Greenthumb Seeds- GG#4

So what really happened?
How much does greenthumb pay you for these reports?

I read all your reports and not one bad thing,i think you spam

Got anything to back this up or is it just speculation? Kinda poor taste either way after someone peace's out because of family issues.

I've always had great luck with the docs gear, I remember growing his Chumaluma over a decade ago. People still talk about it's buzz. The Doc's always had haters but his gear speaks for itself.
Greenthumb spams everywhere and has multiple accouts pretending to be someone else
The guy is just a plain liar

Too many trusted breeders to use before him
Im not saying his strains arent good,his ethics are not
Greenthumb spams everywhere and has multiple accouts pretending to be someone else
The guy is just a plain liar

Too many trusted breeders to use before him
Im not saying his strains arent good,his ethics are not

Do you have proof Dr Gruber is a spam account? It's one thing making accusations with something to back it up, if it's just your suspicion then it's a classless way to act. Sure, express your opinion to the community but start your own thread instead of jumping on & making seemingly wild accusations. As is you come off with someone with an axe to grind pushing a biased opinion. Since I don't know either of you, you end up coming off with the agenda not him. Which undermines the point.

If you have valid concerns I'd like to understand them but at this point first you'll have to convince me they are valid.
Do you have proof Dr Gruber is a spam account? It's one thing making accusations with something to back it up, if it's just your suspicion then it's a classless way to act. Sure, express your opinion to the community but start your own thread instead of jumping on & making seemingly wild accusations. As is you come off with someone with an axe to grind pushing a biased opinion. Since I don't know either of you, you end up coming off with the agenda not him. Which undermines the point.

If you have valid concerns I'd like to understand them but at this point first you'll have to convince me they are valid.
No i dont
The issue with me is greenthumbs honesty,not his strains

Its common knowledge that dr spams and lies,very common

And i assume anyone affiliated with him must be as well,
I know 2 seed companies that wont carry his gear cause they dont trust him
And dont say that he wont use 2nd party sellers cause hes contacted 1 i know 100%
So you have no proof, you assume anyone affiliated with him lies & spams (I assume that means any grow report is a lie/spam?) but you also want us to trust your opinion based on insider info.

Sorry but I'll base my opinion on my past experience growing his seeds which always were top shelf. I don't really pay attention to any seed marketing, so I don't have an opinion about your comments about that. I don't think the way you're going about it is appropriate, it's an asshole move if you're wrong & if you're right it's the worst way to get your point across. I'd take a long look at your own actions before assuming the high road & criticising someone else.
This is a public forum and im entitled to give my opinions
Its not my fault the guy isnt trusted

Of course you are & I'm not saying don't share your opinion. There's more & less effective ways to get it across, it's also up to you whether you acknowledge others opinions about you or if you presume your right & can do no wrong.
So you have no proof, you assume anyone affiliated with him lies & spams (I assume that means any grow report is a lie/spam?) but you also want us to trust your opinion based on insider info.

Sorry but I'll base my opinion on my past experience growing his seeds which always were top shelf. I don't really pay attention to any seed marketing, so I don't have an opinion about your comments about that. I don't think the way you're going about it is appropriate, it's an asshole move if you're wrong & if you're right it's the worst way to get your point across. I'd take a long look at your own actions before assuming the high road & criticising someone else.
That fine,i was just stating my opinion,you rule your own life,all is good and the world will keep turning
I guess i could be like that guy unclebuck and call everyone dickless or racist,but nah,i prefer not to
I just dont trust greenthumb and would never buy his gear,im loathe liars
It also doesnt take a ton of skill to self a clone that someone else worked to breed,or find a select phenotype
If u feel im being rude i wont apologize,im just straight forward is all,i dont believe in sugar coating
I will apologize for assuming dr gruber is a liar or spammer
Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt and i do hope he gets through his family troubles ok

Ill leave it there
Grow on
Simco is a putz and has NO IDEA what's he's talking about. I am friends with Dr. Gruber, and we have exchanged seeds numerous times. He is not Dr. GreenThumb, as he lives in MI, not Canada to begin with. Although he does have a releationship with Dr. GT, I have read reports on strains that were not 'glowing".......there are always people who come up with this crapola, but you are dead wrong on multiple accounts. If you don't like his threads, or can offer something constructive, stay the **** out of his threads.
I think your action are self defeating. What advantage is there in trolling this thread (especially in this specific context where people where offering condolences & it was basically dead) when you could have started a separate thread? The disadvantage is you come across as unreasonable with an ax to grind. On the internet that seriously diminishes the value of your opinion to someone looking at it objectively. Especially because you're putting your word against someone else's. Does that mean every person in this thread is one of Doc alter ego's?

Do you understand the point I'm making? If you have valid complaints based on personal experience that's important info to share. At this point it's coming across as irrationally biased based on ethical/moral value, but objectively you're coming across as the person of poor ethics based on how you're going about it.

Do what ya want & all the power to ya if you think this is effective. At this point though I'm going to have to say the same thing you're saying;

"I have a right to express my opinion that you're being an ass & everyone should take your opinions with a grain of salt because you apparently have some personal axe to grind."

Have a good one & keep it green
I will apologize for assuming dr gruber is a liar or spammer
Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt and i do hope he gets through his family troubles ok

Ill leave it there
Grow on

Good on ya for acknowledging your mistake, takes a big person to step up & apologise.
Im not wrong about greenthumb having multiple accounts on forums
That is 100% true

Look up biggybuds,there are a few other spam names he has used