GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

the bud was ready within a day... actually it look less than a day to dry.

yes, the smoke is smooth
no, it doesn't have a smell
no, it doesn't have a taste
yes, its potent as all get out.

it lost a little bit of weight but its all good to me.

You can smoke this in front of the police and they wouldn't be able to tell.

I have another jar that is getting watercured right now. I taken the ppms today and will be taking the ppms of the of the final day. why? to see if the 7th day has lower ppms than the 6th day...
My 2nd jar of water cured bud. I checked the ppms today ( last day) and they were 80ppms. Seems that there is a drop on day 7 which I would have thought. You can actually finish on day 6.

I recorded a few days so here is goes:

meter is hm ( I used distilled water)
1/09 - filled the jar with distilled water
1/10 -1612 ppms
1/11 808 ppms
1/12 405 ppms
1/13 220 ppms
1/14- no idea*
1/15 - 90ppms
1/16 - 80ppms

* it seems that the ppms drop by 50% each day until it gets to day 6. I would take a educated guess and say that on 1/14, the ppms were probably around the 100's. knowing that.. you could possibly stop water curing on that day..

wq wq.jpg
My 2nd jar of water cured bud. I checked the ppms today ( last day) and they were 80ppms. Seems that there is a drop on day 7 which I would have thought. You can actually finish on day 6.

I recorded a few days so here is goes:

meter is hm ( I used distilled water)
1/09 - filled the jar with distilled water
1/10 -1612 ppms
1/11 808 ppms
1/12 405 ppms
1/13 220 ppms
1/14- no idea*
1/15 - 90ppms
1/16 - 80ppms

* it seems that the ppms drop by 50% each day until it gets to day 6. I would take a educated guess and say that on 1/14, the ppms were probably around the 100's. knowing that.. you could possibly stop water curing on that day..

View attachment 1384572

Thats good to know. Thanks for taking the time to record and share your findings. When I describe water curing, I always mention changing the water out every day for the first three days, and then every other day for days 4-7. I had assumed all along what your research proves, that the material dissolved away in the water would substantially decrease with each water change. I'm curious if your weight loss coincided with the loss of particles dissolved off of the buds. I lost almost 50% weight, from weed that was nearly dry at the beginning of the process.

The attachment shows two buds from the same harvest. The one on the left was water cured. The one on the right was not. I wish there were a way to preserve the terpinoids with water curing, as I hate having the taste and aroma reduced. If you have skunk weed that is smelling up your house and you need to do away with the smell, water cure. Your bud will be almost odorless after a water cure.
something interesting happen in my current water cure test, the water become a bit purple after a day.
my buds had some purple color in them but to see the color in the water was wired.
i wonder what is the substance that makes the purple color.

I just finished watering curing about 1/2 a jar of nugs from my last grow.

I used a standard quart jar and filled it about 40% full with buds. Then I filled the jar to the absolute brim with water, careful not to disturb the buds much, and placed a lid on it. Then I poked 9 holes in the lid.

I did a 6 day cure. For the first 4 days I exchanged the water every 12 hours. Days 5 and 6 were 24 hour soakings. I used a food dehydrator at 95 degrees to dry the buds on the middle tray. It took about 3.5 hours to dry them evenly, about 1/2 the time required for buds straight off the plant.

The end result is a loss of around 40% of volume. I don't have a scale, but I'd imagine some weight will go along with the volume loss.

The smell is 99% gone. Not all of it, but compared to the original nugs these are practically scentless.

The taste actually isn't all gone. Some of that remained. A kind of sweet, clean, mostly weed taste. Gentle on the pallet and devoid of the earthy/peppery flavor (like chianti) present in the jar cured batches.

The high is equivalent. If it is less potent, then not enough to be noticeable. I'll have to get some reactions and opinions of other people as well.

The look darker. I don't know how to describe it. Not really brown, or purple, just darker. They appear to be "tighter" but when I give them a squeeze they aren't that much more dense (they were pebbles anyway).

I am totally sold on water curing for personal stash. I think that next time around I will save the extracted water, freeze it, and try to find a way to extract the trichomes that are lost in the process in order to measure the THC loss and to see if it is worth the effort of making extracts from the "bud tea."

The first four changings were INSANE. Funky ass brownish/green water with a bunk smell to it. The last two changings were much different, cleaner, but murky. They had a better smell to them too and I imagine that there might be a way of removing the vast majority of the funk but still leave in a bit of flavor by timing the cure just right.

I have a few more jars that are going to be getting the treatment over the next few weeks. I have hated the idea of inhaling funky stuff and now that I know water curing isn't going to diminish the high I think I'll be sharing my experience with others while I water cure a few more ounces.
I've had mildew, and yes, water curing got rid of it. In fact, I searched for a method to help me get rid of Powdery Mildew and I ran across this exact same guide, posted several years ago. It even had the same pictures and was word for word. It might have been this exact guide.

