Greetings from eastern Canada!


Active Member
Hello there, Roll It Up! I'm pretty new to the site and just thought I'd introduce myself. I live in New Brunswick, Canada and am planning on starting my first grow this spring. The site's already been a great help in so far as helping me determine how I'll go about getting started on the road to growing my own! It's great to find a place where experienced growers from all over the world can come together to share their knowledge with beginners like myself. I look forward to meeting and learning from as many of you as I possibly can and wish you all a very happy harvest in 2010 and beyond!


Well-Known Member
Welcome, my friend! Nice to have some out-easters on RIU! And I agree, RIU is a frickin gold mine of info. Enjoy the ride!


Active Member
Thank you, my fellow Canuck!!! Definitely good to be here. Have learned TONS just reading through the forums these past few months. I'll let you know when I start 'er up!


Active Member
Nice! Welcome!!!:bigjoint: Haha! Any experience w/Ontario Seed Bank? I was thinking they'd be good to order from if I want to keep in in the country. Peace


Greetings all from yet another herring choker. Our climate here can be challenging here at 45.46° north but we will prevail.