Greetz from Malta - Europe


Active Member

Im from the teeny tiny island of Malta, south of Italy. I'm really excited to find a forum with so many members all dedicated to my favorite herb..

Anyone else from Malta? I would be really surprised if there were!



Active Member
how many people live in malta,oh yeah welcome DJ
According to wikipedia its about 419k on an island with 121 sq miles, that's 3,322/sq mi, making it by far the most densely populated country in Europe and one of the highest in the world. It also has the strictest penalties for possession and dealing in Europe and its therefor extremely difficult to find bud - far from a smokers paradise. :evil:


Well-Known Member
welcome to Rollitup. Malta is great my cousin was there once, i saw their movie it looked like Paradise.


Well-Known Member
I love malta. It's my life goal to go. Such a beautiful Island. I'd like to try some Rabbit...I hear it's really good there.