Grey Goose as fertalizer


Well-Known Member
My friend thinks you can do this and wonders if it would have any effect on the end result.

He wants to put a teaspoon of goose per gallon of water.

I think all it will do is fuck up the roots and screw with the Ph balance but thats just my opinion.

What do you think??


Active Member
dont waste expensive ass vodka and risk killing your plants
I'm the friend an we are going to start growing soon an i just wanted to know if it would help it, kill it, or do nothing
i think that too much would kill it but just a little would help with the flavor
thats why we are asking


Active Member
They make flavor additives. I bet even a small amount will either kill it or cripple it to the point of retardation. It's like drinking while pregnant you just don't do it.


Active Member
If you're really intent on doing it, buy a shitty 1.99 plant at your florist or grocery store and try it on that, don't risk your beautiful MJ plants first.


Well-Known Member
omg I used grey goose last night, my budz doubled in size overnight! shit is amazing, better than bat poo and everthingz!!!