Greetings New England newbe here.


New Member
Hello, just joined this forum yesterday. I am a child of the 60's. class of 67. I am going to start a small experiment outside. I have decided to purchase some good quality fem seeds that can handle a growing season starting in mid April(plant) to the first week in oct. I have well lighted outdoor space(s), and lots of compost. I think a dozen seeds is all I want to deal with. Can anyone recommend a quality seed type for my area and a place to buy them reasonably. Thanks in advance for any help. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
There is a seeds tab on RIU. I have personally ordered from Attitude and Herbies and was happy with both. When you go to the sites, there are lots of great advanced search features to help you decide on a strain.

Good luck and welcome aboard.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU oldgold49er....
Pick a seed you have smoked and liked...
Grow 4 plants of each type, so maybe 3 types...
Have fun...
New England... Corn here is "Knee high by the fourth of July"
So I plan on putting in ground some clones around mid June...
Good Luck on the Grow...


New Member
I have heard Kaya Gold Feminized is a good New England outdoor plant. It is durable and apparently good for noobs. Nirvanashop has them. I live in this area as well. I just started some bag seeds recently to get some practice while i wait for my super duper seeds to arrive. Depending on where in NE you are i would not put them out until memorial day weekend to be honest. Its just to up and down in temps.


Active Member
...I also am a child of the 60's....I personnal recommend Pineapple Express by G13 can get them thru Attitude or Barneys....this is a great seed....indoor or outdoor....enjoy sir....


New Member
Thanks for the welcome. I will try to order seeds tomorrow. I have tried to order twice and get hug up on page 2 where it asks for form of payment. I do understand about the frost we can get up here till 5/31. In the past, I have covered the new plants with clear plastic soda bottles with the bottoms cut off, each evening when frost threats, then remove them after the sun is up in the AM. oldgold out.


Well-Known Member
As a fellow NewEnglander welcome to riu, I'm an indoor grower so can't help much but best of luck with your grow.