This process reduced my 10 oz with the start of PM down to 5.5 ounces when done. The bud was hard and tight as hell when done. Smooth smoke and no sign of mildew or mold.

ive got some powdery mildew on my LSD. i cut her down 2 days ago, and shes been hangin in the closet since. im going to try to get some ph down from a friend tomorrow, because my RO machine puts out water at 8.9

after that, ill start water curing some of the nugs. ive seen enough side by sides and testimonials in this thread to not try it haha

edit: ive also got some trim that i was going to make iso hash with. im thinking of water curing the popcorn nugs and the trim before i make the hash from it. im thinking the taste, smell, etc. wont be there. so i can shake the stuff in the jar with the iso for longer, without it leaking into the alcohol and ending up in the hash
Very interesting 3 year old thread.... glad its been reborn so I can soak up some of the knowledge from you fine people.

So you can use a food dehydrator to dry the bud after you water cure it? I take it that's because all the extra shit is gone and all that's left is callyx and water. Would anyone be able to recommend changing the water more frequently than twice daily if it starts getting too cloudy?

I should be harvesting in the next two to three weeks. I have seven strong LST colas and one small one that never worked up to the rest of the canopy. Ill cut that one a week early and water cure it to decide if I want to use it on the rest of my plant.
do u think if someone dried their nugs a bit too much, they could start water curing, and end up with good stuff in the end? does water curing NEED to be right after harvesting? what if we dried/cured as normal, and THEN water cure, to get out all the extra crap out
sweet thread im wondering if anyone has tried to water cure for like 3 days to get out 'most' of the crap then hang dry for a couple days then jar cure for a week or so and maybe some of the smell/taste will return.
Goddamn fucking dealers/users. That fucking pisses me off. I thought all this time THC is water soluble and it's not. What the Fuck. Oh well, this water curing seems interesting. I'm going to try it out for my next harvest.

Dude wtf you have like 200 posts on this site and you don't know that....:twisted:
For those of you who like the edibles, water cured is the only way to go. It eliminates that funky taste ,and the color is not the nasty color. Try it you'll like it !
So I've been reading about the water cure for a few months now while my girls have been having a blast, and I finally decided to try. Long story short, a hurricane obliterated a couple of my babies, forcing me to get whatever I could about 3/4 of the way through flowering (they were rooted in ground, nothing I could've done). Anyway, I was left with about 100g wet. I thought about doing the water cure immediately, but something about immersing my flowers in H2O... I wasn't so keen about. SO, I decided to attempt the standard air dry/jar cure on the schwaggiest bud I've ever seen. After a couple weeks, it was still earthy, harsh, and nowhere near what my good nugs were like 2 weeks into curing, so I figured a water cure couldn't hurt more than it could help. I followed this guide, using a food dehydrator from the 70s (it's wooden... maybe 80s, but my point is that this thing is OLD) to dry, using the lowest setting for about 4 hours.

Most of this was small nugs, with the largest being 1.5g dry after the water cure. All I can say is wow... I hit a 0.4g J and I was zoning. It felt like I had just taken an L to the face of my good bud. I was 100% skeptical of this method before I was desperate to save some harvest, but let me tell you, this works wonders. I'm no expert whatsoever, but when I say schwag, I'm talking really loose buds with some bud rot here and there and possibly afflicted by root rot due to the hurricane. Before the water cure, it got to the point where I felt like I was doing more damage to myself than any high that was present when I hit a bowl, even out of my bong.

Needless to say, I'm so very thankful I came across this. I hope this helps someone who is skeptical, as I once was. It WORKS!!!

In terms of taste/smell, when I hit a J in the apartment, my roommates said it smelled like burning rolling paper and that's it. My hands smelled the same way, but absolutely no stereotypical ganj smell. I wouldn't be afraid to hit this in the most public of places on a hot sunny day.

Edit: I forgot to add, in nug form, it smells like nothing at all, save for a little earthy, but in a good way. It burns stupidly smooth, and, as promised, all my ash is white as snow. I was looking at my J in disbelief when the end was whiter than the paper that just burned away. Perfect medicine, if you ask me.
Fine by me. While I probably won't be doing it with my regular harvest, its perfect for the stuff that just isn't appealing or is too harsh, etc. 1g of water cured schwag hits me harder than 1g of regular cured headies.
I'll be trying this with a small bit of the greens. Great post and extremely easy to follow, well done and thanks for the info
This thread was started in 2008 and bumped just now when it was nearly a year old (based on latest comment).
I wouldn't expect anyone to write in this thread anymore.

People usually don't bump year old threads.