven't tried this part, but I think it would help give it just a tad boost that could be needed!

as i said this third layer isn't needed, but I like to be sure! also at this time, the life of your sip, should be booming! and fixing any problems that may come up on its own! you shouldn't even notice any problems bc the life and mother nature, is now in control of your entire grow! if for crazy reason you do, stick to foliars!

now in the past once the last layer was done, and a few days was allowed to let the mycelium grow in, I've made a slushi of compost and water, with a pinch of molasses, and glob it on top. this is to imitate a cow walking by, and taking a nice dump on your lady! just like in the real world! but last time I did this, it caused the top to become so moist, I ended up with a major fungas gnat issue, and took two weeks to get a handle on! I won't be doing this again, but I'm going to try something similar, maybe just cutting down the amount of water used by alot! this is also why I've done a third layer, and skipped this part with great results as well!

but at this point, your done! you do not feed this girl anything else, no top dressings, no teas, just plain em1 and water when the rez goes empty! I do like to let the rez go 100% empty or at least close. before I top it off again! this is also something that may or may not be best! Idk, but I feel it works best tho!
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and that's it guys! sit back Crack a beer, and smoke a fat one! keep and eye on the level of water in your rez, top it off when it goes dry! depending on the size of your lady, and size of your rez, u can go a few weeks without even seeing this girl, and she will thrive!!

once the rez is empty, that doesn't mean she still can't have a few days in perfect condition! the day the rez goes 100% dry, that doesn't mean the soil is dry! but yes it will be drying out from this point on! before just disappearing for 2 or 3 weeks with no one checking in on it, just bc green said u can is stupid! test it yourself! many factors come into play! like size if the plant, size of the rez! hot cold! so just figure those things out first hand, and don't take my word for it!
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and one last thing I wanna share about the sips, and the rest of this thread will be about the wedding cake grow! unless someone has questions!

last thing, I wanna talk about, bc I'm still looking for some more answers bc I don't fully know or understand this part is the water roots! the reason that hydro grows so much faster than any soil grows! (I think)

this method gives you the best of both worlds! you get your living organics, but once your lady is big enough, the roots will stretch right into the rez and give you water roots! in the pic below I'm showing one of my very first designs on the sip, i used a type of screen to stop the dirt and roots from getting into the rez, I don't not do this anymore! don't block the roots!
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in fact I actually drilled extra holes into the bottom of the floor to help those water roots get there faster! but until I harvest this gg, I won't be able to see how that has worked out! if anyone has some opinions on this I'd love to hear it!CM181109-143128002.jpg
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I hope all this info helps someone, this is everything I know about this method! and it took me like 5 dam hours to write all this lol!

if anyone decides to try it out, feel free to post about it here, if not I'd love to at least get a link, if anyone has any advise or want to make a suggestion, plz feel free! I've been working on this for about a year, and I'm sure it's far from perfected!
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I am close to understanding. what I dont understand is what "holds up" the cut out lid off the bottom of the tote. I am under the impression those horizontal PVC's are just overflows but may play a part in holding up all that soil weight?
I am close to understanding. what I dont understand is what "holds up" the cut out lid off the bottom of the tote. I am under the impression those horizontal PVC's are just overflows but may play a part in holding up all that soil weight?
I cut the lid that comes with the tote, the inside becomes the floor, and yes held up by pvc! and the edges of the lid snap where the lid is supposed to go!

let me know if u get it now??
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the pvc is not over flows, here is the over flow hole! and also how I measure how full or empty the rez is. believe it or not the pvc is actually water tight! 1in pvc and 3/4 spade bit, takes some shoving to get it in, but makes for a nice tight fit!
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That middle pic is the one I needed to see. So no.overflow but a site tube so you can see anaerobic eater let.

How long do you veg to get that canopy? I'm assuming that is a 4x4 or 5x5?
I've found a 2.5x 2.5 scrog is perfect for this size sip, I plan to run 4 of them in a 5x5 if you get too much bigger, then the sip does run out of juice! sadly I had to top dress that gg4 one time! the whole point is to not have to do anything! some ppl don't see that as an issue, but still!

but I want to run 2x 30g sips, 1 on each side of my 4x8, but the 18g just isn't enough to go that big, and be true to everything I've said, like not doing anything but topping the rez!

any other questions feel free to ask, I don't mind.
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Maybe shoot for a yellow and black 27g tote from your big box hardware store? Cool set up. I run LOS in 3g bags using BLumats and a 27g tote to water. I only have to check my reservoir every 10+ days. Its heaven not to have to worry about watering! Good luck! Looks like a solid cutting of WC and GG4. Too bad Craigslist shut down clones or I'd pick some up here in Cali.
Maybe shoot for a yellow and black 27g tote from your big box hardware store? Cool set up. I run LOS in 3g bags using BLumats and a 27g tote to water. I only have to check my reservoir every 10+ days. Its heaven not to have to worry about watering! Good luck! Looks like a solid cutting of WC and GG4. Too bad Craigslist shut down clones or I'd pick some up here in Cali.
yes, I absolutely love not having to worry about watering, but what I love most, is never having to feed, or make teas, top dress, or anything! just top that rez, and let the life do the rest!

man I really can't grow that good lmfao, but these things grow themselves! that's how I have literally almost over night went from looking like 90% of the noobs here, to getting props from ppl I never even though would like a pic of mine!
well if no one has any more questions about the sips, we going to move the thread forward, and focus on the wedding cake! got some beautiful pics coming tonight! she's been kicking ass all day!

if anyone does have a question feel free to post here or msgs me, I don't mind to help out any way I can!